Strange behaviour MQL5VPS including several #property tester_file; wrong and sometimes no file loaded.

To whom it may concern, 
I stumbled upon strange MQL5VPS behaviour when working with #property tester_file and MQL5VPS. 

Here a test code:

//|                                              MQL5VPS_strange.mq5 |
//|                                  Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"

#property tester_file "VPS1.txt"
#property tester_file "VPS2.txt"
#property tester_file "VPS3.txt"
#property tester_file "VPS4.txt"

//|                                                                  |
enum enum_VPS

string lines[];  
int countVPS = 0;
int countTerminal = 0;
//|                                                                  |
input enum_VPS FileUsed;
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
      Comment(EnumToString(FileUsed)+".txt" + " " + (string)ArraySize(lines));
      Print("Lines in file " + EnumToString(FileUsed) + " " + (string)ArraySize(lines));

//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
          SendNotification("Hello from VPS; lines in file " + EnumToString(FileUsed) + " " + (string)ArraySize(lines));
             SendNotification("Hello from Terminal; lines in file " + EnumToString(FileUsed) + " " + (string)ArraySize(lines));

//|  Read file to array                                              |
bool ReadFileToArrayAgent(string FileName,string & Lines[])
   int h=FileOpen(FileName,FILE_READ|FILE_TXT,"\r\n");
          int ErrNum=GetLastError();
          printf("ReadFileToArrayAgent Error opening file %s # %i",FileName,ErrNum);
   int cnt=0; // use the variable to count the number of file lines
          string str=FileReadString(h); // read the next line from the file
          // remove spaces to the left and to the right to detect and avoid using empty lines
          if(str!="" && str!="0-"){ 
                 if(cnt>=ArraySize(Lines)){ // array filled completely
                        ArrayResize(Lines,ArraySize(Lines)+1024); // increase the array size by 1024 elements
                 Lines[cnt]=str; // send the read line to the array
                 cnt++; // increase the counter of read lines

test files belong in Common\Files
VPS1.txt contains 1 line,
VPS2.txt 2 lines,
VPS2.txt 3 lines,
VPS2.txt 4 lines.

Here a screenshot of the recieved notification after synchronizing MQL5 VPS with 4 charts, each using one of the vps.txt files:

The last line means that VPS2.txt has 4 lines (although it only contains 2).

Here the printout:

Here you can see the terminal reads out the vps2.txt correctly. But the vps terminal confuses vps2.txt with vps4.txt apperently.
With another EA, I face a similar problem, but there most of the time only the file of one chart is read, others claim 0 lines.

Thanks for any help in advance.

VPS1.txt  1 kb
VPS2.txt  1 kb
VPS3.txt  1 kb
VPS4.txt  1 kb