MT5 Forward Test on-chart data does not fall on candle sticks. Does anybody know why this is happening? - page 2

Suren Khosravi #:

I always loved that old guide for describing in a very lucid manner why the quality of a question predetermines the quality of the (potential) answers. I remember linking and pinning it on a forum that was completely unrelated to tech when I used to be active there and the whole quality of the forum improved after people took some of the advice to heart before posting questions (that was back when people actually used to read). My only critique was and still is the "dealing with rudeness" subsection. There is such a thing as giving a direct, cut-through-the-bullshit anwer, while being polite and friendly at the same time. The mutual exclusivity between those two is a false dichotomy in my experience.

I completely agree. Thanks for sharing your experience.
Suren Khosravi #:

I always loved that old guide for describing in a very lucid manner why the quality of a question predetermines the quality of the (potential) answers. I remember linking and pinning it on a forum that was completely unrelated to tech when I used to be active there and the whole quality of the forum improved after people took some of the advice to heart before posting questions (that was back when people actually used to read). My only critique was and still is the "dealing with rudeness" subsection. There is such a thing as giving a direct, cut-through-the-bullshit anwer, while being polite and friendly at the same time. The mutual exclusivity between those two is a false dichotomy in my experience.

Can we keep the conversation related to the concern at hand? Nobody has provided any answers relating to the issue. If you can't help with the issue.. don't reply
William Roeder #:

How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          Don't rush to claim that you have found a bug.
Questions Not To Ask
          My program doesn't work. I think system facility X is broken.

It is almost always your code.

Why is the same issue not happening in the backtest then?
polanaguib #: Why is the same issue not happening in the backtest then?

Do you really expect an answer? There are no mind readers here and our crystal balls are cracked.
     How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. (2004)
          Be precise and informative about your problem

We can't see your broken code.

Always post all relevant code (using Code button) or attach the source file.

What does the log files say?

polanaguib #: Can we keep the conversation related to the concern at hand? Nobody has provided any answers relating to the issue. If you can't help with the issue.. don't reply

No one has given a useful answer because we are unable to recreate the issue.

In software development, there is a saying (well at least in my circles it was a saying): "We need the recipe for a burnt cake in order not to burn it."

The same applies here. You have to give us a clear "recipe" that reproduces the issue, so that we can figure out what is going wrong and how to prevent the issue.

Since on our end we have never experienced the issue, we are unaware of what conditions can cause it.

So, if you want us to properly look into it, provide us with a "recipe".

  1. Detailed explanation of the steps carried out that lead to the issue.
  2. Example code that does reproduce what you have described.
  3. Trade history results corresponding to the graphical objects in question.
  4. Log output that can help understand the problem.
  5. Details of the resulting graphical objects, that appear incorrectly.
  6. Any other extra information, that my help, even if they seem irrelevant, like MT5 build, operating system info, etc.
In summary, if you want us to be "detectives" and solve your "mystery", you have to provide us with as much details as possible. Remember that we cannot read your mind nor see your computer.