Total Bid and Ask volume in mql5 - page 2

Francesco Grassi #:Then how the delta volume indicators are calculated in the other platform? The formula is the one i posted, probably i can't explain properly my concept but there must be a way to write a "delta volume" indicator. Maybe i didn't understand what you exactly mean but i know for sure that Buy and Sell Volume can be different. It's like when you see a footprint chart and each candle has 2 coloumns: one for the bids and one for the asks and there are different values in the coloumns. Probably the way you describes is how it works in forex and i'm not even sure it's like that.

Because that is something completely different and uses the wrong words to describe it. Using the wrong name is what led you to misunderstand what that indicator means. Unfortunately, there are many such indicators out there with such a name and it misleads the users into misunderstanding the analysis.

As I stated, if you want to count the number of ticks when price goes up versus the number ticks when prices goes down, then that is just fine, but don't call it "buy volume" or "ask volume". Call it "up/down volume" or something but not "buy/sell volume" or "ask/bid volume" because that is incorrect.

Also, when counting the up ticks and down ticks, you should also consider those ticks where the ask and bid prices contradict each other.

All I am trying to make clear to you, is that you interpret the information correctly and not under the flawed assumption that there is somehow more buys than sells or vice versa. That would be technically impossible.

EDIT: This applies to all symbols, be it Forex or Futures.

Alain Verleyen #:

Their are already such indicators existing, why do you want to create your own ?

Just do a search on the Market.

Because i need the delta volume in order to calculate some else values which i didn't find anywhere for MT5.

So i need to understand how to code it first.

Fernando Carreiro #:

Because that is something completely different and uses the wrong words to describe it. Using the wrong name is what led you to misunderstand what that indicator means. Unfortunately, there are many such indicators out there with such a name and it misleads the users into misunderstanding the analysis.

As I stated, if you want to count the number of ticks when price goes up versus the number ticks when prices goes down, then that is just fine, but don't call it "buy volume" or "ask volume". Call it "up/down volume" or something but not "buy/sell volume" or "ask/bid volume" because that is incorrect.

Also, when counting the up ticks and down ticks, you should also consider those ticks where the ask and bid prices contradict each other.

All I am trying to make clear to you, is that you interpret the information correctly and not under the flawed assumption that there is somehow more buys than sells or vice versa. That would be technically impossible.

EDIT: This applies to all symbols, be it Forex or Futures.

I never said that i want to count the tick up and down, i always asked how should i do to calculate volume at buy and at sell.
Francesco Grassi #: I never said that i want to count the tick up and down, i always asked how should i do to calculate volume at buy and at sell.

That is the problem!

This is why I am trying to explain to you that you're misunderstanding the concept. You are misinterpreting the information that those "Delta Volume Indicators" show.

They show the up/down tick count and delta, not the buy/sell volume, because the buy/sell volume is ALWAYS the same. It is ALWAYS balanced. They are using incorrect naming!

What those indicators show is the up/down tick volume or it's delta. If you want to imitate those indicators, then you have to count the up/down ticks (taking into account the exceptions I have already mentioned).


Now i finally understand your point. I'll make further researches about this!

Indeed i tried just 1-2 indicators about delta volume, few days ago, made for MT5 and none of those matched the "delta volume" calculated by other services or platforms which instead were the same values in all of those.

The indicators i reviewed calculated a "fake" delta volume taking in consideration the entire volume and then taking in account if the candle was bullish or bearish so probably you are right about this matter. But this is not what i'm looking for and this is reason that pushed me to try understand mql5 code and how i could achieve what i need in order to match the values of every other platform around.

I hope i clarified a bit my point and apologize if i didn't understand what you meant early.

Francesco Grassi #: Now i finally understand your point. I'll make further researches about this! Indeed i tried just 1-2 indicators about delta volume, few days ago, made for MT5 and none of those matched the "delta volume" calculated by other services or platforms which instead were the same values in all of those. The indicators i reviewed calculated a "fake" delta volume taking in consideration the entire volume and then taking in account if the candle was bullish or bearish so probably you are right about this matter. But this is not what i'm looking for and this is reason that pushed me to try understand mql5 code and how i could achieve what i need in order to match the values of every other platform around.I hope i clarified a bit my point and apologize if i didn't understand what you meant early.

It seems I also have something to learn and understand from you! Another moderator, called to my attention that the MqlTick information for Futures does indeed work differently.

Even though I am correct in the fact that for every buy there must be a equal volume sell, it seems that for the Futures the MqlTick represents these transactions differently.

I am still unclear of this difference and how the MqlTick information should be interpreted, but it seems I may be wrong about it.

So, please consider doing more research of your own as well. My apologies for denying your opinion and not verifying my claims properly.

Fernando Carreiro #:

It seems I also have something to learn and understand from you! Another moderator, called to my attention that the MqlTick information for Futures does indeed work differently.

Even though I am correct in the fact that for every buy there must be a equal volume sell, it seems that for the Futures the MqlTick represents these transactions differently.

I am still unclear of this difference and how the MqlTick information should be interpreted, but it seems I may be wrong about it.

So, please consider doing more research of your own as well. My apologies for denying your opinion and not verifying my claims properly.

No worries, there is always something new to learn.

Thanks for letting me know so i can keep doing my researches on MqlTick and no need to look for something else.

Have a nice day.