Have text label move aligned with horizontal support/resistance lines as I scroll chart both left and right and check multiple timeframes - page 2

Alain Verleyen #:

Sorry, I had misunderstood your issue.

It's normal your text is not moving as it's set with date time for today at 16:05, it will stay there.

You need a custom code (indicator or EA) to update the price/datetime where your texts are displayed.

I have found a solution.One just puts a text/value on the horizontal lines description e.g. I put 4,135 on description of the horizontal line as shown on image "horizontal line object description.png" shown then if I go to Chart -> Properties -> put a check on the show object descriptions as shown on image "show object descriptions.png",the value 4,135 as I have circled in red is permanently shown on the chart and its always aligned to the horizontal line even if I scroll the chart to the left or right.

However,the text 4,135 that I highlighted in red  has a tiny font size and I want to change its color also so that I can see that text from a computer screen far away from me.Any ideas or code that I can use to modify that description to a font and colour of my choosing?

Joe Trader #:

I have found a solution.One just puts a text/value on the horizontal lines description e.g. I put 4,135 on description of the horizontal line as shown on image "horizontal line object description.png" shown then if I go to Chart -> Properties -> put a check on the show object descriptions as shown on image "show object descriptions.png",the value 4,135 as I have circled in red is permanently shown on the chart and its always aligned to the horizontal line even if I scroll the chart to the left or right.

However,the text 4,135 that I highlighted in red  has a tiny font size and I want to change its color also so that I can see that text from a computer screen far away from me.Any ideas or code that I can use to modify that description to a font and colour of my choosing?

You can't modify the object description display unfortunately.

That's why you have to use text object to do it, and code to update it if needed.

Alain Verleyen #:
That's why you have to use text object to do it, and code to update it if needed.
I am no IT person/coder.If someone has such a code please provide if possible.
