empty meta trader

Hello I am new, I connected to my broker through meta trader but even before it I had absolutely no symbols in meta trader. I dont know what to do, cannot find anything similar anywhere else.
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The quotes are coming from the broker. Login to your account with him ..
ICarl Schreiber #:
The quotes are coming from the broker. Login to your account with him ..
Yes I know I am logged in with my broker demo account
My only assumption is that demo account doesnt provide the symbols but that just makes the demo account useless
ok, so either open a real account with your broker with that symbol or choose another broker.
Market watch → right-click → Show all.
Guys I dont have any symbols in the symbols library, there is nothing to show in show all. I cant even click it. Thats why I cant find any solution. Im logged in through broker, nothing changes. No symbols, I reinstalled still nothing. No idea what to do
there is literally nothing 
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XVII IV #: there is literally nothing 
  1. Show your Journal log output where it hopefully shows a successful connection to the broker's trade server.
  2. Show a screenshot of the connection icon in lower right-corner of the MetaTrader terminal (see following example).