My Mql Channel suddenly disappeared yesterday and don't know how ?


Pls guide me , i have grown this channel with lots of efforts , but somehow not able to find the channel now , why it happened. i want my channel back  its having 250+ subscribers.

i have never scam anyone . just pure analysis and signals were sharing  


We (on the forum) do not know about who is the owner of the channels and which channel was disappeared and why sorry.
You can go to your Profile - Messages - My
to see your channels.

If your channel does not exist there so it may be you close the channel or admins (service desk or channel moderators) closed the channel.
We on the forum have nothing to do with it.

then whom to ask and solve my issue . its like round robin support people ask me to take solution from forum and now forum ask me to to take solution from support desk , what happening here 
Deval Ashok Shirsat #: then whom to ask and solve my issue . its like round robin support people ask me to take solution from forum and now forum ask me to to take solution from support desk , what happening here 

@Sergey Golubev already answered. Contact the Service DeskContacts and requests