updateable magic number, MQL4


Order update function does not allow to change "magic number" of an order, I need to define some stages for any kind od orders.

magic number cannot be updated, sorry. for your purposes use global variables. for instance create some global variable with ticket number as name and set any value
I need to store the stage of order, all orders may have different stages. So I need to store "orders" table also. Then orders table will be inconsistent with the real one in the server...
You will probably have to use array(s) and use the magic number as an index into the array(s).
dawidwt, global variables are better than array because can be shared between severe programs
dawidwt, global variables are better than array because can be shared between severe programs

Hello Slawa:

Can I ask what MAGICKNumber for? Which is its function?
magic number can used as order identifier. for instance each expert advisor uses its own magic number and each ea controls its own orders because orders can be separated by magic number