Custom DLL dependencies list


Created a custom DLL in visual studio , when imported the input screen shows these dependencies 

these can't be hidden (apart from the dll itself) right ? its standard this way.

Lorentzos Roussos: Created a custom DLL in visual studio , when imported the input screen shows these dependencies. These can't be hidden (apart from the dll itself) right ? its standard this way.
Obviously they cannot be hidden because it requires user permission to enable DLL access. Hiding them would defeat the purpose and become a security risk.
Even the VCruntime140D ?
Lorentzos Roussos #: Even the VCruntime140D ?

No! What if someone were to create a malicious DLL with the same name?

The user has be able to know about it so that they can check and verify it.

No exceptions!

Fernando Carreiro #:

No! What if someone were to create a malicious DLL with the same name?

The user has be able to know about it so that they can check and verify it.

No exceptions!

Makes sense .

And , if i get a calculations library , functions only in c++ and append the dll export prefix and export the dll that's all it takes (for a simple library) essentially to expose the functions to mql5 ?

(assuming primitive returns and arguments) like this for instance 

int addThese(int a, int b) {
        return(a + b);

extern "C" _declspec(dllexport) int addThese(int a, int b) {
        return(a + b);
Lorentzos Roussos #: And , if i get a calculations library , functions only in c++ and append the dll export prefix and export the dll that's all it takes (for a simple library) essentially to expose the functions to mql5 ?

(assuming primitive returns and arguments) like this for instance 


If it is a C/C++ calculations library, then simply port it over to MQL. It should not be that difficult.

Fernando Carreiro #:


If it is a C/C++ calculations library, then simply port it over to MQL. It should not be that difficult.


And i can send objects too in arguments but not receive objects ? (to and from a dll)


i'll read further thanks 😊