MetaTrader 4 Build 183 - page 2


I have not encountered these, but I have read in another thread here, that the error occurs when multiple experts want to trade at the same time. The user there said that he implemented some sort of semaphore (probably by creating/checking/setting a global variable that indicates that an expert instance is currently doing a trade).

hi, thank you very much for the effort but it is not this problem. the systen trades only with one expert. since 183 though the mt can get stuck in the trade context busy, until you restart the system. typical case, i am off to work, and come to see that my logs are flooded ordersend/ordermodify etc. i check the connection is still on, the datastreams are up to date. i initiate a few manual testbookings, nope still trade context busy. i disable the experts wait half an hour, trade again, still trade context busy. i restart mt4, everything works like a charm.
Very annoying. Especially since I check my trades with IsTradeAllowed(). The function comes back with a true, I trade and *booom* get a Tradecontextbusy-error.

I use the IsTradeAllowed(), and still I get the error too. I guess restarting is a work around, but that is rediculous. What is going on?