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2.2 Nearest neighbor decision boundary (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
2.2 Nearest neighbor decision boundary (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
In this second video, we will examine the decision boundary of the nearest neighbor algorithm, specifically focusing on the one nearest neighbor classifier. We will be using a two-dimensional dataset for illustration purposes since it is easier for humans to visualize.
The dataset consists of five data points represented by blue dots. Let's zoom in on points A and B and explore the decision boundary between them. The decision boundary is a line or boundary that separates points A and B. If we fit a one nearest neighbor model to the dataset, what would this decision boundary look like?
To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of equidistance. Any point lying on the decision boundary should be equidistant from points A and B. Take a moment to pause the video and think about what the decision boundary would look like. The decision boundary for points A and B would be a line drawn using a Euclidean distance metric. Any point on this line is equidistant from points A and B, meaning the distance between the point on the line and points A and B is the same everywhere on the line. Now let's move on to points A and C and determine their decision boundary. The decision boundary for points A and C would be a line perpendicular to the line connecting A and C. Every point on this line is equidistant from points A and C.
We can continue this exercise for all the pairs of points in the dataset, such as C and D, to determine their respective decision boundaries. By assembling all these decision boundaries for each pair of points, we obtain the decision boundary of the one nearest neighbor classifier, as shown in the bottom right corner.
If we look closely at the diagram, we may notice that it resembles a Voronoi diagram or Voronoi tessellation. This diagram divides the dataset into regions, with each region corresponding to the decision boundary between a pair of points. Each point on a boundary line is equidistant to the two adjacent points.
However, we are not done yet. In the previous slide, we only showed the decision regions without considering the actual class labels. Now let's reintroduce the class labels to the dataset. Triangles represent class 1, and squares represent class 0.
To obtain the decision regions that the one nearest neighbor algorithm would use for classification, we need to take the union of the regions belonging to the same class label. For example, the red triangles have a decision region enclosed by the boundaries corresponding to the red triangles' closest points. Similarly, the blue squares have their own decision region. By filling out these regions with their respective colors, we obtain the decision boundary of the one nearest neighbor classifier.
To test your understanding, let's pose a simple question. Given the five data points in the dataset, which point is the closest to the question mark point? Pause the video for a moment and think about your answer. Answering this question requires knowledge of the distance measure used to determine closeness. In this case, we are using the Euclidean distance, but other distance measures can also be used. Depending on the chosen distance measure, the closest point to the question mark point may vary.
In the video, two distance measures were demonstrated: the Euclidean distance and the Manhattan distance. The Euclidean distance measures the straight-line distance between two points, while the Manhattan distance measures the distance by summing the absolute differences between the coordinates.
Additionally, the video briefly mentions the Mahalanobis distance, which takes into account the distribution of features. It considers the distance of a data point to its distribution in terms of standard deviations. The cosine similarity, which measures the angle between two vectors, is also mentioned as a distance measure.
In practice, the choice of distance measure depends on the specific problem and the characteristics of the dataset. It can be considered as a hyperparameter of the nearest neighbor algorithm that needs to be carefully chosen based on the problem at hand.
Let's now discuss the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, which is an extension of the one nearest neighbor algorithm. In the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, instead of considering only the closest point, we consider the k closest points to the query point. The decision boundary of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm is determined by a voting mechanism. Each point within the decision region of a particular class contributes to the vote for that class. The class with the highest number of votes among the k nearest neighbors is assigned as the predicted class for the query point.
For example, let's say we have a query point represented by a green star. If we use a 3-nearest neighbor algorithm, we look at the three closest points to the query point. If two of those points belong to class 0 and one belongs to class 1, the majority vote would assign the query point to class 0. Similarly, if we increase the value of k to 5, we would consider the five nearest points to the query point. If three of those points belong to class 1 and two belong to class 0, the majority vote would assign the query point to class 1.
Choosing the value of k is an important consideration in the k-nearest neighbor algorithm. A smaller value of k may lead to overfitting, where the algorithm becomes too sensitive to local fluctuations in the data. On the other hand, a larger value of k may result in underfitting, where the decision boundary becomes too smooth and fails to capture finer details. As with any algorithm, there are trade-offs to be made, and the choice of k depends on the dataset and the problem at hand. It is common to experiment with different values of k and use techniques like cross-validation to find the optimal value.
The k-nearest neighbor algorithm extends the one nearest neighbor algorithm by considering the k closest points. The decision boundary is determined by a voting mechanism based on the class labels of the k nearest neighbors. The choice of k is a hyperparameter that needs to be carefully selected to balance between overfitting and underfitting.
2.3 K-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
2.3 K-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
In the previous video, I mentioned that not all distance measures discussed earlier are metrics. For instance, cosine similarity is not considered a proper metric because it does not satisfy the triangle inequality. The triangle inequality states that the distance between two data points, denoted as A and C, should be less than or equal to the sum of the distances between A and B, and B and C. However, despite not being a proper metric, cosine similarity is still highly useful in practice in specific contexts.
Now, let's delve into the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) approach, which is an extension of the one nearest neighbor method we discussed before. The k-NN model is relatively straightforward as it generalizes the one nearest neighbor method by considering multiple nearest neighbors instead of just one.
In this video, I present an example of a k-NN model. We have two features, x1 and x2, and a toy dataset with different classes represented by crosses, circles, and triangles. Our goal is to classify a data point denoted by a question mark in the center. To make predictions, we consider the data points within a certain radius around the question mark, using a Euclidean distance measure.
Now, the question is: What would be the value of k in this k-NN approach for the given example? If you take a moment to think, you'll realize that k is 5 because we are considering the five closest data points to the point we want to classify.
Considering the five nearest neighbors, we count the occurrences of each class. For instance, if we find one triangle, one circle, and three crosses, the majority vote assigns the predicted class label to the query point. In this case, the predicted class label would be a triangle since it occurs the most among the five nearest neighbors.
Although we technically have a "plurality vote" in k-NN, it is commonly referred to as a "majority vote" in practice. When there is a tie in the voting process, where multiple classes have the same count, software packages typically select one label at random or choose the label with the lower class label index.
To provide a more formal definition of the majority vote, let's consider the subset D sub k, which represents the k nearest neighbors. We define the majority vote as the class label (y) that maximizes the sum of delta functions. The delta function returns 1 if a equals b (matching labels) and 0 otherwise. By summing the delta values for each neighbor, we can find the class label that occurs most frequently.
For regression analysis using k-NN, the process is simpler. Instead of class labels, we deal with continuous target values. The prediction (h) for k-NN regression is the average of the target values of the k nearest neighbors.
In the next video, we will dive into the topic of Big O analysis, which involves analyzing the runtime complexity of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. Understanding the efficiency of an algorithm is crucial for evaluating its performance and scalability. Big O analysis provides a way to estimate how the algorithm's execution time will grow as the input size increases. This analysis helps us make informed decisions about algorithm selection and optimization.To perform Big O analysis on the k-nearest neighbors algorithm, we need to consider two main factors: the number of training instances (n) and the number of features (d). These factors determine the computational cost of finding the k nearest neighbors for a given query point.
In the simplest implementation of k-nearest neighbors, we would compute the distance between the query point and every training instance, resulting in a time complexity of O(nd). This means that the algorithm's runtime grows linearly with the number of training instances and the number of features.
However, there are ways to optimize the k-nearest neighbors algorithm and reduce its computational cost. One common approach is to use data structures that accelerate the search for nearest neighbors, such as kd-trees or ball trees. These data structures partition the training instances in a hierarchical manner, allowing for more efficient neighbor searches.
Using these data structures, we can achieve a reduced search time of O(log n) or even O(1) in some cases. This improvement significantly speeds up the algorithm, especially for large datasets.
It's important to note that the choice of distance metric also affects the algorithm's runtime complexity. Some distance metrics, such as Euclidean distance, can be computed efficiently, while others, like Manhattan distance, may require more computational resources.
In addition to the time complexity, we should also consider the space complexity of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm. The space complexity refers to the amount of memory required to store the training instances and any additional data structures used for efficient neighbor search. The space complexity is typically O(nd) or O(n) for optimized implementations.
Overall, understanding the runtime and space complexities of the k-nearest neighbors algorithm helps us assess its scalability and make informed decisions when working with large datasets or real-time applications.
In the next video, we will explore these concepts further and provide a more detailed analysis of the algorithm's efficiency. Stay tuned for an in-depth discussion on Big O analysis for k-nearest neighbors.
2.4 Big O of K-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
2.4 Big O of K-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
Now, let's dive into the topic of runtime complexity, specifically focusing on Big O notation and the runtime complexity of the k-nearest neighbors (KNN) algorithm.
Big O notation is a concept used in computer science to analyze the efficiency of algorithms. It primarily refers to the runtime complexity, which determines how the execution speed of an algorithm behaves as the input size increases. Additionally, Big O notation can also be used to analyze the memory efficiency of an algorithm, indicating the amount of memory required for its execution.
In the case of KNN, the training step involves saving the training dataset, which can be memory-intensive. Storing a large training dataset may require a significant amount of RAM or hard drive storage space. While storage space has become cheaper over time, it can still pose limitations when dealing with massive datasets, such as millions of images.
However, let's shift our focus to the runtime complexity of KNN during the prediction step. Before we proceed, let's briefly introduce Big O notation. It is a notation used to describe the efficiency of algorithms, typically denoted by functions. These functions represent the runtime complexity of algorithms, with common examples including O(1) (constant), O(log n) (logarithmic), and so on. These functions indicate how the runtime of an algorithm scales with the input size (n).
To gain a better understanding of runtime complexity, we can arrange the functions in ascending order of efficiency, from O(1) to exponential complexity. In this context, a constant function is ideal as it remains unaffected by the input size, ensuring consistent execution speed. Logarithmic and linear functions are also efficient, although not as ideal as constant functions. However, as the complexity increases to quadratic, cubic, and exponential, the efficiency of the algorithm deteriorates significantly. Exponential complexity is particularly detrimental and should be avoided, especially when dealing with large datasets in machine learning.
To visualize the runtime complexity in terms of n (input size), a plot can be created, where the x-axis represents n and the y-axis represents the complexity of the algorithm. As n increases, certain functions exhibit increasingly poor performance. It is essential to avoid algorithms with high complexity, such as quadratic, cubic, or exponential, as they can lead to excessively long execution times.
Now, let's explore how we derive the Big O notation for a given function. For example, consider a quadratic function f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c. When deriving the Big O notation, we focus on the dominant term that grows the fastest. In this case, the dominant term is x^2. Therefore, the Big O notation for this function would be O(x^2), indicating quadratic complexity.
Let's consider another function to illustrate this process further. Suppose we have a function f(x) = ax(log x). Again, we identify the dominant term, which is x(log x). Here, we disregard the constant factor a and focus on the term x(log x). Consequently, the Big O notation for this function would be O(x log x), indicating log-linear complexity.
It's worth mentioning that the base of the logarithm (e.g., log base 2 or natural logarithm) doesn't impact the Big O notation. Different bases only introduce a scaling factor, which can be ignored when determining the runtime complexity. Therefore, for simplicity, we usually consider the natural logarithm (log) without specifying the base.
To further solidify your understanding, let's examine a Python function for matrix multiplication, demonstrating the application of Big O notation to computational algorithms. The function performs matrix multiplication between two matrices, A and B. Although the implementation is intentionally inefficient for the sake of illustration, it allows us to analyze its runtime complexity.
The function starts with initializing an empty matrix C of size n x n, where n is the dimension of the input matrices. Then, it iterates through each row i of matrix A and each column j of matrix B. Within the nested loops, it calculates the dot product of row i in matrix A and column j in matrix B, storing the result in the corresponding cell of matrix C.
Here's the Python code for the matrix multiplication function:
It's important to note that cubic complexity is not ideal, especially for large values of n. As the input size increases, the execution time of this function grows significantly. Consequently, for larger matrices, a more efficient algorithm should be used to perform matrix multiplication, such as the Strassen algorithm or other optimized approaches that achieve better runtime complexities, such as O(n^2.81).
In summary, understanding the runtime complexity of algorithms, denoted by Big O notation, is crucial for evaluating their efficiency and scalability. It allows us to estimate the performance of an algorithm as the input size increases, enabling us to choose the most appropriate algorithms for different scenarios and avoid inefficient ones for large datasets.
2.5 Improving k-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
2.5 Improving k-nearest neighbors (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
In this video, we will delve into the topic of improving the K-nearest neighbors algorithm through certain modifications and consideration of hyperparameters. In the previous video, we discussed the use of a priority queue as a data structure to enhance the efficiency of finding nearest neighbors. This priority queue helps avoid searching the entire training set for each new neighbor.
Now, let's explore another approach to improve the computational performance of the K-nearest neighbors algorithm by utilizing space partitioning data structures. One such data structure is the heap, which serves as a space partitioning structure to expedite the search process over the training examples. By dividing the dataset into subsets within the data structure, we can minimize the need for distance computations for every training data point.
One method of space partitioning is called bucketing. This involves dividing the dataset into subsets or buckets based on specific criteria, such as equally sized buckets or boundaries defined by feature measurements. By doing so, we can avoid searching the entire training set and focus only on relevant points within a particular bucket when looking for neighbors of a query point. This optimization significantly enhances the efficiency of the search process.
Another space partitioning technique is the KD tree, which constructs hypercubes to divide the dataset. This method differs from bucketing but shares the objective of improving the search efficiency by reducing the number of distance computations. KD trees are particularly suitable for datasets with a large number of features.
Similarly, the ball tree algorithm creates hyperspheres as space partitions. The choice between KD trees and ball trees depends on the characteristics of the dataset. For datasets with a high dimensionality, the ball tree algorithm is often preferred. It's worth noting that the scikit-learn machine learning library, a widely used tool, offers different options for the K-nearest neighbor classifier's algorithm, automatically selecting the most efficient space partitioning algorithm based on the dataset. However, you can manually override this setting if desired.
Additionally, we can enhance the performance of K-nearest neighbors by employing dimensionality reduction techniques. Dimensionality reduction comes in two flavors: feature extraction and feature selection. Feature extraction involves transforming or combining existing features to create a lower-dimensional representation of the data. On the other hand, feature selection involves selecting a subset of the available features without creating new ones. By reducing the number of features, we can reduce the computational cost of distance computations and potentially improve the algorithm's efficiency. Furthermore, high-dimensional datasets often suffer from the curse of dimensionality, which can lead to poor generalization performance due to overfitting. Thus, dimensionality reduction can also help alleviate this issue.
To optimize the computational performance of K-nearest neighbors, we can explore editing or pruning techniques. Pruning involves removing unnecessary data points from the training set without affecting the decision boundary. By eliminating redundant points, we can reduce the number of comparisons and distance computations, making the algorithm more efficient. Similarly, creating prototypes involves replacing a dense region of training data points with a single representative point. This strategy reduces storage space requirements while preserving the algorithm's predictive accuracy.
Furthermore, hyperparameter tuning plays a crucial role in improving the predictive performance of the K-nearest neighbors algorithm. Hyperparameters are tunable settings that affect the algorithm's behavior but are not learned from the training data. They include the value of K (the number of neighbors to consider), the feature scaling, the distance measure used, and the weighting scheme for distance computation. Choosing appropriate values for these hyperparameters can significantly impact the algorithm's performance. However, it's essential to be cautious and avoid overfitting the model to the training data.
By leveraging space partitioning data structures, employing dimensionality reduction techniques, applying editing and pruning methods, and fine-tuning hyperparameters, we can enhance both the computational and predictive performance of the K-nearest neighbors algorithm.
2.6 K-nearest neighbors in Python (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
2.6 K-nearest neighbors in Python (L02: Nearest Neighbor Methods)
After a comprehensive discussion on K-nearest neighbors, the text proceeds to present a Python example that showcases the implementation of K-nearest neighbors using the popular scikit-learn library. The author acknowledges that not all aspects may be immediately clear and assures the readers that future lectures will delve deeper into Python, NumPy, and scikit-learn. Nevertheless, the provided example serves as a teaser to offer a top-down perspective on how these tools operate.
To support the implementation example, the author refers to a website where readers can find code examples. Additionally, the author explains the process of downloading a repository from GitHub using either the zip file or cloning it. Emphasizing the significance of GitHub as a real-world tool, the author suggests that having a GitHub profile and sharing projects can be advantageous in showcasing one's work to potential employers.
The text proceeds to provide detailed instructions on how to clone a repository using the GitHub link and the "git clone" command. While acknowledging that the process may vary slightly for Windows users, the author recommends seeking tutorials or assistance from the TA (teaching assistant). Once the repository is successfully cloned, the author instructs readers to navigate to the folder and explains that updates can be obtained by using the "git pull" command.
Moving on to the code examples, the author demonstrates opening a Jupyter Notebook, specifically Jupyter Lab, and executing commands step by step. To avoid overwhelming the readers, the author emphasizes the importance of clearing the outputs after each execution. Furthermore, the author mentions the usefulness of the watermark extension in Jupyter Notebooks, which displays the versions of software packages used. This information aids in troubleshooting and ensures the replicability of results. Essential packages such as Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn are installed to facilitate the implementation.
Next, the author loads the Iris dataset from a CSV file and showcases the use of commands like "head" and "tail" to preview the dataset. The data is loaded into a Pandas DataFrame using the "read_csv" function. While noting that machine learning typically employs NumPy arrays, the author highlights that scikit-learn also supports DataFrames. To illustrate this, the author provides an example of extracting specific columns from the DataFrame to create a NumPy array. The shape of the array, indicating the number of training examples and features, is displayed using the "shape" command.
The text outlines a series of steps constituting a machine learning workflow using Python and the scikit-learn library. Here is a detailed summary of these steps:
Shuffling Indices and Labels: The author initiates the workflow by discussing the process of shuffling indices and labels in a dataset. The purpose of shuffling is to randomize the order of data points, ensuring that each label corresponds to the correct row in the feature matrix.
Dataset Division: The dataset is divided into a training set and a test set. The author manually selects the first 105 examples for the training set and reserves the remaining 45 examples for the test set. This division is crucial for evaluating the performance of the machine learning model.
Introduction to scikit-learn and the Iris Dataset: The author introduces the scikit-learn library, specifically the implementation of the Iris dataset and the "train_test_split" function. The Iris dataset is a popular dataset widely used for classification tasks. The "train_test_split" function automatically shuffles the dataset and splits it into the specified proportions for training and testing.
Visualization Using a Scatterplot Matrix: The author provides a convenient function called "scatterplot matrix" to visualize the dataset. This function utilizes the matplotlib library to create a scatterplot matrix with histograms displayed on the diagonal. The scatterplot matrix visually represents the relationships between different features in the dataset.
Demonstration of Scatterplot Matrix: The author demonstrates the usage of the scatterplot matrix by plotting the Iris dataset. Different colors are assigned to represent different classes of flowers. Notably, the author highlights that specific features, such as petal length and petal width, are particularly useful for distinguishing between different flower classes.
Introduction to the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) Classifier: The author proceeds to explain the k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier, which is a straightforward algorithm that classifies data points based on their proximity to neighboring data points. To instantiate the k-NN classifier, the author creates an object with three neighbors.
Fitting the k-NN Classifier: The k-NN classifier is fitted to the training set using the "fit" method. This step trains the model using the provided training data.
Prediction on the Test Set: The author employs the fitted k-NN classifier to make predictions on the test set using the "predict" method. The predictions are stored in a variable called "pred."
Performance Evaluation: To evaluate the model's performance, the author compares the predicted labels (stored in "pred") with the true labels of the test set (stored in "y_test"). By calculating the number of correct predictions, the accuracy of the model on the test set can be determined.
Conclusion and Further Exploration: The lecture concludes by encouraging readers to explore the scikit-learn documentation for additional information on the k-nearest neighbors algorithm and its various options. Furthermore, the author poses a question to the readers regarding the default distance metric used by the k-NN classifier and suggests an exercise to investigate and discuss this aspect.
The lecture provides a comprehensive explanation of various topics, including the concept of K-nearest neighbors, an example implementation using the scikit-learn library, guidelines for downloading and cloning repositories from GitHub, an introduction to Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab, loading a dataset into a Pandas DataFrame, and demonstrating the extraction of columns and conversion to NumPy arrays.
3.1 (Optional) Python overview
3.1 (Optional) Python overview
I hope you are all having a great week so far and enjoying the lectures. Today, I want to discuss a few important topics covered in the recent lectures.
Firstly, we had a lecture on improving Canaan, followed by a lecture on implementing kin in Python using psychic learn. Based on your feedback from the intro to getting to know you quiz, I discovered that most of you have a programming background or have taken a programming class before. This is great news because it will be very beneficial for you in this course. However, I noticed that only about half of you have solid experience with Python. Therefore, before we dive into scientific computing with Python and exploring psychic learn in more detail, I thought it would be helpful to provide some assistance in setting up Python for those who are new to it. This will ensure that the next lecture runs more smoothly for everyone.
On a lighter note, I really enjoyed reading about your favorite hobbies. It seems like many of you share my love for outdoor activities such as cross country skiing, running, and hiking. Spending time in nature is truly refreshing, although I understand that rainy days and long winters can limit those opportunities. Some of you also mentioned your interest in video games, with one student even mentioning the Zelda series. I must admit that I am a big fan of the series as well and enjoy playing it during snowy Christmas days or after a busy day to unwind.
Moving on, as promised, today's lecture will be optional. If you already have a strong Python experience and have Python set up on your computer, you may skip the following three videos. However, if you are new to Python or need assistance in setting it up, I recommend watching them. These videos will provide you with motivation and practical advice based on my own experience with Python. It's important to note that you don't need to be an expert programmer to use Python in this course. We will focus on the basics required for machine learning, and you will learn more as we progress.
Next week, we will have our first real homework assignment, where you will implement a K-nearest neighbor algorithm. This assignment will require you to write your own code, in addition to using psychic learn. Therefore, it would be beneficial for you to set up Python this week in preparation for the homework. Don't worry; the assignment is designed to help you understand the KNN algorithm better, and it won't be overly difficult since it's the first homework. Once we complete this assignment, we will delve deeper into conceptual machine learning aspects.
Before we proceed further, let's have a quick overview of the course progress. In the first week, we covered the introduction to machine learning and K-nearest neighbors. Currently, we are in the second week, focusing on computational foundations. These foundations are crucial as we will later use them to implement various machine learning concepts. Therefore, it's essential to familiarize ourselves with Python and its usage early on. In this lecture, we will primarily discuss Python and how to set it up. Please note that I will be demonstrating the setup process on my Mac, but our TA can assist with any Windows-related questions.
Python is an interpreted and dynamic programming language, which makes it more interactive and user-friendly compared to statically typed languages like C or C++. While Python may be slower than these languages, it's not a significant concern for our purposes. Many scientific computing libraries, which we will explore in the next lecture, are written in C or Fortran and offer fast execution times. Python is an all-purpose programming language widely used in various applications, including web frameworks like Django and popular services like Instagram and Dropbox.
Now, let's compare Python with a statically typed language like C by writing a simple program. In C, we need to declare variables and explicitly specify their data types, such as integers, floats, or characters. Here's an example of a simple program in C:
Now, let's compare the same program in Python:
Python's simplicity and readability make it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike. It has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks that make it suitable for scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning, and more.
Now, let's move on to setting up Python on your computer. There are different ways to install Python, but I recommend using the Anaconda distribution, which comes pre-packaged with many useful libraries for scientific computing. Here are the steps to install Anaconda:
Visit the Anaconda website (https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual) and download the installer appropriate for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. You can choose the default installation options unless you have specific preferences.
After the installation is complete, you should have the Anaconda Navigator and Anaconda Prompt (or Anaconda PowerShell Prompt) installed on your computer. These are convenient tools for managing Python environments and packages.
Open the Anaconda Navigator and click on the "Environments" tab. Here, you can create a new environment for this course. Click on the "Create" button, provide a name for the environment (e.g., "machine-learning"), and choose the Python version (preferably Python 3.x). Click "Create" to create the environment.
Once the environment is created, click on the "Home" tab in the Anaconda Navigator. You should see a list of available applications and environments. Select your newly created environment from the drop-down menu at the top of the window.
In the "Home" tab, click on the "Install" button under the Jupyter Notebook section. This will install Jupyter Notebook, which we will use for interactive programming and running Python code.
After the installation, click on the "Launch" button next to Jupyter Notebook. This will open a new tab in your web browser, running Jupyter Notebook.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Python and Jupyter Notebook using the Anaconda distribution. You are now ready to start coding in Python for this course. In the next lecture, we will dive deeper into scientific computing with Python and explore the popular library called scikit-learn.
If you encounter any issues during the installation process or have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask in the discussion forum or reach out to the TA for assistance.
Please note that these instructions are specific to Anaconda, but if you prefer to use a different Python distribution, such as Miniconda or the standard Python distribution, you can still follow along with the course.
3.2 (Optional) Python setup
3.2 (Optional) Python setup
In the second video of the course, we will discuss the setup process and how to install Python. In the previous video, we covered the basics of interpreted and dynamic programming languages, highlighting Python as a dynamic interpreted language.
Before we proceed with the installation, it's important to watch the video and refrain from installing anything on your computer while watching. This precautionary measure ensures that you have a complete understanding of the different installation options before making a decision. Installing software without proper knowledge may lead to regrets later on.
To begin, it is recommended to check if you already have an up-to-date Python version installed on your computer. On Mac or Linux, you can use the "which Python" command to determine the installation location and version. Similarly, on Windows, you can use the "where" command to find the installation location.
Many Macs traditionally come with an outdated version of Python, specifically Python 2. It is highly advised to update Python as Python 2 is no longer supported by the Python community. Ideally, installing Python 3.8 or 3.7 is recommended, as the newer 3.9 version is still in development.
The official method of installing Python is by visiting python.org and downloading the installer. However, an alternative approach that is often preferred is using Anaconda or, more specifically, Miniconda. Miniconda is a lightweight version of Anaconda that doesn't include unnecessary libraries, saving storage space on your computer. While Anaconda comes with pre-installed libraries, Miniconda allows for a more customized installation process.
Personally, the instructor recommends using Miniconda due to its convenience and the positive experience many members of the Python scientific computing community have had with it. Miniconda offers a comprehensive package manager that ensures all required package versions are installed and manages package dependencies. This feature makes it easier to maintain a stable and compatible development environment.
To install Miniconda, you can visit the documentation website, docs.conda.io, and navigate to the latest English version of the Miniconda installation page. From there, you can choose the appropriate installer for your operating system. For Mac users, the bash installer is commonly used. After downloading the installer, execute the script, accept the license agreement, and choose the installation location.
Once Miniconda is installed, you can check your default Python version by opening a Python shell, which should now display the updated version. Miniconda also provides tools for managing different environments, allowing you to create isolated environments for different projects. Although not necessary for this course, these environments can be useful if you work on multiple projects simultaneously.
To install packages, such as the "numpy" package required for the next lecture, you can use the package manager "pip" or the Conda installer. Since you are using Miniconda, it is recommended to use the Conda installer whenever possible, as it ensures better compatibility and version management. However, if a package is not available in Conda, you can resort to using "pip."
In case you need to install packages not available in Conda, like the "mlxtend" package, you can explore Conda Forge. Conda Forge is a community-driven repository that hosts libraries supported by the broader Conda community. By searching for the desired package in Conda Forge, you can find installation instructions specific to that package.
Remember that you can also update packages using the Conda package manager, using commands like "conda update" followed by the package name, or with "pip" using "pip install --upgrade" followed by the package name.
By following these installation and package management guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and efficient setup of Python for this course.
To install packages from the Conda Forge channel, you can use the following command:
For example, to install the MLX Extent package from Conda Forge, you would use:
conda install -c conda-forge mlx_ext
This command will search for the package in the Conda Forge channel and install it into your environment.
If the package you need is not available in Conda Forge or any other Conda channel, you can also use the pip package manager to install it. Pip is the default package manager for Python and allows you to install packages from the Python Package Index (PyPI).
To install a package using pip, you can use the following command:
pip install <package-name>
For example, to install a package called "example-package" using pip, you would use:
Make sure to replace <package-name> with the actual name of the package you want to install.
Keep in mind that when using both Conda and pip, it's generally recommended to use Conda as the primary package manager to maintain package compatibility and manage dependencies. However, if a package is not available in Conda, using pip is a suitable alternative.
That concludes the setup instructions for installing Python and managing packages using Conda and pip. Remember to watch the video tutorial before installing anything on your computer and follow the recommended steps to ensure a smooth installation process.
3.3 (Optional) Running Python code
3.3 (Optional) Running Python code
In the third and final video of lecture three, I will demonstrate different methods for executing Python code. This video will focus on Jupiter notebooks, a file format and program that allows for convenient coding, text writing, equation rendering, and plotting in a single document, which will be used for the upcoming homework assignment.
Before diving into Jupiter notebooks, I will first show you the easiest way to run Python code, which is using the Python interpreter or what some people call the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop). The interpreter allows for interactive execution of Python code, meaning that the code is evaluated immediately. To use the interpreter, you can open your terminal and type "python". From there, you can enter Python expressions and see the results immediately. For example, typing "print(1 + 2)" will display the result "3". You can also use the interpreter for more complex tasks, such as looping over values and printing them.
While the interpreter can be useful for quick computations or calculations, it is not recommended for writing more complicated code. It can be easy to lose track of the computations and become cumbersome to scroll back and find previously executed commands. Therefore, for more complex code, it is preferable to use a Python script or a Jupiter notebook.
Next, I introduce an alternative interactive Python interpreter called IPython. IPython offers additional features and functionalities compared to the regular interpreter, including syntax coloring, history function for easy code modification, and magic commands. Magic commands are special commands that start with a percent sign (%) and provide useful functionalities. One such example is the "timeit" magic command, which allows for benchmarking different code implementations. I demonstrate this by implementing two functions for reversing strings and comparing their efficiency using the "timeit" command.
After showcasing the benefits of IPython, I explain that Jupiter notebooks were originally called IPython notebooks because they were built on top of IPython. Even now, Jupiter notebooks rely on IPython, providing the same benefits and additional features. To install IPython, I use Conda and show the IPython website for further documentation.
Moving on, I discuss the second method of executing Python code, which is using Python scripts. This method involves creating a file with a .py extension, writing the code in the file, and executing it from the command line. I provide an example of a Python script that uses a loop to print numbers from 0 to 4.
Finally, I mention the importance of adhering to coding style guidelines, such as PEP 8, for writing clean and readable code. I show how using a linter, such as Flake8, in an integrated development environment like Visual Studio Code can help identify and correct style issues, improving the overall quality of the code.
The video covered different ways to execute Python code, including using the interpreter, creating Python scripts, and leveraging the benefits of IPython and Jupiter notebooks. Each method has its own advantages and is suited for different purposes.
4.1 Intro to NumPy (L04: Scientific Computing in Python)
4.1 Intro to NumPy (L04: Scientific Computing in Python)
In this tutorial, we will cover the basics of NumPy, including creating arrays, accessing elements, performing array operations, and more. Let's begin!
To start, we need to import the NumPy library. Conventionally, it is imported under the alias np. Run the following code to import NumPy:
Accessing Array Elements
To access elements in a NumPy array, we can use indexing and slicing, similar to Python lists. The indexing starts at 0.
Run the following code to access elements in the array:
Run the following code to slice the array:
NumPy arrays support various mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are applied element-wise to the arrays.
Run the following code to perform array operations:
Run the following code to apply a mathematical function to an array:
Array Shape and Reshaping
The shape of a NumPy array represents its dimensions, such as the number of rows and columns. We can use the shape attribute to check the shape of an array.
Run the following code to check the shape of an array:
Run the following code to reshape an array:
4.2 NumPy Array Construction and Indexing (L04: Scientific Computing in Python)
4.2 NumPy Array Construction and Indexing (L04: Scientific Computing in Python)
In the second video, I would like to discuss non-Python array construction and indexing. Array construction routines are useful building blocks or functions for creating arrays. They come in handy when you need a placeholder array that you can later populate with specific values. Let me demonstrate what I mean.
To create an array filled with the number one, we can use the ones function. For example, ones((3, 3)) will generate a 3x3 array with all elements set to one. You can also specify different dimensions, such as ones((3, 4)), which will create a 3x4 matrix filled with ones. The ones function accepts various arguments, including the dtype parameter, which determines the data type of the array (default is float64 for 64-bit machines). You can set it to int64 to create an array of integers. Additionally, you can specify the order parameter, which controls how the array is laid out in memory. The default is C, representing row-major style, but you can choose F for Fortran style layout. However, for this class, you don't need to worry about these details, as they are more relevant for combining NumPy with C or Fortran code.
Similarly, the zeros function can be used to create an array filled with zeros. You can use it in the same way as ones. Remember, if you want to learn more about these functions, you can use the help function or use a question mark (?) in Jupyter Lab or IPython.
There is also the empty function, which creates an empty array without initializing its values. In most cases, you won't need to concern yourself with this function's details, as it simply creates an array with arbitrary values. The identity function creates an identity matrix, where the diagonal elements are ones and the rest are zeros. It can be used to create a diagonal matrix with specific values.
Moving on to indexing, basic indexing in NumPy arrays is similar to indexing in Python lists. You can access elements using square brackets. For example, array[0] returns the first element, array[1] returns the second element, and so on. Slicing is also possible, just like with Python lists. For instance, array[1:4] will return a slice of the array from index 1 to 3 (excluding index 4).
When dealing with two-dimensional arrays, you can use a comma notation to index over the two dimensions. The first index specifies the row, while the second index specifies the column. For example, array[0, 0] returns the element at the first row and first column, array[1, 2] returns the element at the second row and third column, and so on.
Negative indexing can be used to access elements from the end of an array. For example, array[-1, -1] will return the last element in the array. Similarly, array[-1, -2] will return the second-to-last element. This can be helpful when working with large arrays, as you don't have to keep track of the array length.
To retrieve an entire row or column, you can omit one of the indices. For example, array[0, :] returns the entire first row, and array[:, 1] returns the entire second column. This is equivalent to specifying the range of indices (e.g., array[0, 0:3] for the first row). Slicing works in both dimensions, allowing you to select specific portions of the array. For example, array[1:3, 2:4] returns a subarray consisting of rows 1 and 2 (excluding row 3) and columns 2 and 3 (excluding column 4).
Boolean indexing is another powerful feature in NumPy. You can use a boolean array to index an array, selecting only the elements that correspond to True values in the boolean array. For example, suppose we have an array called array with the shape (3, 3):
We can create a boolean array based on a condition, such as array > 5, which will return the following boolean array:In addition to basic indexing, NumPy provides advanced indexing techniques, such as integer array indexing and using arrays as indices. These techniques enable more complex and non-contiguous indexing operations on arrays. However, they are more advanced topics and might not be necessary for basic array manipulation.