Taking partial profits?

Hi All,

My strategy requeires that I take partial profits along the way. So if I enter an order (long) with say 3 lots, how do I set the "take profits" order to only sell 1 lot, instead of closing the whole position?

Just give it the amount of lots you want to close in the OrderClose() function.

How would you do this in MT3?

I have tried just about everything I can think of.

It won't let me assign Lots to anything and if I make another defined variable smaller than Lots it gives me weird errors...

So how would I do this???... here is some code for example... {this code doesn't work as soon as I remove the close order line the errors disappear.}

Lots: 0.30

Defines: LotTP1(0.10);

If Bid-OrderValue(cnt,VAL_OPENPRICE)>40*Point AND Reset2==0 AND
          Bid-OrderValue(cnt,VAL_OPENPRICE)<75*Point and OrderValue(cnt,VAL_LOTS)>LotTP1 Then

well I might have figured it out finally......

If Reset2==2 and OrderValue(cnt,VAL_LOTS)>LotTP Then