Quantitative trading - page 35


Options Payoffs and Profits & Losses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Options Payoffs and Profits & Losses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Hello everyone, today, we will delve into the concept of option capsules and explore the differences between option payoff and option P&L. We will examine the distinct profiles of option payoffs and understand the formulas associated with them.

Let's begin with the four fundamental option payoff profiles. We have two types of options: call options and put options. Within call options, we can either take a long position or a short position. Similarly, within put options, we can either go long or short.

To comprehend what it means to go long or short, let's first clarify the concept of call and put options. In this context, we should always approach options from the long's perspective and simply multiply the formulas for short positions by -1. This convention is useful because options are derivatives where one side has a right and the other side bears an obligation. Unlike futures or forwards contracts where both sides have obligations, the real advantage of options lies with the party holding the right, which is the long side.

For the formulas related to positions or obligations, we also consider the long's perspective and take the opposite approach. By doing this, we avoid confusion and ensure a clear understanding of the subject matter.

Now, let's explore the four basic option strategies. When we have a long call position, it means we have purchased the right to buy the underlying asset. Similarly, a long put position indicates the purchase of the right to sell the underlying asset. On the other hand, a short call position means we have sold the right to someone else, thereby incurring an obligation to sell the underlying asset. Likewise, a short put position signifies the obligation to buy the underlying asset.

Always remember to think from the long's perspective. The long positions hold the rights, while the short positions carry the obligations. This approach helps us understand the four basic option exposures.

Moving on, let's discuss the option premium. The option premium, also known as the option price, refers to the upfront amount required to purchase the right to buy or sell the underlying asset.

Now, let's differentiate between option payoff and option P&L, as people often confuse the two terms due to their similar usage in futures and forwards contracts. Payoff refers to the revenue or inflow from an option, disregarding the associated cost. In contrast, P&L accounts for both revenue and cost, as it calculates the profit or loss by subtracting the cost from the revenue.

Now, let's focus on option payoffs and the various formulas associated with them. Firstly, let's examine the long call payoff. Visually, you can identify the payoff graph by observing that most of it lies on the x-axis, indicating no loss for the long position. However, a slight loss exists at the beginning due to the option premium paid. The formula for the long call payoff is max(ST - X, 0), where ST represents the asset price at expiration, and X is the exercise price.

For the short call payoff, we can apply a simple rule: the profit of one party is the loss of the other. Therefore, to calculate the short call payoff, multiply the long call payoff formula by -1.

Moving on to the long put payoff, the formula becomes max(X - ST, 0). A put option becomes valuable when the price of the underlying asset decreases. Similarly, for the short put payoff, multiply the long put payoff formula by -1.

Remember, we have solely focused on the revenue aspect in the above calculations, disregarding the associated costs. To account for costs, we extend the formulas to calculate option P&L. The formulas for option P&L include an adjustment for the option premium.

For long call and short call P&L, subtract the call option premium (CT) from the respective payoff formulas.

Conversely, for long put and short put P&L, add the put option premium (PT) to the respective payoff formulas. The formulas for option P&L are as follows:

Long Call P&L: max(ST - X, 0) - CT Short Call P&L: -max(ST - X, 0) + CT

Long Put P&L: max(X - ST, 0) - PT Short Put P&L: -max(X - ST, 0) + PT

By incorporating the option premium, we can determine the profit or loss of an option position, taking into account both the revenue and the associated cost.

It's important to note that option payoffs and P&L calculations assume the expiration of the option contract. At expiration, the payoff and P&L are realized based on the final price of the underlying asset.

Additionally, the formulas provided assume European-style options, where exercise can only occur at expiration. For American-style options, which allow early exercise, the calculations may be more complex and involve additional factors such as the option's time value and potential early exercise opportunities.

Understanding option payoffs and P&L is crucial for evaluating the potential outcomes and risks associated with different option strategies. These calculations help traders and investors assess the profitability and effectiveness of their option positions.

Options Payoffs and Profits & Losses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Options Payoffs and Profits & Losses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.08.20
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Bond Valuation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Bond Valuation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Greetings, everyone! Let's commence our discussion by delving into the concept of bond valuation. Today, we'll be focusing on the significance of differentiating between coupon and yield, and how they interrelate with each other, ultimately impacting pricing dynamics.

To begin with, it is crucial to understand the distinction between value and price. Frequently, we encounter texts that mention the need to price a bond. However, in reality, what we are doing is valuing the bond. Technically, price refers to the market price, which depends on the consensus opinion of market participants. It is influenced by supply and demand factors and remains the same for all individuals at a specific point in time. For instance, stock prices are observable in the stock market, while bond prices are obtainable in the bond exchange. Therefore, when we undertake valuation, it is more appropriate to refer to it as the process of valuation rather than pricing.

Valuation, not only for bonds but also for any asset, is a somewhat subjective process since it necessitates making various assumptions. These assumptions can vary among individuals, leading to different valuations. For example, one analyst might consider a stock or bond to be overvalued, while another analyst might view the same bond as undervalued. It is essential to recognize that these disparities arise due to the use of different assumptions in their analyses. In fact, the existence of different opinions and perspectives is what facilitates the functioning of a market.

Consequently, value refers to the perceived worth of a particular asset, and it can differ from person to person based on their individual assumptions. Therefore, when we calculate the value of something, we are engaging in the process of valuation. It is crucial to keep in mind that this process involves applying subjective assumptions rather than determining a market price.

Now, let's delve into the method commonly employed to value financial assets, including bonds: the discounted cash flow (DCF) approach, which incorporates the concept of time value of money. To refresh our memory, let's consider a timeline ranging from zero to infinity. Future values (FV) at different time points, such as FV1, FV2, and FV3, need to be discounted to time period zero to calculate the present value (PV). By summing up these present values, we can ascertain the current value of the asset. This principle is also applicable to bond valuation.

In bond valuation, we discount the future cash flows, which consist of regular coupon payments (C1, C2, and C3 in the case of a three-year bond), and the final payment, which is the par value. All the coupon payments are discounted to time period zero using the yield (Y), which could be the yield to maturity or any other yield measure. Finally, the par value is added to the sum of these present values to determine the current value of the bond.

One common pitfall in bond analysis is the confusion between coupon (C) and yield (Y). To understand the difference intuitively, let's consider an example where the coupon is 12% and the yield is 8%. In this scenario, the issuer is offering a higher rate of return (12%) than what the investor requires (8%) for the level of risk involved. As a result, the bond will trade at a premium, meaning its price will exceed the par value. Conversely, if the coupon is lower than the yield, such as 6% in our example, the issuer is not providing sufficient compensation for the risk, and investors will demand a discount on the bond price. Consequently, the bond will trade at a discount. When the coupon is equal to the yield, the bond will trade at par, as the issuer's rate of return matches the investor's required rate of return.

The coupon rate is the fixed interest rate that the bond issuer agrees to pay to bondholders periodically (usually annually or semi-annually) based on the bond's face value or par value. This coupon rate is predetermined at the time of issuance and remains constant throughout the life of the bond.

On the other hand, the yield represents the effective rate of return that an investor will earn by holding the bond until maturity. The yield takes into account the bond's current market price, the coupon payments received, and the time remaining until maturity. It reflects the market's expectations and factors in various variables, including prevailing interest rates, credit risk, and other market conditions.

The relationship between the coupon rate and the yield is inversely related. When the bond's coupon rate is higher than the prevailing yield, the bond is said to have a higher coupon than the yield. In this case, the bond is considered more attractive to investors because they receive a higher interest payment relative to the bond's market price. As a result, the bond's price tends to trade at a premium, meaning it is priced higher than its par value.

Conversely, when the bond's coupon rate is lower than the prevailing yield, the bond is said to have a lower coupon than the yield. In this situation, investors are not receiving as much interest relative to the bond's market price, making the bond less attractive. Consequently, the bond's price tends to trade at a discount, meaning it is priced lower than its par value.

When the bond's coupon rate is equal to the prevailing yield, the bond is said to be trading at par. This means that the bond's price is equal to its par value. In this case, the coupon rate aligns with the market's required rate of return, and the bond is considered fairly priced.

It's important to note that the relationship between coupon and yield is a crucial factor in determining the price of a bond in the secondary market. When market interest rates change, it affects the prevailing yield, which, in turn, impacts the bond's price. If the prevailing yield increases above the bond's coupon rate, the bond's price will decrease, and vice versa.

The coupon rate represents the fixed interest payment on a bond, while the yield represents the effective rate of return an investor will earn. The relationship between the coupon rate and the yield influences the pricing dynamics of a bond, with higher coupon rates relative to the yield leading to premiums and lower coupon rates relative to the yield resulting in discounts.

Bond Valuation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Bond Valuation (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.08.21
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Demystifying Forward Rate Agreements (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Demystifying Forward Rate Agreements (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Hello, today we will delve into the concept of forward rate agreements, also known as FRAs or frog contracts. These agreements are a variation of traditional forward contracts. While people are generally familiar with traditional forward contracts involving physical or financial assets like commodities, stocks, or bonds, FRAs introduce a unique element: the underlying asset is an interest rate. However, understanding FRAs can be slightly confusing due to their distinct notation and formula, which differ from those used in traditional forward contracts.

To simplify the comprehension and memorization of FRAs, we will focus on the timeline rather than relying solely on formulas. By grasping the timeline concept, you can solve FRA-related problems without the need to memorize complex formulas. So, let's explore this approach.

Before we proceed, let's quickly recap what a forward rate agreement is. Similar to traditional forward contracts, FRAs are over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, meaning they are privately negotiated contracts rather than exchange-traded instruments. Consequently, FRAs entail credit risk.

The primary purpose of an FRA is to lock in the future value of a transaction. Unlike traditional forward contracts involving physical or financial assets, FRAs involve setting a fixed interest rate for a loan to be executed in the future. The borrower and the lender enter into an agreement to establish the interest rate for the loan in advance. The borrower anticipates future borrowing needs and wants to secure a favorable interest rate, fearing that rates may increase. Conversely, the lender wants to lend money in the future and is concerned about potential interest rate decreases.

In an FRA, the fixed interest rate is exchanged for a floating rate. The borrower, or the party going long, pays the fixed rate and receives the floating rate. Conversely, the lender, or the party going short, pays the floating rate and receives the fixed rate. It's important to note that the focus is primarily on the fixed rate, while the floating rate is used to calculate the position's payoff or profit and loss.

In the terminology of FRAs, there is a distinction from regular forward contracts. In traditional forward contracts, we have a long party (buyer) and a short party (seller) based on the underlying asset being bought or sold. However, in FRAs, there is no physical or financial asset being bought or sold, making the interpretation of long and short confusing. To overcome this confusion, we need to associate long with buying money and short with selling money.

Considering this association, the borrower takes the loan, representing the long position, and pays the fixed rate while receiving the floating rate. Conversely, the lender provides the loan, representing the short position, and receives the fixed rate while paying the floating rate. It's crucial to understand that the positions are always opposite—when one party pays fixed, the other receives fixed, and vice versa.

Now, let's address the naming convention of FRAs, which is unique to this derivative. FRAs are denoted as "X by Y," where X and Y are months. For example, a "1 by 4" FRA signifies an agreement for a one-month loan starting today and ending in four months. However, it's necessary to convert these months into days for calculations. To achieve this, write down X and Y side by side, add a 0 in front, and enclose them within a timeline. This timeline visually represents the duration of the FRA.

For instance, for a "1 by 4" FRA, the timeline would appear as "0-1-4." In this representation, 0 denotes the FRA initiation date, 1 represents the FRA termination date, and 4 signifies the theoretical loan period. However, it's important to note that the loan

Now, in a forward rate agreement (FRA), we have two key dates to consider: the settlement date and the maturity date. The settlement date is the date when the FRA is initiated, and the maturity date is the date when the theoretical loan begins.

In the example of a 2 by 3 FRA, the settlement date is at time period 0, which means it is initiated immediately. The maturity date is at time period 2, indicating that the theoretical loan will start two months from now.

Now, let's focus on the terms "long" and "short" in the context of FRAs. In traditional forward contracts, the long position represents the buyer or holder of the underlying asset, while the short position represents the seller. However, in the case of FRAs, since there is no physical or financial asset being bought or sold, the interpretation is slightly different.

In an FRA, the long position refers to the party that wants to borrow money, and the short position refers to the party that wants to lend money. The long position is the borrower, while the short position is the lender. This distinction is important to understand in order to determine who pays and receives fixed and floating rates.

In the example of a 2 by 3 FRA, the borrower is the long position, and the lender is the short position. The borrower agrees to pay a fixed rate, while the lender agrees to receive the fixed rate. On the other hand, the borrower will receive the floating rate, while the lender will pay the floating rate.

The fixed rate is predetermined and agreed upon at the initiation of the FRA, while the floating rate is based on a reference rate, such as LIBOR, and will be determined at the maturity of the FRA.

To summarize, in a 2 by 3 FRA, the settlement date is at time period 0, the maturity date is at time period 2, and the borrower (long) pays the fixed rate and receives the floating rate, while the lender (short) receives the fixed rate and pays the floating rate.

Understanding the timeline and the roles of the long and short positions will help you navigate the complexities of FRAs without relying solely on memorizing formulas. By visualizing the timeline and interpreting the naming convention correctly, you can grasp the key aspects and concepts of forward rate agreements.

Demystifying Forward Rate Agreements (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Demystifying Forward Rate Agreements (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.10.15
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Beta and CAPM (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Beta and CAPM (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Hello, today we are going to discuss the concept of beta and the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM). Beta, also known as the coefficient beta or beta coefficient, is a measure of systematic risk. Systematic risk is the portion of total risk that cannot be eliminated through diversification. In other words, it is the risk that is inherent to the entire market and cannot be avoided by adding more securities to a portfolio.

It's important to note that beta is not the same as correlation, although it does depend on correlation. Beta represents the relationship between the returns of an asset and the returns of the overall market. Now let's take a closer look at how beta is calculated.

The formula for beta is as follows: Beta = Covariance(asset, market) / Variance(market). In this formula, "asset" refers to the stock or asset for which we are calculating beta, and "market" represents a popular market index such as the S&P 500, which is often used as a proxy for the market.

To simplify the formula, we can substitute the covariance term with correlation. Covariance is equal to correlation multiplied by the standard deviations of the asset and the market. By substituting covariance with correlation, the formula for beta becomes: Beta = Correlation(asset, market) * (Standard Deviation(asset) / Standard Deviation(market)).

Now let's discuss how to interpret beta. Beta should be understood as a multiplier rather than a correlation. If the beta of an asset is 2, it means that if the underlying stock index increases by 10%, the asset's value will increase by twice that amount, or 20%. Similarly, if the beta is 1.5, the asset's value will increase by 50% more than the underlying index. A negative beta, such as -2, indicates that the asset's value will move in the opposite direction of the market, but with twice the magnitude.

A beta of zero implies that there is no relationship between the asset and the market. The asset's value will not be affected by changes in the market. A beta of one suggests that the asset moves in sync with the market. This is often observed in ETFs that track specific market indices like the S&P 500.

Now let's consider the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), which provides a simple relationship between an asset's expected return and its beta. However, CAPM is based on certain assumptions that may not hold true in reality. These assumptions include the absence of transaction costs and taxes, infinitely divisible assets, unlimited short selling, marketable assets, and investors being price takers.

Furthermore, CAPM assumes that investors' utility functions are solely based on expected return and risk, and it considers a single period for analyzing returns and risks. Although these assumptions are unrealistic, CAPM serves as a starting point for more advanced multi-factor models that build upon its foundations.

The CAPM formula is a key component of finance exams, and it is often referred to as one of the "4 am formulas" due to its significance. The formula for expected return using CAPM is: Expected Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Market Return - Risk-Free Rate). This formula calculates the expected return on an asset by adding the risk-free rate to the product of beta and the market risk premium (the difference between the market return and the risk-free rate).

In summary, beta measures systematic risk, and CAPM provides a framework for determining an asset's expected return based on its beta. While CAPM relies on certain assumptions, it serves as a foundation for more complex models. Understanding beta and CAPM is essential for analyzing the risk and return characteristics of assets in the field of finance.

Beta and CAPM (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Beta and CAPM (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.10.17
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Portfolio Return and Variance (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Portfolio Return and Variance (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Let's delve into the topic of portfolio return and variance, with a particular focus on the concept of portfolio capsules. Understanding portfolio return is relatively straightforward, while portfolio variance can be more challenging due to its complex formula. In order to simplify the calculation and aid memorization, we will explore a helpful trick. By comprehending the workings of portfolio return and variance, we can grasp the formula more easily.

First, let's start with the concept of portfolio expected return, which is essentially a weighted average. This means that when we have multiple assets or stocks combined in a portfolio, we calculate the expected return by multiplying the weight of each stock by its respective return. The weight of a stock represents the proportion of that stock's value in the entire portfolio. For example, if your portfolio is worth $100,000 and you hold $40,000 worth of Stock A, the weight of Stock A would be 40%. The formula for portfolio expected return is:

Expected Return on the Portfolio (ERp) = Σ (wi * ri)

Here, wi represents the weight of each stock, and ri represents the return of each stock. By summing up the products of the weights and returns for each stock, we obtain the expected return of the portfolio.

Now, let's move on to the more intricate aspect of portfolio variance and standard deviation. Portfolio standard deviation cannot be calculated simply by adding the individual standard deviations of the underlying securities or by taking a weighted average of their standard deviations. The calculation involves considering the correlation between the assets, which adds complexity to the formula. The more assets in a portfolio, the more pairwise correlations there are, making the formula increasingly complex. However, in exams like the CFO or FRM, the questions typically focus on two or three asset cases, as it becomes excessively complicated to go beyond that.

The portfolio standard deviation consists of two key components: the variance of the underlying assets and the covariance of each pair of underlying assets. If we consider a portfolio with two assets (Asset A and Asset B), we need to calculate the pairwise covariance or correlation between these assets. For three assets, we would require the pairwise covariance or correlation for all three assets. The formula for portfolio variance is as follows:

Portfolio Variance = (wx^2 * σx^2) + (wy^2 * σy^2) + (2 * wx * σx * wy * σy * ρxy)

Here, wx and wy represent the weights of Asset A and Asset B, respectively. σx and σy represent the standard deviations of Asset A and Asset B, respectively. Lastly, ρxy represents the correlation between Asset A and Asset B. The portfolio standard deviation is obtained by taking the square root of the portfolio variance.

To aid in remembering this formula, we can draw a parallel to a familiar algebraic formula: (a + b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 2ab. If we equate the terms in this algebraic formula to the terms in the portfolio variance formula, we can see some similarities. For example, wx and σx can be equated to a, and wy and σy can be equated to b. The correlation term, ρxy, is an additional term that should not be overlooked, as it is crucial in determining the level of diversification in the portfolio.

It is essential to note that correlation ranges from -1 to +1. A higher positive correlation implies greater portfolio variance, as indicated by the positive term in the formula. On the other hand, a more negative correlation signifies increased diversification benefits, as it lowers the portfolio variance. Additionally, the term involving the pairwise covariance (σxy) combines the last three terms of the formula. If you are given the covariance directly instead of these three.

If you are given the covariance directly instead of the correlation, you can use the covariance in the formula instead. The formula would then look like this:

Portfolio Variance = (wx^2 * σx^2) + (wy^2 * σy^2) + (2 * wx * wy * σxy)

Here, σxy represents the covariance between Asset A and Asset B.

To further simplify the calculation, you can create a "portfolio capsule" that contains all the necessary information for the portfolio variance calculation. This capsule includes the weights, standard deviations, and correlations (or covariances) of the assets in the portfolio. By organizing this information in a structured manner, you can easily plug the values into the formula and calculate the portfolio variance.

Here's an example of how you can create a portfolio capsule for a two-asset portfolio:

Asset A:

  • Weight (wx)
  • Standard Deviation (σx)

Asset B:

  • Weight (wy)
  • Standard Deviation (σy)
  • Correlation (or Covariance) with Asset A (ρxy or σxy)

Using this capsule, you can substitute the values into the portfolio variance formula and calculate the result. Remember to take the square root of the portfolio variance to obtain the portfolio standard deviation.

By using this approach, you can streamline the calculation process and organize the necessary information effectively. It's important to note that this simplified approach is applicable for portfolios with two or three assets. For portfolios with a larger number of assets, the formula becomes more complex, and it may be necessary to use matrix algebra or specialized software for calculation purposes.

Portfolio Return and Variance (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Portfolio Return and Variance (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.10.18
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Timelines – Your Best Friends (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Timelines – Your Best Friends (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Hello! Let's delve into the concept of timeline and its applications in various areas of finance. The timeline is a fundamental concept that is present in many subjects within finance, including the CFA and FRM curricula. It is essential because most valuations in finance rely on the timeline and the concept of discounted cash flows. Understanding the timeline properly allows you to apply it across different subjects and financial calculations.

One advantage of using the timeline is that although the terminology may vary between subjects, the underlying mathematical concept remains the same. Whether you are dealing with present value and future value in time value of money or forward price and spot price in derivatives, the concept of compounding and discounting remains consistent. This consistency in the mathematical concept enables you to apply the timeline universally.

The timeline is often referred to as a best friend in finance due to its versatility and widespread use. It serves as an illustration of the amounts and timing of cash flows in any investment project. When constructing the timeline, it is crucial to divide the time intervals in an equidistant manner. For example, if you are using years, the intervals should be one year, two years, three years, and so on. If you are using semi-annual periods, the intervals should be six months, twelve months, eighteen months, and so forth. The equidistant time periods allow for consistent calculations and analysis.

There are numerous applications of the timeline in finance, and some of the key ones include quantitative methods, capital budgeting, equity valuation, fixed income valuation, and derivatives pricing and valuation. These applications encompass a range of financial concepts and calculations, and the timeline plays a vital role in each of them.

In quantitative methods, the timeline is used for time value of money calculations. This involves determining future values, present values, annuities, perpetuities, and solving problems related to retirement planning or mortgage payments. The timeline allows you to compound and discount cash flows accurately and solve various financial problems.

In capital budgeting, the timeline is utilized to evaluate investment projects using concepts such as net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR). The NPV helps determine the value of a project by comparing the present value of cash inflows with the initial cash outflow. If the NPV is positive, the project is considered viable. The IRR is the discount rate that makes the NPV equal to zero and helps in project selection and sequencing.

Equity valuation involves using the timeline to discount expected cash flows, such as dividends, using different models like the dividend discount model, free cash flow model (FCFE or FCFF), or residual income model. By placing these cash flows on the timeline and discounting them back to the present, the fundamental value or intrinsic value of the stock can be estimated. This valuation approach helps determine whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued in the market.

Bond valuation, applicable to various types of bonds, also relies on the timeline. Regardless of the specific bond type, the valuation process involves discounting the bond's future cash flows, typically in the form of coupons and principal payments, back to the present using an appropriate discount rate. The timeline aids in determining the bond's fair value and assessing its attractiveness in the market.

These are just a few examples of the applications of the timeline in finance. It is important to note that the timeline is pervasive in valuation-related tasks across different financial domains. By understanding and effectively utilizing the timeline, financial professionals can make informed decisions and perform accurate calculations.

Timelines – Your Best Friends (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Timelines – Your Best Friends (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.10.23
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Evolution of Portfolio Theory – From Efficient Frontier to CAL to SML (For CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Evolution of Portfolio Theory – From Efficient Frontier to CAL to SML (For CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Today, we will explore the concept of capsules and delve into the evolution of portfolio theory. Our focus will be on understanding the different phases, such as the minimum variance frontier, efficient frontier, capital allocation line, capital market line, and security market line. Rather than solely focusing on formulas, we will emphasize the distinctions between these phases and how they progress, ultimately leading to the formulation of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the security market line.

Let's begin with the minimum variance frontier. Imagine you have information about 20 different assets, including their risk and return profiles. You can create various portfolios using this data, either manually or on an excel sheet. By combining these portfolios, you can form the minimum variance frontier. This frontier represents the range of portfolios with the minimum amount of variance, indicating the least risky point. This point is known as the global minimum variance portfolio.

Moving on to the efficient frontier, we plot all the portfolios on a graph with the portfolio's expected return on the y-axis and risk (measured by portfolio standard deviation) on the x-axis. The efficient frontier consists of portfolios that provide the maximum return for a given level of risk or minimize the risk for a given level of return. Any portfolio below the efficient frontier is considered inefficient, as you can always select a portfolio above the frontier with a higher return for the same level of risk. The efficient frontier is the upper part of the minimum variance frontier.

Next, we introduce the Capital Allocation Line (CAL), which combines a risk-free asset with risky assets. The risk-free asset offers a guaranteed return without any risk, represented by its position on the y-axis. The CAL represents the expected return and standard deviation of portfolios consisting of both the risk-free asset and risky assets. To determine the optimal portfolio on the CAL, we use indifference curves. These curves reflect an investor's preferences in terms of risk and return. The optimal portfolio lies at the point where the indifference curve is tangent to the CAL.

Moving further, we transform the CAL into the Capital Market Line (CML) by assuming that all investors have the same preferences. The CML is a line that connects the risk-free rate of return to the market portfolio. However, finding a true proxy for the market portfolio is challenging since investors hold diverse investments beyond just equities or bonds. Therefore, popular equity indices like the S&P 500 are often used as a proxy, even though it's not a perfect representation.

In the context of risk, we differentiate between systematic risk and non-systematic risk. Systematic risk is the portion of total risk that cannot be eliminated, such as macroeconomic factors like inflation, interest rates, and exchange rates. Non-systematic risk is specific to individual companies and can be mitigated through diversification. The theory suggests that investors should only be compensated for bearing systematic risk since non-systematic risk can be avoided through diversification.

To illustrate this, as the number of securities in a portfolio increases, the systematic risk remains constant, while the non-systematic risk diminishes due to diversification benefits. The market should only reward investors for bearing the systematic risk.

In conclusion, understanding the evolution of portfolio theory involves comprehending the various phases, including the minimum variance frontier, efficient frontier, capital allocation line, capital market line, and security market line. These concepts help investors determine optimal portfolios based on risk and return preferences while accounting for systematic and non-systematic risks.

Evolution of Portfolio Theory – From Efficient Frontier to CAL to SML (For CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Evolution of Portfolio Theory – From Efficient Frontier to CAL to SML (For CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.10.23
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Hypothesis Testing (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Hypothesis Testing (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Today, we will delve into the topic of hypothesis testing, specifically focusing on the concept of concept capsules. Hypothesis testing is a fundamental part of the CFA Level 1 Quants curriculum, as well as the CFA Level 2 Quants curriculum and the FRM curriculum. Many students find hypothesis testing challenging, especially at the CFA Level 1, so we will explore ways to make it more manageable.

First, let's grasp the essence of hypothesis testing. A hypothesis is essentially an opinion or claim that has not been substantiated yet. It is a statement that requires testing to determine its validity. For example, consider the claim that the mean lifetime of men is less than that of women. This is a statement that lacks evidence and needs to be proven. Hypothesis testing comes into play to investigate and evaluate such claims.

A hypothesis is an assumptive statement about a problem, idea, or characteristic of a population. To test a hypothesis, data needs to be collected and examined. Since studying an entire population is often impractical, time-consuming, and costly, a representative sample is typically taken for examination. Based on the findings from the sample, conclusions can be drawn about the entire population. This is the crux of hypothesis testing.

Now, let's explore the crucial steps involved in hypothesis testing. Although some students may find hypothesis testing daunting due to the multitude of formulas and the complexity of null and alternative hypotheses, it is essential to follow these six steps in sequence. Regardless of the specific hypothesis being tested or the distribution being used, these steps remain consistent. So, regardless of the test or question, simply implement these steps in the same order to reach a conclusion.

However, it's important to note that memorizing formulas alone is insufficient. While it's necessary to remember the formulas and the distributions applicable to each test, understanding and implementing these steps is crucial for drawing meaningful conclusions. Many students focus solely on memorization, forgetting the importance of following these six steps, which often hinders their ability to arrive at a conclusive result. Therefore, it's crucial to comprehend the process thoroughly and practice solving hypothesis testing questions in the prescribed sequence.

Now, let's delve into each step in detail. The first step involves stating both the null and alternative hypotheses. This step is critical, as an incorrect formulation of the hypotheses can lead to an erroneous conclusion. While we won't cover this step extensively here, it's important to remember that the null hypothesis usually includes an equality sign (e.g., equal to, greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to), while the alternative hypothesis focuses on the complementary part of the distribution. If in doubt, refer to additional resources or watch separate videos on null and alternative hypotheses.

The second step entails identifying the appropriate test statistic and its probability distribution. This step varies depending on the specific test being conducted. For example, if testing a mean, either the t-distribution or the z-distribution is used. If testing variance, the chi-square distribution is employed. Each test requires a specific test statistic and distribution, so it's crucial to know which formulas to apply.

Next, specify the level of significance, which is typically provided in the question itself. The most common level of significance is 5%, but it can be 1% or 10% depending on the context. The significance level determines the critical value used for the decision rule in the subsequent step.

The fourth step involves stating the decision rule, guiding whether to reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis. In this step, the conditions under which the null hypothesis is rejected or failed to be rejected are clearly defined. The decision rule should align with the alternative hypothesis and the test being conducted.

Now we move on to the final step, where we make a decision based on the sample results. In this step, we compare our test statistic (7.96) with the critical value of 1.83.

Since our test statistic (7.96) is greater than the critical value (1.83), we reject the null hypothesis. This means that we have sufficient evidence to conclude that the average rate of rainfall has increased from its former value of 23 centimeters.

It's important to note that our decision is based on the specific significance level chosen (5%). If the significance level was different, the critical value would also change, and our decision may be different.

To summarize, we followed the six steps of hypothesis testing to assess whether the average rate of rainfall has increased from 23 centimeters. We formulated the null and alternative hypotheses, identified the appropriate test statistic (t-test), specified the significance level (5%), stated the decision rule, calculated the test statistic (7.96), and made a decision based on the sample results, rejecting the null hypothesis.

Remember that this is just one example of hypothesis testing, specifically for testing a single mean. The steps may vary depending on the type of hypothesis being tested (e.g., testing variances, proportions, etc.), but the general process remains the same.

By understanding and practicing these steps, you can confidently approach any hypothesis testing problem and draw meaningful conclusions based on the data at hand.

Hypothesis Testing (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Hypothesis Testing (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.12.05
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

Null and Alternative Hypotheses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Null and Alternative Hypotheses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)

Today, we will be discussing the concept of concept capsules, specifically focusing on the topic of null and alternative hypotheses. This is an important aspect of hypothesis testing, which you will encounter in both your CFA Level 1 and Level 2, as well as your FRM curriculum. Formulating the null and alternative hypotheses is the first step in the hypothesis testing process, and it is crucial to get it right, as it sets the foundation for the entire test.

Let's delve into what you need to do in this initial step. The first thing to consider is the categories of hypotheses. We have two types of hypotheses to deal with: the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha). The null hypothesis represents the hypothesis being tested, based on the current knowledge about the population parameter. On the other hand, the alternative hypothesis presents an alternative view or belief about the population parameter. In some texts, the alternative hypothesis may be denoted as H1b, but it is commonly represented as Ha or simply H1.

To formulate these hypotheses, it is essential to follow three basic principles. These principles apply to any hypothesis test you conduct, whether it's a t-test, z-test, or even the Durbin-Watson test in your Level 2 curriculum. By understanding and applying these principles, you can create the null and alternative hypotheses accurately and consistently.

The first principle is that the null and alternative hypotheses must be mutually exclusive. This means that there should be no overlap or common outcomes between the two hypotheses. If an outcome is present in the null hypothesis, it cannot be present in the alternative hypothesis, and vice versa.

The second principle is that the hypotheses must be collectively exhaustive. This implies that there are no other possible outcomes besides those represented in the null and alternative hypotheses. For example, if you are testing whether the mean is equal to 5, the alternative hypothesis would state that the mean is not equal to 5. In this case, the mean can only be either equal to 5 or not equal to 5, leaving no other possibilities.

The third and crucial principle is that the null hypothesis must include an equal sign. This rule is of utmost importance in hypothesis testing, as it helps avoid errors when creating the null and alternative hypotheses. The equal sign can encompass not only strict equality but also inequalities such as greater than or equal to and less than or equal to.

Now, let's explore the two types of tests you may encounter: two-tailed tests and one-tailed tests. In a two-tailed test, both sides of the distribution are considered. For instance, if you are testing whether the mean is equal to 10 or not equal to 10, you are examining both the possibilities of the mean being greater than 10 and less than 10. In this case, the test is referred to as a two-tailed test.

In a two-tailed test, the significance level, often set at 5%, is equally split between both sides of the distribution. This means that each side receives 2.5% of the significance level, leaving 95% in the middle, as the total area under the curve must sum up to 100%.

On the other hand, a one-tailed test focuses on one specific side of the distribution, either the left side or the right side. This test is used when you want to test the possibility of a change in only one direction while disregarding the other direction. For example, if you are testing whether the mean is less than 10, you are interested in the left side of the distribution. Conversely, if you are testing whether the mean is greater than 10, you are focusing on the right side of the distribution.

Once you have formulated the null and alternative hypotheses, you can proceed with the next steps of hypothesis testing. These steps typically involve collecting data, performing statistical analysis, and drawing conclusions based on the results.

To summarize, here are the key points discussed so far:

  1. Hypothesis testing is an important part of statistical analysis and is used to make inferences about population parameters based on sample data.

  2. The two types of hypotheses involved in hypothesis testing are the null hypothesis (H0) and the alternative hypothesis (Ha or H1).

  3. The null hypothesis represents the current knowledge or assumption about the population parameter being tested, while the alternative hypothesis represents a different or opposing belief.

  4. The three basic principles for formulating hypotheses are:

    a. Mutually exclusive: The null and alternative hypotheses must be separate and cannot have any common outcomes. They represent different possibilities.

    b. Collectively exhaustive: The null and alternative hypotheses must cover all possible outcomes. There should be no other options besides the ones stated in the hypotheses.

    c. Equal sign in the null hypothesis: The null hypothesis should always include an equal sign (e.g., equal to, less than or equal to, or greater than or equal to). This ensures that the null hypothesis represents a specific value or condition.

  5. Hypothesis tests can be categorized as two-tailed tests or one-tailed tests:

    a. Two-tailed tests consider both sides of the distribution and test whether a parameter is not equal to a specific value.

    b. One-tailed tests focus on one specific side of the distribution and test whether a parameter is greater than or less than a specific value.

  6. It is crucial to choose the appropriate type of test based on the research question and the directionality of the effect being investigated.

  7. Once the hypotheses are formulated, the next steps involve data collection, statistical analysis (e.g., calculating test statistics and p-values), and interpreting the results to either accept or reject the null hypothesis.

Remember that hypothesis testing is a structured process that helps you draw meaningful conclusions based on evidence. By following the principles and guidelines discussed, you can ensure the validity and accuracy of your hypothesis testing procedures.

Null and Alternative Hypotheses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
Null and Alternative Hypotheses (Calculations for CFA® and FRM® Exams)
  • 2020.12.03
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...

NPV vs. IRR (Calculations for CFA® Exams)

NPV vs. IRR (Calculations for CFA® Exams)

Hello and welcome to Concept Capsules! Today, we will be exploring the topics of Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). These techniques are crucial in capital budgeting and are covered extensively in the CFA and FRM curricula.

NPV and IRR are used to compare cash flows that occur at different points in time and aid in determining the best project to undertake. They also assist in sequencing projects based on available capital. NPV evaluates the profitability of a project by considering after-tax cash flows. It involves discounting cash flows to a common time period, usually time period zero, where the decision to execute the project is made.

To calculate NPV, we subtract the initial cash outflow (investment) from the present value of cash inflows. The cash inflows and outflows are brought to time period zero for comparison. If the resulting NPV is positive, the project is deemed profitable and should be accepted. If it is negative, the project destroys value and should be rejected. An NPV of zero means the project neither adds nor destroys firm value, making it indifferent. However, in practice, projects with an NPV of zero are generally not pursued.

IRR, on the other hand, eliminates the need for a pre-determined discount rate. It is the discounting rate that makes NPV equal to zero. In other words, IRR equates the present value of cash inflows to the present value of cash outflows. The decision rule for IRR is based on a required rate of return or hurdle rate. If the IRR exceeds the hurdle rate, the project is accepted; otherwise, it is rejected.

Let's explore an example to understand how to calculate NPV and IRR using the BA2 Plus calculator. Consider Company A, which plans to invest $100 million in a capital expansion project. The project is expected to generate after-tax cash flows of $20 million per year for the first three years and $33 million in the final year. The required rate of return is 8%. We need to calculate the NPV and IRR and decide whether the project should be undertaken.

To begin, we create a timeline with the cash outflow of $100 million at time period zero and the cash inflows of $20 million for each of the first three years and $33 million for the fourth year. We then discount each cash inflow to time period zero using the discount rate of 8%. Summing up the present values of the cash inflows and subtracting the initial cash outflow yields the NPV. In this case, the NPV is calculated as -$24.2 million.

To calculate the IRR, we set up the equation that equates the NPV to zero, using an unknown discount rate (IRR). However, manually solving this equation can be time-consuming. Fortunately, we can use the BA2 Plus calculator to compute the IRR directly by inputting the cash flows and finding the IRR function.

In conclusion, the NPV of -$24.2 million and the IRR should be determined using the BA2 Plus calculator. Comparing the IRR to the required rate of return will guide the decision to undertake the project.

NPV vs. IRR (Calculations for CFA® Exams)
NPV vs. IRR (Calculations for CFA® Exams)
  • 2020.12.07
  • www.youtube.com
AnalystPrep's Concept Capsules for CFA® and FRM® ExamsThis series of video lessons is intended to review the main calculations required in your CFA and FRM e...