adding expiration date and or locking EA to a specific account #


I am pretty new to coding. I was trying to cut and paste code for putting an expiration date and/or locking the ea to a specific account #... Can anyone show me how to do that or just do it? 

Here is the code that i tried. I have an mt4 and mt5 EA.. On all threads that i have read people say that it is easy... I think I must be a moron.

Can someone help.

datetime expiryDate = D'2023.2.15 00:00'; 
int OnInit()
      Alert("The EA has expired... ");
FINALmtmEA.mq5  37 kb
HamEA.mq4  50 kb
Please don't post randomly in any section. Your topic has been moved to the section: Expert Advisors and Automated Trading

This is old code but most of it is still valid for both MQL4 and MQL5 and can be adapted to an Indicator or EA. Use it as a reference and adapt it to your own needs:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

EA limit code

Fernando Carreiro, 2017.09.10 22:17

Here is a sample of my own code that I use, but it is up to you to implement properly. I'm not offering any support on it. It is up to you to do the necessary research and learning.

// Initialisation Event Function
int OnInit()
   // Check Licensing Restrictions
   if( boolRestrictOnInit() ) return( INIT_FAILED );

   // ...

   return( INIT_SUCCEEDED );  // Initialisation complete
// Tick Event Function
void OnTick()
   // Check Licensing Restrictions
   if( boolRestrictOnTick() ) return;
   /// ...
// Function to Test Restrictions during Initialisation
bool boolRestrictOnInit()
   boolRestrictions =
      boolRestrictExpiration     ||
      boolRestrictAccountNumber  ||
      boolRestrictAccountName    ||
      boolRestrictAccountServer  ||
      boolRestrictAccountCompany ||
      boolRestrictDemoAccount    ||

   if( boolRestrictions )
      boolRestrictionsUnverified = true;

      if( (bool) TerminalInfoInteger( TERMINAL_CONNECTED ) )
         long longAccountNumber = AccountInfoInteger( ACCOUNT_LOGIN );
         if( longAccountNumber > 0 )
            if( boolRestrictAccountNumber )
               { if( longAccountNumber                        != longRestrictAccountNumber )
                  { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); } }
            if( boolRestrictAccountName )
               { if( AccountInfoString( ACCOUNT_NAME )        != strRestrictAccountName    )
                  { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); } }
            if( boolRestrictAccountServer )
               { if( AccountInfoString( ACCOUNT_SERVER )      != strRestrictAccountServer  )
                  { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); } }
            if( boolRestrictAccountCompany )
               { if( AccountInfoString( ACCOUNT_COMPANY )     != strRestrictAccountCompany )
                  { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); } }
            if( boolRestrictDemoAccount )
               { if( AccountInfoInteger( ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE ) != ACCOUNT_TRADE_MODE_DEMO   )
                  { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); } }
            if( boolRestrictSymbols() )
               { return( boolRestrictAlert() ); }

            boolRestrictionsUnverified = false;
   return( false );
// Function to Test Variations of Restricted Symbols
bool boolRestrictSymbols()
   if( boolRestrictSymbols )
      int intSymbolCount = ArraySize( strRestrictSymbols );
      if( intSymbolCount == 0 ) return( false );
      for( int i = 0; i < intSymbolCount; i++ )
         if( StringFind( _Symbol, strRestrictSymbols[i] ) != WRONG_VALUE ) return( false );
            intLen  = StringLen( strRestrictSymbols[i] ),
            intHalf = intLen / 2;
            strLeft  = StringSubstr( strRestrictSymbols[i], 0, intHalf ),
            strRight = StringSubstr( strRestrictSymbols[i], intHalf, intLen - intHalf );
         if( ( StringFind( _Symbol, strLeft  ) != WRONG_VALUE ) &&
             ( StringFind( _Symbol, strRight ) != WRONG_VALUE )    )
            return( false );
      return( true );
   return( false );
// Function to Test Expiration during Tick Events
bool boolRestrictOnTick()
   if( boolRestrictions )
      if( boolRestrictionsUnverified )
         return( boolRestrictOnInit() );
      if( boolRestrictExpiration && ( TimeCurrent() >= dtRestrictExpiration ) )
         return( boolRestrictAlert()  );
   return( false );
// Function to Alert User of Licensing Restrictions and Remove Code from Execution
bool boolRestrictAlert()
   if( boolRestrictAlert )
      MessageBox( strRestrictAlertMessage, strRestrictAlertCaption, MB_ICONERROR );
   return( true );
//      Variables for Handling of Licensing Restrictions
   boolRestrictExpiration     = false, // Set to true, to use an Experation Date
   boolRestrictAccountNumber  = false, // Set to true for Restricting by Account Number
   boolRestrictAccountName    = false, // Set to true for Restricting by Account Name
   boolRestrictAccountServer  = false, // Set to true for Restricting by Account Server
   boolRestrictAccountCompany = false, // Set to true for Restricting by Account Company
   boolRestrictDemoAccount    = false, // Set to true, to only allow Demo Accounts
   boolRestrictSymbols        = false, // Set to true, to only allow certain Symbols
   boolRestrictAlert          = true,  // Display Alert Message when Restrictions apply
   boolRestrictionsUnverified = false, // DO NOT CHANGE. For internal use only!
   boolRestrictions           = false; // DO NOT CHANGE. For internal use only!
   dtRestrictExpiration       = D'2017.03.31';  // Restricted by Expration Date
   longRestrictAccountNumber  = 123456789;      // Restricted by Account Number
   strRestrictAccountName     = "Client Name",  // Restricted by Account Name
   strRestrictAccountServer   = "Server Name",  // Restricted by Account Server
   strRestrictAccountCompany  = "Company Name", // Restricted by Account Company
   strRestrictSymbols[]       = { "EURUSD", "GBPJPY", "NZDCAD" }, // Restricted Symbols
   strRestrictAlertCaption    = "Restrictions", // Alert Message Box Caption
   strRestrictAlertMessage    =
      "ATTENTION! Due to Licensing Restrictions, code execution has been blocked!";
      // Message to be used when Restrictions have been detected
I need this for mt4 and mt5, i am sure that the code is different than the one that you just posted. Thanks for the help.
quicksilvertrading #: I need this for mt4 and mt5, i am sure that the code is different than the one that you just posted. Thanks for the help.

Did I not state that the code I provided works on both MQL4 and MQL5?

"This is old code but most of it is still valid for both MQL4 and MQL5 and can be adapted to an Indicator or EA. Use it as a reference and adapt it to your own needs:"

Why do you say that it is not?

Also, remember to use the strict property at the begining of the file in MQL4:

#property strict