Programming tutorials - page 9


SQL Select Statements Using NBA Data In R

SQL Select Statements Using NBA Data In R

Hey guys! Welcome to this video on the R programming language. In this tutorial, we're going to explore executing SELECT statements from SQL using R and work with NBA (National Basketball Association) data. So, let's dive right in!

The first thing we need to do is load the SQL package. If you don't already have it installed, you can install it by running the command 'install.packages("sqldf")'. Since I already have it installed, I will simply load the package using 'library(sqldf)'.

Next, we'll load the 'xlsx' package, which allows us to read Excel files. If you haven't installed it yet, you can do so with 'install.packages("xlsx")'. Since I have it installed, I'll load it using 'library(xlsx)'.

Now that we have both packages loaded, let's proceed to read in the Cavaliers (Cavs) data. The Cavs are an NBA team, and we'll be querying their player data. To read the data from an Excel file, we'll use the 'read.xlsx' function. In this case, the data is stored on my C drive, so I'll specify the file path accordingly. For example, 'C:/Desktop/data.xlsx'. Additionally, we'll mention the sheet name as 'Sheet1'.

After successfully reading the data, we can examine the structure of the 'Cavs' data frame. It consists of 17 observations (rows) and 9 variables (columns). The variables include player names, positions, heights, weights, birthdates, ages, experience, and schools attended.

To clean up the data, we'll select specific columns of interest and store them in a new data frame called 'Cavs_cleaned'. We'll exclude the 'height' and 'exp' columns, as they contain formatting issues and are not relevant for our analysis.

Now that the data is cleaned, we can start executing SQL SELECT statements using the 'sqldf' function. Let's begin by selecting all columns from the 'Cavs' table. We'll use the statement 'SELECT * FROM Cavs' to retrieve all rows and columns from the table.

Next, we'll select only the 'player' and 'school' columns from the 'Cavs' table. This can be done using the SQL statement 'SELECT player, school FROM Cavs'.

In the following query, we'll select all players whose names start with the letter 'I'. We'll use the SQL statement 'SELECT * FROM Cavs WHERE player LIKE "I%"' to achieve this. The '%' symbol acts as a wildcard, matching any characters that follow the 'I' in the player names.

To retrieve specific information, let's select LeBron James' age and weight. We'll use the SQL statement 'SELECT age, weight FROM Cavs WHERE player = "LeBron James"' to obtain his age and weight from the 'Cavs' table.

Now, let's count the number of players for each unique age on the team roster. We'll use the SQL statement 'SELECT age, COUNT(age) FROM Cavs GROUP BY age' to achieve this. The result will display each unique age and the corresponding count of players.

To order the players based on their age, we'll use the SQL statement 'SELECT player, age FROM Cavs ORDER BY age DESC'. This will arrange the players from the oldest to the youngest based on their age.

Lastly, let's select only the guards (players with the 'G' position) who are older than 28. We can achieve this by executing the SQL statement 'SELECT player, position, age FROM Cavs WHERE position = "G" AND age > 28'.

In the next part of the video, we're going to perform some data filtering and aggregation operations on the Cavs roster. So let's dive into it.

Let's start by selecting all players whose weight is greater than 220 pounds. We can achieve this using the SQL WHERE clause. Here's the code:

heavy_players <- SQLDF("SELECT * FROM Cavs WHERE weight > 220")

By executing this query, we retrieve a new data frame called heavy_players that contains the information of players whose weight exceeds 220 pounds. You can explore this data frame further to analyze the results.

Now, let's move on to aggregating the data. We will calculate the average age of the players on the Cavs roster. Here's how you can do it:

average_age <- SQLDF("SELECT AVG(age) AS average_age FROM Cavs")

Executing this query gives us a result with the average age of all the players in the average_age variable. You can print it or use it for further calculations.

Next, let's find the maximum weight among the players. We can use the SQL MAX() function for this purpose:

max_weight <- SQLDF("SELECT MAX(weight) AS max_weight FROM Cavs")

This query retrieves the maximum weight from the Cavs table and stores it in the max_weight variable.

Now, let's filter the data to select players whose age is between 25 and 30. Here's the code:

young_players <- SQLDF("SELECT * FROM Cavs WHERE age BETWEEN 25 AND 30")

Executing this query creates a new data frame called young_players that contains the information of players within the specified age range.

Finally, let's sort the players based on their height in ascending order:

sorted_players <- SQLDF("SELECT * FROM Cavs ORDER BY height ASC")

By running this query, we obtain a data frame named sorted_players that contains the players sorted by their height in ascending order.

That wraps up our demonstration of SQL queries using the R programming language on the NBA Cavs data. I hope you found this video informative and helpful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know in the comments section below. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated with more R programming tutorials. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

SQL Select Statements Using NBA Data In R
SQL Select Statements Using NBA Data In R
  • 2017.11.12
SQL Select statements using R Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tut...

Twitter Mining Extracting Tweets In R

Twitter Mining Extracting Tweets In R

Hey, guys, and welcome to this video on Twitter mining with our very own tool. Here, I'm on a website called, where I've written an article to help you set up your own Twitter developer account and start mining tweets using RStudio. In this video, we'll go through the steps outlined in the article, so you can get started with Twitter mining yourself. I'll make sure to include the link to the article in the description below, so you can read it and follow along.

First, let's talk about the prerequisites. To get started, you'll need RStudio and a Twitter application account. Additionally, you'll need a Twitter developer's account. The article provides detailed instructions on how to set up your Twitter application, so be sure to check it out. Once you have these accounts set up, we can move on to the next steps.

Next, we need to install and load the necessary R packages. The article lists the specific packages you'll need for this process. Make sure to install and load them in RStudio before proceeding.

After that, we'll set up the Twitter authentication. Again, the article provides step-by-step instructions on how to do this. Follow the guidelines to authenticate your RStudio environment with the Twitter API. This authentication process is crucial for accessing Twitter's data.

Finally, we'll extract tweets using the search Twitter function. In the video, we'll use a pre-configured RStudio environment, so we won't need to go through the entire setup process. We can directly run the search Twitter function.

The search Twitter function takes a few parameters. First, we specify the search string, which represents the keyword or topic we want to search for. We also define the number of rows or tweets we want to retrieve, and the language of the tweets. In the video, the example searches for NBA tweets.

Once we execute the search Twitter function, it retrieves the specified number of tweets related to the given search criteria. The video displays three retrieved tweets. We can modify the search criteria to explore different topics, such as the Winter Olympics or the movie "Black Panther." The search Twitter function allows us to extract tweets and analyze them further.

By saving the extracted tweets in a CSV or text file, you can perform various analyses, including sentiment analysis. For example, you could analyze people's sentiment towards Bitcoin or any other topic of interest.

That concludes our demonstration of the search Twitter function and the basics of Twitter mining using RStudio. If you found this video helpful, please let me know in the comments below. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to my channel for more videos on Twitter mining. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

Twitter Mining Extracting Tweets In R
Twitter Mining Extracting Tweets In R
  • 2018.02.17
Twitter MiningA step by step guide to extracting tweets or twitter data from twitter !Article on How to set up Twitter Mining Yourself:

Sentiment Analysis R Programming

Sentiment Analysis R Programming

Hey, guys, and welcome to this video on the Art programming language. In this video, we're going to explore an exciting topic: sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is the process of computationally identifying and categorizing the expressed opinions in a piece of text. It allows us to determine whether the writer's attitude towards the subject is negative, neutral, or positive. So let's dive right in and get started!

The first thing we need to do is install the necessary package for sentiment analysis. You can use the command install.packages("our sentiment") to install the required package. Since I already have it installed, I'll skip running this command. Next, we'll load the "our sentiment" package using the library(our sentiment) function.

The "our sentiment" package provides several useful functions. One of them is called calculate_total_presence_sentiment. We'll use this function to analyze a vector of text sentences. In this example, I'll use the following sentences: "This is a good text," "This is a bad text," "This is a really bad text," and "This is horrible." After entering the vector and executing the command, we can observe that three of the sentences have a negative sentiment, while only one has a positive sentiment.

Now, to determine which sentence corresponds to which sentiment, we can use the calculate_sentiment function. By copying the previous command and running it again, we get a clear mapping between the text and its sentiment. In this case, "This is a good text" is classified as positive.

If you prefer numerical values instead of sentiment labels, you can use the calculate_score function. By copying and executing the command, we obtain the corresponding scores for each sentence. In this example, all the sentences have a negative score of -1.

I hope you found this video on sentiment analysis in the Art programming language interesting. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share this video if you found it helpful. Thank you for watching, and I'll see you in the next video!

Sentiment Analysis R Programming
Sentiment Analysis R Programming
  • 2018.04.10
Sentiment Analysis with the R programming language !Please Subscribe !►Websites:►C-Programming Tutorial:https://www.ude...

How to install R and install R Studio. How to use R studio | R programming for beginners

How to install R and install R Studio. How to use R studio | R programming for beginners

In this video, we will discuss the process of downloading and installing R. Additionally, we will cover the download and installation of RStudio, along with a brief introduction on how to use it. If you're interested in learning R programming, you've come to the right place. This YouTube channel offers a wide range of R programming videos, covering various topics.

Let's begin with the download and installation of R. It's a relatively straightforward process, but it's important to know where to find it. To download R, you need to visit the R Project website ( Once you're on the website, click on the "Download R" option. You will then be prompted to choose your download location. For example, if you're in Ireland, you can select the Ireland option. Since you're using an Apple Mac, choose the option to download R for Mac. Make sure to download the latest release. Once the download is complete, install R like any other software application.

After downloading and installing R, I recommend downloading and installing RStudio. In my opinion, RStudio is the best platform for writing R code. To get RStudio, visit the RStudio website and click on the "Download RStudio" option. You can download and install the free version of RStudio, as the paid versions are primarily for enterprise use. Choose the appropriate platform for your computer (in this case, Mac). Once the download is complete, install RStudio like any other software application.

When you launch RStudio, you'll be greeted with the RStudio interface. To help you become familiar with it, let's briefly discuss the four quadrants of the interface. At the top left, you'll find the code editor, where you write your R code. In this example, I've written a single line of code. When you run the code, it will appear in the bottom left quadrant called the console. If the code generates any output, it will be displayed in the console as well.

To run the code, simply select the line and press "Command + Enter" on a Mac (shortcut may vary on a PC). You'll see the code executed in the console. To zoom in on any of the quadrants, you can use keyboard shortcuts like "Shift + Control + 1" to focus on the code or "Shift + Control + 0" to view all four quadrants.

Moving on to the top right quadrant, you'll find the environment. This is where objects and functions created during your R session will be displayed. Objects can be created by assigning data to a variable. For example, by assigning the result of reading a CSV file to the variable "mydata," we create an object. To zoom in on the environment, use the "Shift + Control + 8" shortcut.

Lastly, the bottom right quadrant contains various tabs, such as "Files," "Plots," "Packages," and "Help." The "Files" tab allows you to navigate your hard drive and access files and folders. The "Plots" tab displays any plots or visualizations generated during your R session. The "Packages" tab provides a way to install and manage additional packages that extend R's functionality. We'll cover packages in more detail in another video. Finally, the "Help" tab is a valuable resource when you need information about specific functions or commands. By typing a function name preceded by a question mark, such as "?t.test," you can access detailed information and examples.

With this brief introduction to RStudio, you should feel comfortable downloading and installing both R and RStudio. There is much more to learn, and in the next video, we will cover importing data, installing packages, performing basic analysis, and starting a project. Stay tuned for more exciting content. Don't forget to subscribe to this channel and click the notification bell to receive updates on future videos.

How to install R and install R Studio. How to use R studio | R programming for beginners
How to install R and install R Studio. How to use R studio | R programming for beginners
  • 2019.01.28
This video will walk you through how to install R and how to install R studio. There is also a short introduction to R Studio. This is part of a series calle...

R programming for beginners - Why you should use R

R programming for beginners - Why you should use R

R, the free and open-source programming language, has gained immense popularity and become an invaluable tool in data analysis and statistical analysis. In this video, we'll explore why R is increasingly preferred over expensive commercially available alternatives like SPSS, Stata, and SAS.

One of the primary reasons for R's popularity is its cost-effectiveness. Being free and open-source, R offers a robust set of features and capabilities without the need for expensive licenses. This accessibility has led to a significant migration of users from other software packages to R, as indicated by the ongoing trends in the data analysis community.

Despite R being a programming language, which may seem intimidating to some, it is actually quite approachable. The video reassures viewers that using R is not difficult or scary. In fact, it is relatively intuitive and can be easily learned, thanks to the abundant support available from the vast R community.

A key advantage of using code in data analysis is reproducibility. By documenting and sharing your analysis in code form, others can precisely replicate your results and understand the steps you took to arrive at those conclusions. This promotes transparency and facilitates collaboration, allowing others to review, suggest improvements, or identify potential mistakes in the analysis. In contrast, point-and-click systems lack this level of transparency and collaboration.

Furthermore, code-based analysis is not only reproducible but also highly repeatable. If you acquire additional data in the future, you can simply rerun the analysis by executing the code, including data cleaning, manipulation, and analysis. This ensures that your entire workflow can be repeated effortlessly, providing consistency and efficiency.

One of the most exciting aspects of R being an open-source language is the vast number of packages available for specific data analytic tasks. These packages, created by developers worldwide, address a wide range of analytical challenges and can be freely installed and utilized in R. The video highlights the abundance of these packages, numbering in the thousands, which further expands the functionality and versatility of R for various data analysis needs.

R also excels in data visualization and graphics capabilities. The video emphasizes that in this regard, R surpasses any other available package. The rich visualization tools in R allow for the creation of informative and visually appealing graphs and plots, enhancing data exploration and presentation.

To illustrate that using a programming language like R is not difficult, the video provides a short demonstration. It showcases a simple data frame called "friends," displaying variables such as age and height. Through the demonstration, viewers witness how applying functions to objects in R allows for straightforward operations such as calculating means, plotting histograms, and examining correlations. This serves to debunk any fears or misconceptions about writing code and demonstrates that it is an accessible and manageable process.

In conclusion, R's growing popularity as a data analysis and statistical analysis tool can be attributed to its cost-effectiveness, reproducibility, repeatability, expansive package ecosystem, powerful visualization capabilities, and relative ease of use. The video series aims to guide viewers through various aspects of R, starting from installation and progressing to data analysis, manipulation, visualization, and even advanced topics like machine learning and AI. By following the channel's content, viewers can embark on their journey to learn and leverage the immense potential of R for their data analysis endeavors.

R programming for beginners - Why you should use R
R programming for beginners - Why you should use R
  • 2018.12.14
R programming is typically used to analyze data and do statistical analysis. In this video, I talk about why R is a better option than other statistical pack...

How to import data and install packages. R programming for beginners.

How to import data and install packages. R programming for beginners.

Welcome back to the SPAR programming video series, where we will guide you on how to get started with R programming. In this particular video, we will focus on creating a project and provide an explanation of what a project entails. Additionally, we will cover data importing, package installation, and data manipulation. By the end of this session, our aim is for you to feel empowered to perform tasks in R programming. So, let's begin.

If you are interested in learning about R programming, you have come to the right place. On this YouTube channel, we provide comprehensive R programming tutorials covering a wide range of topics. At this point, assuming you have already installed R and RStudio, let's take a look at the RStudio environment.

When you open RStudio, you will notice four quadrants. If you are unfamiliar with this environment, we have a dedicated video introducing it, so feel free to check that out. For now, let's focus on getting started. On the top left, you will find a dropdown menu with various options to begin. We will discuss each of these options in detail in future videos. However, for now, we suggest you start by creating a project.

To start a project, click on the "Create a Project" button located just to the left. Creating a project is essential because it helps organize your script, data, and outputs in one place. R will know where to locate your data and store all the project-related files neatly within a working directory. This will prove to be advantageous as you progress. Therefore, we highly recommend that whenever you begin a project in R, click on the "New Project" button.

Upon clicking the "New Project" button, you will see options for creating a new directory and naming your project. For example, let's name the project "Test One" and click "Create Project." R will then create a project, and you can find it listed at the bottom right of the RStudio interface. Simultaneously, on your hard drive, a folder named "Test One" will be created. If you navigate to that folder, you will see an icon representing the project. If you open RStudio while inside that folder and click on the project icon, R will open with all the script, data, and outputs associated with that project in one place. It creates a tidy and organized working environment that you will undoubtedly appreciate.

Now, let's discuss how to import data into R. Return to the folder on your hard drive that was created when you started the project. Cut and paste the data you want to import into that folder. Once you have placed the data in the folder, it is time to use your code to fetch and import the data into R automatically. This way, when you run your code, the data will be readily available as an object, and you won't have to worry about manually importing it repeatedly.

Avoid using options like "Import Dataset" within RStudio as they are not as efficient. Instead, we will show you how to incorporate data importing into your code. Here is an example code snippet that imports data:

my_data <- read.csv("filename.csv")

In this code, we use the read.csv function to import data from a CSV file. You can import data from various file formats, such as Excel or SPSS, but for simplicity, let's focus on CSV files for now. After executing this code, the data will be stored as the object my_data in the R environment.

To view the imported data, you can use functions like head, tail, or view. For example:

head(my_data)  # displays the first six rows of the data
tail(my_data)  # displays the last six rows of the data

These functions allow you to inspect the structure and content of your data. The head function shows the first few rows of your data, while the tail function displays the last few rows. This can be helpful for getting a quick glimpse of the dataset and verifying that it was imported correctly.

Once you have imported your data, you might want to perform some data manipulation tasks. R provides a rich set of functions and packages for data manipulation. One commonly used package is dplyr, which provides a set of functions for data manipulation tasks like filtering, selecting columns, sorting, and aggregating data.

To install the dplyr package, you can use the following code:


After installation, you need to load the package into your R session using the library function:


Now you can start using the functions provided by the dplyr package for data manipulation. Here's an example of filtering rows based on a condition:

filtered_data <- my_data %>%
  filter(column_name == "some_value")

In this code, filtered_data will contain only the rows from my_data where the column named column_name has the value "some_value". This is just one example, and the dplyr package offers many more functions for manipulating and transforming data.

Remember to save your R script frequently to keep track of your code and changes. You can save your script by clicking on the disk icon in the top left corner of the RStudio script editor or by using the shortcut Ctrl+S (or Cmd+S on macOS).

In conclusion, in this video, we covered the basics of creating a project in RStudio, importing data into R using code, and performing data manipulation using the dplyr package. These are fundamental concepts that will form the basis of your R programming journey.

In the next video, we will explore data visualization in R and learn how to create insightful plots and charts. Stay tuned for more exciting R programming tutorials!

How to import data and install packages. R programming for beginners.
How to import data and install packages. R programming for beginners.
  • 2019.02.14
In this video I look at how to start a project in R, how to import data and how to install a package. Packages like tidyverse or DPLYR or ggplot extend your ...

How to import data from excel into R studio. R programming for beginners

How to import data from excel into R studio. R programming for beginners

Hello, people of the Internet! Welcome back to our programming 101. This is where you discovered that R is not only powerful and useful but also fun and easy to use. In this video, we're going to talk about how to get data from Excel into R. In a previous video, I talked about how you can save a file as a CSV (comma-separated value) file and import it using the read.csv function. However, in this video, we're going to focus on getting data directly from Excel into R, even in complicated cases where the data might be in a separate tab or located in a non-standard place within the spreadsheet. We'll cover it all, and I'll finish this video in about three minutes, so stick with me if you want to learn more about R programming.

If you're interested in R programming, you've come to the right place. On this YouTube channel, we create programming videos on everything related to R. So, let's dive into the topic of getting data from Excel into R.

To begin with, let's consider what we want to achieve. If we have an Excel spreadsheet, our goal is to import that data into R as an object that we can use for analysis, visualization, and more. There's more than one way to accomplish this task.

First, if you look at the top right of the Excel interface, you'll find an "Import from Excel" option. Clicking on it will open a screen where you can navigate to the location of the Excel file. Similarly, you can also click on the Excel icon at the bottom right of the RStudio interface to access the same screen, which displays the file's location.

This tool can be useful if you're not familiar with writing code to import data into R. It provides a graphical interface to help you import data from Excel. However, instead of clicking the "Import" button in the tool, it's better to click on the small icon at the top right, just above the code section. This will copy the code needed to import the data into R. Then, you can paste that code into your R script for further customization and control.

Let's take a closer look at the options available in this tool. At the top, you specify the location of the Excel file. The tool provides a preview of the data, allowing you to see how it will look when imported into R. You can modify the variable type of each column using the dropdown menus. For example, you can specify whether a column should be treated as character or numeric data.

At the bottom left, you can set the name for the imported data object in R. By default, R will assign a name based on the Excel file's name. You can also choose the sheet you want to import if the Excel file contains multiple sheets. Additionally, you can specify a range within the spreadsheet and the maximum number of rows to import. The "Skip" option allows you to exclude certain variables from the import process.

One important point to note is that R uses the first row of the spreadsheet as the column names by default. However, if you uncheck the "First row as names" option, R will assign its own names to the variables.

If you want to view the imported data immediately after importing, you can check the "View data" option. However, it's generally more convenient to import the data directly into your R script and then view it using R's functions.

Now, let's take a closer look at the code generated by the tool. When you paste the code into your R script, it will typically include a line that loads the readxl package using the library or require function. This package provides the read_excel function, which is used to import the Excel data into R. The code snippet will look something like this:

my_data <- read_excel(file = "path/to/your/file.xlsx", sheet = "sheet_name", range = "A1:E10", na = "NA")

In the code, we first load the readxl package using the library function. This package contains the read_excel function that allows us to read Excel files.

Next, we create an object called my_data to store the imported data. You can choose any name for this object.

Within the read_excel function, we provide several arguments. The file argument specifies the path to your Excel file. You need to provide the correct file path here.

The sheet argument allows you to specify the name of the sheet you want to import. If your Excel file has multiple sheets and you want to import a specific sheet, provide its name here. Alternatively, you can use the sheet index number instead.

The range argument is optional and allows you to specify a range within the sheet to import. For example, "A1:E10" would import data from cell A1 to E10. If you don't specify a range, it will import the entire sheet.

The na argument is used to specify the representation of missing values. In this case, we set it to "NA", which is the default missing value representation in R. You can customize it based on how your missing values are represented in the Excel file.

Once you've pasted the code into your R script, you can run it to import the data. The imported data will be stored in the my_data object, and you can proceed with your data analysis, visualization, or any other operations you need to perform.

It's worth noting that there are additional arguments and options you can explore for the read_excel function. You can refer to the function's documentation by typing ?read_excel in the R console, which will provide more details on the available options.

If you're serious about learning data analysis and want to explore R programming further, I encourage you to subscribe to this channel and click the notification bell to receive updates on future videos.

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to import data from Excel into R using the readxl package. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

How to import data from excel into R studio. R programming for beginners
How to import data from excel into R studio. R programming for beginners
  • 2019.02.20
Importing data from excel into R is easy. Learn how to import data from excel by using both R code and by using the tools within R studio. This video is part...

R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.

R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.

Welcome back to our Programming 101! In this course, you'll discover that R is not only powerful and useful, but it's also fun and relatively easy to use. So, stay with me as we dive into the world of R programming.

This video is part of our programming series for beginners, where we focus on the fundamentals. In this particular video, I will teach you how to access and utilize existing datasets within R. R comes bundled with various datasets that you can use to practice your data manipulation, analysis, and statistics skills.

To start, I want you to replicate the analysis that I'll guide you through in this video. You can access the dataset and follow along at home. Hands-on practice is the best way to learn.

Before we begin, let's make sure you have the necessary packages installed. In this case, we will be using the "tidyverse" package. If you haven't installed it yet, you only need to do it once. However, for each new session, you'll need to load the package using either the require or library functions. Let's run the command library(tidyverse) to load the package.

Now that we have the package loaded, let's proceed. We will be working with the Star Wars dataset, which is one of the additional datasets that comes with the "tidyverse" package. To see a list of all the available datasets in R, you can use the data() function. Simply type data() and hit enter.

In this analysis, we are interested in exploring the health of characters in the Star Wars movies. As a medical doctor, one way to assess health is by looking at the body mass index (BMI), which is calculated by dividing the mass in kilograms by the height in meters squared. We want to investigate if there is a difference in BMI between males and females. Additionally, we will focus on human characters and exclude droids from our analysis.

Let's begin the analysis. We'll be using the pipe operator %>% from the "tidyverse" package, which allows us to chain together multiple operations. Each line of code represents a step in our analysis.

First, we'll specify that we are working with the Star Wars dataset using the pipe operator. The dataset contains many variables, but we only want to work with a subset of them. To simplify the dataset, we can use the select() function to choose specific variables. In our case, we are interested in the variables "gender," "mass," "height," and "species". The code will be select(gender, mass, height, species).

Next, we want to filter out non-human characters from the dataset. We can use the filter() function to achieve this. We specify that we want to include only observations where the species is equal to "human". The code will be filter(species == "human").

After filtering the dataset, we may have missing values that we want to remove. In this video, we won't delve into the details of handling missing data, so let's use the na.omit() function to remove any rows with missing values. The code will be na.omit().

Now, we need to convert the height variable from centimeters to meters. We can use the mutate() function to create a new variable or modify an existing one. We'll divide the height by 100 to convert it to meters. The code will be mutate(height = height / 100).

Finally, we want to calculate the BMI for each character. We'll use the mutate() function again to create a new variable called "BMI". The formula for calculating BMI is mass / height^2. The code will be

mutate(BMI = mass / height^2)`.

At this point, we have prepared our dataset and calculated the BMI for each character. Now, let's focus on comparing the BMI between males and females in the Star Wars universe. To do this, we need to group the data by gender and then summarize the average BMI for each group.

Using the pipe operator, we'll chain another operation. We'll use the group_by() function to group the data by the "gender" variable. The code will be group_by(gender).

Next, we'll use the summarize() function to calculate the mean BMI within each gender group. We'll create a new variable called "average BMI" using the code summarize(average_BMI = mean(BMI)).

Now, if we run the entire code together, we will obtain the summary table displaying the average BMI for males and females in the Star Wars universe.

To summarize our analysis:

  1. We selected the variables of interest: gender, mass, height, and species.
  2. We filtered the dataset to include only human characters.
  3. We removed any rows with missing values.
  4. We converted the height variable from centimeters to meters.
  5. We calculated the BMI for each character.
  6. We grouped the data by gender.
  7. We calculated the average BMI for each gender group.

In the summary table, you can observe that the average BMI for females in the Star Wars universe is 22, while for males, it is 26. This suggests that, on average, males have a slightly higher BMI, indicating a tendency towards being overweight.

I encourage you to follow along with this analysis, step by step, on your own computer using the Star Wars dataset. Hands-on practice will solidify your understanding of R programming concepts. Feel free to leave a comment in the description below to share your experience with the analysis.

Remember, learning R programming is an exciting journey, and each analysis you perform will enhance your skills. Stay tuned for more engaging content in our Programming 101 series.

R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.
R programming for beginners. Manipulate data using the tidyverse: select, filter and mutate.
  • 2019.03.12
Learn to manipulate data using the tidyverse package in R. This is part of the "R programming for beginners" series of videos. In this video, I use one of R'...

Data types in R programming

Data types in R programming

Welcome back to our Programming 101 tutorial! Today, we will delve into the topic of data types. Understanding the different types of data is crucial for effective programming. While there are many types, we will focus on the five most important ones. We will also touch upon other types briefly. Additionally, we will learn how to change the data type of a variable in R and explore how to add levels to a factor. So, stay with us and let's dive right in!

If you are here to learn about R programming, you've come to the right place. On this YouTube channel, we provide comprehensive programming videos covering a wide range of topics. In this tutorial, we will discuss four major types of data: name, height, age, and weight.

The first type is "name," which represents nominal data. In R, we categorize it as a character data type since it consists of text. The next type is "height," which is also categorical data, but it has a specific order. In R, we refer to this as ordinal data, and we represent it as a factor. Factors allow us to assign different levels to the variable.

Moving on, we have "age," which is a whole number. In R, we classify it as an integer data type. Lastly, we have "weight," which can be any numerical value between whole numbers. In R, we consider this a numeric variable.

To examine the structure of our data frame, which is an object named "friends" in our environment, we can use the str() function. By running str(friends), we can view the structure of our data frame in the console. R provides information about the data type of each variable in the data frame. We notice that the "name" variable is correctly identified as a character, but "height," "age," and "weight" are classified as characters and numerics, respectively.

To change the data type of the "height" variable from character to a factor, we use the as.factor() function. The code friends$height <- as.factor(friends$height) will convert the "height" variable to a factor and update the data frame accordingly.

Similarly, if we want to change the data type of the "age" variable to an integer, we can use the as.integer() function. The code friends$age <- as.integer(friends$age) will convert the "age" variable to an integer.

Now, let's focus on adding levels to the "height" variable. By default, R assigns levels to a factor variable in alphabetical order. However, if we want to change the order, we can use the levels() function. For example, to set the levels of "height" as "short," "medium," and "tall," we can use the code levels(friends$height) <- c("short", "medium", "tall").

Once we execute the code, we can rerun the str(friends) command to verify the changes. Now, we can observe that the "height" variable is a factor with levels "short," "medium," and "tall," as we intended.

In addition to the four types discussed, there is another important type of data called "logical." A logical variable can be used to store true/false values. We can use logical operations to compare variables and generate new logical variables based on the comparison.

For example, we can create a new logical variable named "old" to determine whether individuals in our data frame are older than 23. Using the code friends$old <- friends$age > 23, we compare the "age" variable with the value 23 and assign the result to the "old" variable.

By examining the class of the "old" variable using class(friends$old), we can confirm that it is indeed a logical variable.

Throughout this tutorial, we have covered the five most important types of data: character, factor, integer, numeric, and logical. These types will serve as the foundation for your data analysis journey. However, keep in mind that there are other types of data, such as time and date data, which we will explore in future videos.

If you are serious about mastering data analysis and R programming, make sure to hit the subscribe button and enable the notification bell. This way, you will stay updated and receive notifications for our future videos.

Thank you for joining us in this Programming 101 tutorial. We hope you found it informative and helpful. Stay curious and keep exploring the fascinating world of programming!

Data types in R programming
Data types in R programming
  • 2019.03.28
In this video I provide an overview of the five main types of data used in R programming. These are character, factor, integer, continuous and logical. I sho...

R programming for beginners: Rename variables and reorder columns. Data cleaning and manipulation.

R programming for beginners: Rename variables and reorder columns. Data cleaning and manipulation.

Welcome back, enthusiasts! In today's tutorial, we're going to dive into the exciting topic of renaming and reordering columns in R. It's super easy, so stick around and get ready to level up your R programming skills. If you're passionate about learning R programming, you're in the right place. Our YouTube channel covers a wide range of programming topics, providing you with valuable insights and tutorials.

To demonstrate the process, we'll be using the Star Wars dataset. This dataset is perfect for practicing and following along with the steps I'll show you today. Let's begin by obtaining the Star Wars dataset on your computer so that you can follow along step-by-step.

If you haven't already, you'll need to install the tidyverse package. This package is a powerful collection of R packages designed for data manipulation and analysis. Once installed, you can use the library() or require() function to load the tidyverse package and access its functionalities. The tidyverse package includes the Star Wars dataset, which we'll be using.

Let's create a new object called SW to work with the Star Wars dataset. We'll use the assignment operator (<-) to assign the Star Wars dataset to the SW object. This allows us to make changes and experiment without modifying the original dataset. Press enter to execute the code, and if you click on the SW object in the environment, you'll see the dataset displayed.

Now, one of the fantastic features of the tidyverse is the pipe operator %>%, which allows us to chain operations together. We'll use it to select specific columns from the dataset. For example, let's say we only want the columns for name, height, and mass. We can use the select() function and specify the column names we desire. Press enter to execute the code, and if you click on the SW object, you'll notice that it now contains only the selected columns.

If we wanted to include additional columns, we can add them within the select() function. For instance, if we wanted to add the gender column, we could modify the code to select(name, mass, height, gender). This way, the resulting dataset would include the specified columns in the order we provided.

Now, let's say we want to give the columns different names. This is where the rename() function comes in handy. Using the pipe operator %>%, we can chain operations together. We'll start by specifying the new name we want to assign to a column, followed by the = sign, and then the original column name. For example, let's rename the "mass" column to "weight". By executing the code, you'll see that the column name has been changed accordingly in the SW dataset.

In this manner, you can easily rename columns and even change their order within the dataset using the select() function. The pipe operator %>% allows for a smooth flow of operations, enhancing the readability and efficiency of your code.

If you're serious about mastering data analysis and learning R programming, make sure to hit the subscribe button and enable the notification bell. By doing so, you'll stay informed about our future videos, ensuring that you never miss out on valuable content.

Thank you for being part of our programming community. We hope you found this tutorial informative and engaging. Stay curious and keep exploring the fascinating world of R programming!

R programming for beginners: Rename variables and reorder columns. Data cleaning and manipulation.
R programming for beginners: Rename variables and reorder columns. Data cleaning and manipulation.
  • 2020.05.08
This is an R programming for beginners video. Learn how to rename variables and reorder columns in R. If you want to use the Tidyverse in R to manipulate dat...