Lost mql files question


Hello! I have uninstalled my mt4/5 platforms and by mistake I ticked complete uninstall. So I have lost all my mql4 files . Anyway to recover? Thanks! 

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Have you looked in the wastebasket of Windows? But I don't know whether the files were deleted or just moved there.
You can recover the files from MQL5 Storage (from MetaEditor) - in case you used (are using) this storage.

For example, when I want to use new computer (or when I found old laptop which I did not use for 1 year for example) so
I install MT4/MT4 and recover all the files from the storage.
Carl Schreiber #:
Have you looked in the wastebasket of Windows? But I don't know whether the files were deleted or just moved there.
Checked! Nothing there 
Sergey Golubev #:
You can recover the files from MQL5 Storage (from MetaEditor) - in case you used (are using) this storage.

For example, when I want to use new computer (or when I found old laptop which I did not use for 1 year for example) so
I install MT4/MT4 and recover all the files from the storage.
Not using this storage 

Then you might use forensic programs to recover deleted files. If you think about this don't write anything on your disk!


Carl Schreiber #:

Then you might use forensic programs to recover deleted files. If you think about this don't write anything on your disk!


Thanks! I’ll try… for the moment I have recovered plenty of files, except the ones that I really need and worked for months 

That is why backups are so important! But no one ever listens until it is too late.


Go to your backups. You do backup your system, don't you?

Well, I guess I had to learn it in  hard way.