Cross station leak.

Since I am evaluating several bank accounts, I have noticed that MT4 shares "Personal details" with existing installed MT4 station.

For example 1:
I have installed MT4 from MetaTrader. When I install MT4 from FiboGroup and when opening account all personal details from MetaTrader appears in FiboGroup Personal details form even though that I have uninstalled all prior MT4 installations and have manually deleted all directories in PC Program Files.

It is very confusing during evaluation process where bugs exists! Thinking -- Is it bug or is it intentional?

For example 2:
When FiboGroup MT4 freezes, after restart, all MT4 installed stations share same image on Desktop screen short-cuts.
The question is: How deep this cross-leak problem exists among other files?
Same goes for Interbank FX MT4.
its probably b/c mt4 stores some of that info in registry keys, since all versions probably use the same registry keys you get the *effect* of sharing info.
its probably b/c mt4 stores some of that info in registry keys, since all versions probably use the same registry keys you get the *effect* of sharing info.

If all versions would use the same registry keys that would be serious problem.
I would assume that many clients may use multiple bank accounts and would have unpredictable problems by ding so.
Even now I must uninstall all other accounts to evaluate one.
shared registry keys are your data in the "open demo account" form and selected language. that's all. what the problem?
shared registry keys are your data in the "open demo account" form and selected language. that's all. what the problem?

You see, I do not know what is shared.
If I am evaluating program which may have bugs and in same time you see some sharing of data it makes you dizzy. Like now, I have updated to build 180 and all my shortcuts to all test accounts have same logo from Millennium bank.
I do not think that is good.
Yeah, but the info isn't shared outside your computer. Its just that two different programs are storing temporary useful information in the same place. So when program 1 sets the information and then program 2 retreives it, it gives the effect of sharing. But no one else anywhere gets a hold of that info.

The other thing is, this is only demo account information. None of that should be real info anyway. Plus the whole Millenium bank issue really is not a good thing. But it has nothing to do with safety and security of information directly. All they did was mistakenly publish the wrong compiled version. Not good, but not catastrophic either.

I know this may seem like a big deal, but its really not anything to worry about. I've been a critic of MQ in the past. Trust me, if this was a serious issue I would be all over it.