Does Publisher work?

First of all congratulations to metaquotes for an outstanding package. I have demoed several other forex trading software and MT is the best and most versatile hands down. Yes there are a few bugs but what software doesn't. Anyway..

I am having trouble getting the publisher to work and ftp to my website. I have set it up just like the help file suggests but get...

"Publisher: error connecting to"

message in my journal. I thought I might check here to see if this option is working or if the problem is on my end. By the way the email option works for me and that is a nice feature.

Publishing works fine for me..

What exactly does the e-mail feature do? I haven't really paid much attention to that...

Thanks for that confirmation. I now know it is a problem on my end and will look into some more.

What exactly does the e-mail feature do? I haven't really paid much attention to that...

Once you have the email setup/enabled in your options you can send an email from an indicator or expert notifying you of a market condition you specify. I use it to text message to my mobile phone when I am away from computer and I want to be notified if a price hits a certain point...

         if (Close[0] <= priceSup1 && priceSup1 != 0.0)
            SendMail("From your expert", "Price dropped down to target");
How the heck do you get it to send you a sms? That would be really handy....
Your phone service must allow text messages...

In the "From:", input a valid email address on your SMTP server.
In the "To:', input the number address that you recieve text messages at.

The above code will send a text message with the a subject and body.
I'll try about alerts to the phone?