Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 62


The Beta distribution in 12 minutes!

The Beta distribution in 12 minutes!

Hello, I'm Luis Serrano, and in this video, we'll be exploring the topic of beta distributions. Beta distributions are an essential concept in probability and statistics as they model the probability of a probability. Let's dive deeper into this fascinating subject.

To understand beta distributions, let's consider an example involving three coins: coin one, coin two, and coin three. These coins can either land on heads or tails. However, all three coins are rigged, meaning none of them return heads with a probability of one-half.

Let's assume that coin one returns heads with a probability of 0.4, coin two with a probability of 0.6, and coin three with a probability of 0.8. Now, imagine we randomly choose one of these coins without knowing which one it is. The task is to guess which coin we picked by flipping it five times.

Suppose we obtained three heads and two tails in that order. The question is, which coin do you think we grabbed? Intuitively, we might lean towards coin two since it is expected to return heads three out of five times. However, there is still uncertainty. It's possible that we picked coin one or coin three, and the observed sequence of heads and tails was just a coincidence.

To determine the probabilities of choosing each coin, we can apply Bayes' theorem. Let's examine each case individually.

For coin one, the probability of getting heads three times and tails two times is calculated as follows: (0.4 * 0.4 * 0.4) * (0.6 * 0.6) = 0.0230.

For coin two, the probability is: (0.6 * 0.6 * 0.6) * (0.4 * 0.4) = 0.0346.

For coin three, the probability is: (0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8) * (0.2 * 0.2) = 0.0205.

Since these are the only three possible events, their probabilities must add up to one. We normalize these probabilities by dividing each of them by the sum: 0.0230 + 0.0346 + 0.0205. This yields the normalized probabilities: 0.295, 0.443, and 0.262 for coin one, coin two, and coin three, respectively.

As we can see, coin two has the highest probability, but there is still a chance that we picked coin one or coin three. These probabilities are obtained using Bayes' theorem, which is a powerful tool in probability theory. If you'd like to learn more about it, I have a video on my channel that explains it in detail.

Now, let's consider the same example but with a higher number of coins. Let's say we throw a coin and it lands on heads seven times and tails three times. This coin could be one of ten coins, each with different probabilities for landing on heads, ranging from 0.0 to 0.9, increasing by 0.1 for each coin.

Which coin do you think we picked in this case? Again, the most likely option is the coin that lands on heads 70% of the time, which corresponds to coin seven. To calculate the probabilities of picking each coin, we perform similar calculations as before.

For each coin, we calculate the probability of obtaining heads seven times and tails three times. We use the formula: (p^7) * ((1-p)^3), where p represents the probability of landing on heads. We then normalize these probabilities by dividing each of them by the sum of all probabilities.

As we increase the number of coins, the calculations become more involved. However, the underlying principle remains the same. We calculate the probabilities of each coin based on the observed outcomes and the probabilities associated with each coin. By normalizing these probabilities, we obtain a distribution that represents our uncertainty about which coin was chosen.

Now, let's generalize this concept to the beta distribution. The beta distribution is a continuous probability distribution defined on the interval [0, 1]. It is characterized by two shape parameters, often denoted as alpha and beta. These parameters determine the shape of the distribution.

The beta distribution is particularly useful for modeling probabilities because it is flexible and can take on a variety of shapes depending on the values of alpha and beta. It allows us to capture a wide range of probability distributions, from uniform to skewed, and from concentrated to dispersed.

The probability density function (PDF) of the beta distribution is given by the formula: f(x) = (x^(alpha-1)) * ((1-x)^(beta-1)) / B(alpha, beta), where B(alpha, beta) is the beta function that ensures the distribution integrates to 1 over the interval [0, 1].

The mean of the beta distribution is given by the formula: E[X] = alpha / (alpha + beta), and the variance is Var[X] = (alpha * beta) / ((alpha + beta)^2 * (alpha + beta + 1)).

The beta distribution is commonly used in various fields, such as Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and decision analysis. It can model uncertain quantities, such as success rates, proportions, or probabilities, and can be used for parameter estimation, hypothesis testing, and generating random samples.

Beta distributions are a fundamental concept in probability and statistics, especially when dealing with uncertain probabilities. They provide a flexible framework for modeling a wide range of probability distributions. By understanding the properties and applications of beta distributions, we can make more informed decisions and analyze data more effectively.

The Beta distribution in 12 minutes!
The Beta distribution in 12 minutes!
  • 2021.06.13
This video is about the Beta distribution, a very important distribution in probability, statistics, and machine learning. It is explained using a simple exa...

Thompson sampling, one armed bandits, and the Beta distribution

Thompson sampling, one armed bandits, and the Beta distribution

Hello, I'm Louis Sorano, and in this video, I will discuss the concept of one-arm bandits and the beta distribution. Imagine yourself in a casino with a row of slot machines, commonly known as one-arm bandits. When you play these machines, there are two possible outcomes: either a coin comes out, indicating a win, or nothing comes out, resulting in a loss. The objective is to determine which machines are good and which are not, in order to maximize your winnings.

Each machine in the row has a different probability of producing a coin, denoted as 'p.' For example, if the machine on the left has a probability of 0.1 (10%), it means that on average, you can expect to win a coin 10% of the time, while 90% of the time, you will lose. Similarly, the machine on the right has a probability of 0.7 (70%), indicating that you have a higher chance of winning a coin, 70% of the time, and a 30% chance of losing.

The challenge is that you do not know the actual values of 'p' for each machine, so you need to estimate them by playing the machines. The goal is to play all the machines and identify the ones with higher probabilities of winning to focus on them, while occasionally giving the underperforming machines a chance to improve.

There are two strategies to consider: the "explore" strategy and the "exploit" strategy. The explore strategy involves playing each machine multiple times to gather data and estimate the probabilities of winning. For example, if you play the first machine 15 times and win twice, you estimate the probability to be 2/15. By repeating this process for each machine, you can compare their estimated probabilities and identify the ones with the highest likelihood of winning.

On the other hand, the exploit strategy involves playing each machine fewer times and making decisions based on the available data. By playing a machine only a couple of times, you may not have enough information to accurately estimate its probability of winning. This approach risks missing out on potential winners, as it may not explore the space enough to gather sufficient data.

To find an optimal strategy, you need a combination of exploration and exploitation. This approach, known as Thompson sampling, involves maintaining a beta distribution for each machine. The beta distribution represents the probability of winning based on the number of wins and losses. By updating the beta distribution with each play, you can refine your estimates.

Thompson sampling involves a competition among the machines with a touch of randomness. Random points are selected from the beta distributions, and the machine with the highest value at that point is chosen to be played next. This technique allows for exploration of all machines while favoring the ones with stronger performance.

Thompson sampling, using the beta distribution, has wide applications beyond gambling. It is used in A/B testing for web design and advertising, medical trials to determine the effectiveness of experimental drugs, and various decision-making scenarios where exploration and exploitation are crucial.

In conclusion, Thompson sampling with the beta distribution is a powerful technique that combines exploration and exploitation to make optimal decisions. It allows you to maximize your gains by focusing on machines with higher probabilities of winning while still exploring other possibilities. Thompson sampling finds applications in diverse fields and offers a practical approach to decision-making under uncertainty.

Thank you for watching, and if you found this video helpful, please subscribe, like, and share it. I also encourage you to check out my book, "Rocking Machine Learning," where I explain supervised machine learning in an accessible and engaging manner. You can find the book and other resources in the comments section below. Feel free to leave comments and suggestions for future topics, and don't forget to follow me on Twitter.
Thompson sampling, one armed bandits, and the Beta distribution
Thompson sampling, one armed bandits, and the Beta distribution
  • 2021.07.06
Thompson sampling is a strategy to explore a space while exploiting the wins. In this video we see an application to winning at a game of one-armed bandits.B...

The Binomial and Poisson Distributions

The Binomial and Poisson Distributions

Serrano's video focuses on the binomial and Poisson distributions. He begins by presenting a problem scenario: imagine running a store and observing the number of people entering over time. It is noted that, on average, three people enter the store every hour, although the actual number fluctuates. Serrano highlights that the occurrence of entering customers appears to be random, with no specific patterns throughout the day.

The main question addressed in the video is the following: given this information, what is the probability of having five people enter the store in the next hour? Serrano reveals that the answer is 0.1008, but he proceeds to explain how this probability is calculated using the Poisson distribution.

Before delving into the Poisson distribution, Serrano introduces a simpler probability distribution known as the binomial distribution. To illustrate this concept, he uses the analogy of flipping a biased coin multiple times. Assuming the coin has a 30% chance of landing on heads and a 70% chance of landing on tails, Serrano conducts experiments where the coin is flipped 10 times. He demonstrates that the average number of heads obtained converges to the expected value, which is the product of the probability of heads and the number of flips (0.3 * 10 = 3).

Next, Serrano explores the probability of obtaining different numbers of heads when flipping the coin 10 times. He explains that there are 11 possible outcomes: zero heads, one head, two heads, and so on, up to ten heads. Serrano then calculates the probabilities for each outcome, emphasizing that the highest probability occurs when three heads are obtained. He constructs a histogram representing the binomial distribution, with the number of heads on the horizontal axis and the corresponding probabilities on the vertical axis.

To calculate these probabilities, Serrano breaks down the process. For instance, to determine the probability of zero heads, he notes that each flip must result in tails, which has a probability of 0.7. Since the flips are independent events, he multiplies this probability by itself ten times, resulting in a probability of 0.02825.

Serrano proceeds to explain the calculation for the probability of one head. He first considers the scenario where only the first flip lands on heads (0.3 probability) while the remaining flips result in tails (0.7 probability each). This yields a probability of 0.321. However, this is only one possibility, so Serrano identifies ten ways in which one flip can result in heads while the rest result in tails. He notes that these events are mutually exclusive, and therefore, their probabilities are added. Consequently, the probability of one head occurring is 10 * 0.3 * 0.7^9 = 0.12106.

Serrano continues this process for two heads, calculating the probability of the first two flips resulting in heads (0.3^2 * 0.7^8 = 0.00519). He then determines that there are 45 ways to obtain two heads among ten flips (10 choose 2). By multiplying this by the probability of two heads for each scenario, he obtains the overall probability of two heads, which is 45 * 0.3^2 * 0.7^8 = 0.12106.

Using similar calculations for different numbers of heads, Serrano provides the probabilities for each outcome. Plotted on a histogram, these probabilities form the binomial distribution. He explains that as the number of flips approaches infinity, the binomial distribution tends to a normal distribution due to the central limit theorem. However, he notes that this topic will be explored in a future video.

Transitioning to the Poisson distribution, Serrano introduces the concept of the Poisson distribution as an alternative to the binomial distribution for situations where the number of events occurring within a fixed interval of time or space is rare and random. He explains that the Poisson distribution is particularly useful when the average rate of occurrence is known, but the exact number of occurrences is uncertain.

To illustrate the application of the Poisson distribution, Serrano revisits the example of people entering a store. He emphasizes that, on average, three people enter the store per hour. However, the actual number of people entering in a specific hour can vary widely.

Serrano then poses the question: What is the probability of having exactly five people enter the store in the next hour, given an average rate of three people per hour? To calculate this probability using the Poisson distribution, he utilizes the formula:

P(X = k) = (e^(-λ) * λ^k) / k!

Where P(X = k) represents the probability of exactly k occurrences, e is the base of the natural logarithm, λ is the average rate of occurrence, and k is the desired number of occurrences.

Applying the formula, Serrano plugs in the values of λ = 3 (average rate of three people per hour) and k = 5 (desired number of occurrences). He explains that e^(-3) represents the probability of having zero occurrences (e^(-3) ≈ 0.0498). Multiplying this by λ^k and dividing by k! (factorial of 5), he arrives at the probability of 0.1008 for exactly five people entering the store in the next hour.

Serrano highlights that the Poisson distribution provides a more accurate approximation when the average rate of occurrence is relatively high and the desired number of occurrences is relatively rare. As the average rate increases or the desired number becomes more common, the Poisson distribution becomes less precise, and alternative distributions may be more suitable.

In summary, Serrano's video explores the concepts of the binomial and Poisson distributions. He first introduces the binomial distribution through the analogy of flipping a biased coin multiple times. He calculates the probabilities of obtaining different numbers of heads and constructs a histogram representing the binomial distribution.

Transitioning to the Poisson distribution, Serrano explains its application in scenarios with rare and random occurrences, such as people entering a store. Using the Poisson distribution formula, he calculates the probability of a specific number of occurrences given the average rate. In the example, he determines the probability of having exactly five people enter the store in an hour with an average rate of three people per hour.

By explaining these probability distributions and their calculations, Serrano provides viewers with a deeper understanding of the principles underlying random phenomena and their associated probabilities.

The Binomial and Poisson Distributions
The Binomial and Poisson Distributions
  • 2022.11.08
If on average, 3 people enter a store every hour, what is the probability that over the next hour, 5 people will enter the store? The answer lies in the Pois...

Gaussian Mixture Models

Gaussian Mixture Models

Hi, I'm Luis Serrano and in this video, I'll be discussing Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) and their applications in clustering. GMMs are powerful and widely used models for clustering data.

Clustering is a common task with various applications, such as audio classification, where GMMs can be used to distinguish different sounds, like instruments in a song or separating your voice from background noise when interacting with voice assistants. GMMs are also useful in document classification, allowing the separation of documents by topic, such as sports, science, and politics. Another application is image segmentation, where GMMs can help in separating pedestrians, road signs, and other cars in images seen by self-driving cars.

In clustering, we aim to group data points that appear to be clustered together. Traditional clustering algorithms assign each point to a single cluster. However, GMMs introduce the concept of soft clustering, where points can belong to multiple clusters simultaneously. This is achieved by assigning points probabilities or percentages of belonging to each cluster.

The GMM algorithm consists of two major steps. The first step involves coloring the points based on their association with the Gaussian distributions. Each point is assigned a color based on its proximity to the different Gaussians. This step determines the soft cluster assignments.

The second step is the estimation of the Gaussian parameters given the points. The algorithm finds the mean, variance, and covariance of each Gaussian that best fits the points assigned to it. This step involves calculating the center of mass, variances, and covariances, which provide information about the shape and orientation of the data distribution.

The GMM algorithm iterates between these two steps, updating the Gaussian parameters and the soft cluster assignments until convergence is achieved. The initial Gaussians can be randomly chosen, and the algorithm continues until there is little change in the assignments or parameters.

By using GMMs, we can effectively cluster complex datasets that contain intersecting clusters or where points belong to multiple clusters. GMMs offer a flexible and probabilistic approach to clustering, making them a valuable tool in various fields.

For a more detailed explanation and examples of GMMs, you can check out my video on my channel, where I delve into the mathematics and implementation of the algorithm. The link to the video can be found in the comments section.

The algorithm continues to iterate between steps one and two until it reaches a convergence point where the changes become negligible. In each iteration, the colors of the points are updated based on the current set of Gaussian distributions, and new Gaussians are created based on the colored points.

As the algorithm progresses, the Gaussian distributions gradually adapt to the data, capturing the underlying clusters. The Gaussians represent the probability distribution of the data points belonging to a particular cluster. The algorithm seeks to maximize the likelihood of the observed data given the Gaussian mixture model.

The final result of the Gaussian mixture model algorithm is a set of Gaussians that represent the clusters in the data. Each Gaussian is associated with a specific cluster and provides information about its mean, variance, and covariance. By analyzing the parameters of the Gaussians, we can gain insights into the structure and characteristics of the clusters present in the data.

The Gaussian mixture model algorithm is a powerful tool for soft clustering, where data points can belong to multiple clusters simultaneously. It can handle complex data sets with overlapping clusters or non-linearly separable patterns. This makes it applicable in various domains, such as image segmentation, document classification, and audio classification.

The Gaussian mixture model algorithm is an iterative process that alternates between coloring the points based on the current Gaussians and updating the Gaussians based on the colored points. It converges to a solution where the Gaussians accurately represent the underlying clusters in the data, allowing for effective clustering and analysis.

Gaussian Mixture Models
Gaussian Mixture Models
  • 2020.12.28
Covariance matrix video: video: friendly description of Gaussian mixture models, a very ...

Clustering: K-means and Hierarchical

Clustering: K-means and Hierarchical

Hi, I'm Luis Serrano. In this video, we'll learn about two important clustering algorithms: k-means clustering and hierarchical clustering. Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique that involves grouping data based on similarity. We'll apply these algorithms to a marketing application, specifically customer segmentation.

Our goal is to divide the customer base into three distinct groups. We have data on customers' age and their engagement with a certain page. By plotting this data, we can visually identify three clusters or groups. The first group consists of people in their 20s with low engagement (2-4 days per week). The second group comprises individuals in their late 30s and early 40s with high engagement. The third group includes people in their 50s with very low engagement.

Now, let's delve into the k-means clustering algorithm. Imagine we're pizza parlor owners trying to determine the best locations for three pizza parlors in a city. We want to serve our clientele efficiently. We start by randomly selecting three locations and placing a pizza parlor at each spot. We assign customers to the closest pizza parlor based on their location.

Next, we move each pizza parlor to the center of the houses it serves. This step ensures that the location is optimal for serving the surrounding customers. We repeat the process of assigning customers to the nearest pizza parlor and moving the parlors to the centers until the algorithm converges and the clusters stabilize.

Determining the number of clusters can be challenging. To address this, we can use the elbow method. We calculate the diameter of each clustering, which represents the largest distance between two points of the same color. By plotting the number of clusters against the diameter, we can identify an "elbow" point where the improvement becomes less significant. This elbow point indicates the optimal number of clusters, which, in this case, is three.

Now, let's move on to hierarchical clustering. Again, we aim to find clusters in the dataset. We start by considering the two closest points and grouping them together. Then, we iteratively merge the next closest pairs until we decide to stop based on a distance threshold. This method results in a dendrogram, a tree-like structure that represents the clusters.

Determining the distance threshold or the number of clusters can be subjective. However, an alternative approach is the "add and drop" method. We plot the distances between pairs of points in a dendrogram and examine the height of the curved lines. By analyzing the heights, we can make an educated decision on the distance threshold or the number of clusters.

K-means clustering and hierarchical clustering are valuable algorithms for grouping data based on similarity. K-means clustering involves iteratively moving centroids to optimize cluster assignments, while hierarchical clustering builds a dendrogram to represent the clusters. The elbow method and add and drop method can be used to determine the optimal number of clusters or distance threshold.

Clustering: K-means and Hierarchical
Clustering: K-means and Hierarchical
  • 2019.01.27
Announcement: New Book by Luis Serrano! Grokking Machine Learning. discount code: serranoytA friendly description of K-means clustering ...

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

In this video, we'll learn about Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is a dimensionality reduction technique. PCA is used to reduce the number of columns in a large dataset while retaining as much information as possible. By projecting the data onto a lower-dimensional space, we can simplify the dataset. We'll cover several steps in this video: mode projections, variance-covariance matrix, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and finally, PCA.

To understand the concept, let's consider the problem of taking a picture of a group of friends. We need to determine the best angle to capture the picture. Similarly, in dimensionality reduction, we want to capture the essence of the data while reducing the number of dimensions. We can achieve this by projecting the data onto an ideal line that maximizes the spread of the points. We'll compare different projections and determine which one provides better separation between the points.

Dimensionality reduction is crucial in scenarios where we have a large dataset with numerous columns that are difficult to process. For example, in a housing dataset, we may have multiple features such as size, number of rooms, bathrooms, proximity to schools, and crime rate. By reducing the dimensions, we can combine related features into a single feature, such as combining size, number of rooms, and bathrooms into a size feature. This simplifies the dataset and captures the essential information.

Let's focus on an example where we go from two columns (number of rooms and size) to one column. We want to capture the variation in the data in a single feature. By projecting the data onto a line that best represents the spread of the points, we can simplify the dataset from two dimensions to one dimension. This process can be extended to reduce dimensions from five to two, capturing the essential information in a smaller space.

To understand key concepts like mean and variance, let's consider balancing weights. The mean is the point where the weights balance, and the variance measures the spread of the weights from the mean. In a two-dimensional dataset, we calculate the variances in the x and y directions to measure the spread of the data. However, variances alone may not capture the differences between datasets. We introduce covariance, which measures the spread and correlation between two variables. By calculating the covariance, we can differentiate between datasets with similar variances.

Now, let's apply these concepts to PCA. We start by centering the dataset at the origin, creating a covariance matrix from the variances and covariances of the dataset. This matrix, commonly denoted as Sigma, captures the spread and correlations between the variables. The next steps involve eigenvalues and eigenvectors, which provide insights into the principal components of the data. Finally, we apply PCA to project the data onto the principal components, reducing the dimensions and simplifying the dataset.

PCA is a powerful technique for dimensionality reduction. It helps capture the essential information in a dataset while reducing the number of dimensions. By projecting the data onto an ideal line or space, we can simplify complex datasets and make them more manageable.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
  • 2019.02.09
Announcement: New Book by Luis Serrano! Grokking Machine Learning. discount code: serranoytA conceptual description of principal compone...

How does Netflix recommend movies? Matrix Factorization

How does Netflix recommend movies? Matrix Factorization

Recommendation systems are highly fascinating applications of machine learning that are extensively used by platforms like YouTube and Netflix. These systems analyze user data and utilize various algorithms to suggest movies and videos that align with users' preferences. One popular method used in these systems is called matrix factorization.

To understand how matrix factorization works, let's consider a hypothetical scenario in the Netflix universe. We have four users: Anna, Betty, Carlos, and Dana, and five movies: Movie 1, Movie 2, Movie 3, Movie 4, and Movie 5. The users provide ratings for the movies on a scale of one to five stars, and the goal is to predict these ratings.

We create a table where the rows represent users and the columns represent movies. Each entry in the table corresponds to a user's rating for a particular movie. For example, if Anna rates Movie 5 with four out of five stars, we record this rating in the table under Anna's row and Movie 5's column.

Now, let's consider the question of how humans behave in terms of movie preferences. We examine three different tables to determine which one is more realistic. The first table assumes that all users rate all movies with a score of 3, which is not realistic as it assumes everyone has the same preferences. The third table consists of random ratings, which also does not accurately reflect human behavior. However, the second table, which exhibits dependencies among rows and columns, appears to be the most realistic representation.

Analyzing the second table, we observe dependencies such as users with similar preferences and movies with similar ratings. For instance, the first and third rows in the table are identical, indicating that Anna and Carlos have very similar preferences. This similarity allows Netflix to treat them as the same person when making recommendations. We also notice that columns 1 and 4 are the same, suggesting that Movie 1 and Movie 4 might be similar in terms of content or appeal. Furthermore, we find a dependency among three rows, where the values in the second and third rows can be added to obtain the values in the fourth row. This dependency implies that the preferences of one user can be derived from the preferences of other users. These dependencies, although not always explicitly explainable, provide valuable insights that can be leveraged in recommendation systems.

To utilize these dependencies and make rating predictions, matrix factorization comes into play. Matrix factorization involves breaking down a large, complex matrix into the product of two smaller matrices. In this case, the large matrix represents the user-movie rating table, while the smaller matrices represent user preferences and movie features.

To find these two smaller matrices, we introduce features such as comedy and action for movies. Each movie is rated based on its level of comedy and action. Similarly, users are associated with their preferences for these features. The dot product is then used to predict ratings by considering a user's affinity for certain features and a movie's feature ratings. For example, if a user likes comedy but dislikes action and a movie has high ratings for comedy but low ratings for action, the dot product calculation would result in a rating that aligns with the user's preferences.

By applying this dot product calculation to every user-movie combination, we can generate predicted ratings and fill in the missing entries in the rating table. This process allows us to express the original matrix as a product of the two smaller matrices, achieving matrix factorization.

It is worth noting that the dependencies we discovered earlier among rows and columns are still present in the factorized matrices. For example, the similarity between Anna and Carlos is reflected in the similarity of their corresponding rows in the user feature matrix. Similarly, the movies with similar ratings exhibit similarity in their feature scores in the movie feature matrix. Additionally, more complex relationships can be observed, such as the relationship between users and movies through their shared preferences for certain features.

Once we have obtained the factorized matrices representing user preferences and movie features, we can leverage them to make personalized recommendations. For a given user, we can compare their preferences in the user feature matrix with the feature scores of all movies in the movie feature matrix. By calculating the dot product between the user's preferences vector and each movie's feature vector, we can determine the predicted rating for that user-movie pair. These predicted ratings serve as a basis for recommending movies to the user.

To illustrate this, let's consider Anna as our target user. We extract Anna's preferences from the user feature matrix and compare it with the feature scores of all movies in the movie feature matrix. By calculating the dot product between Anna's preferences vector and each movie's feature vector, we obtain a list of predicted ratings for Anna. The higher the predicted rating, the more likely Anna will enjoy that particular movie. Based on these predicted ratings, we can generate a ranked list of movie recommendations for Anna.

It's important to note that the accuracy of these recommendations depends on the quality of the factorization and the feature representation. If the factorization process captures the underlying patterns and dependencies in the user-movie ratings, and if the features effectively represent the characteristics of movies and user preferences, then the recommendations are more likely to be relevant and aligned with the user's tastes.

Matrix factorization is just one of the many techniques used in recommendation systems, and it has proven to be effective in capturing latent factors and generating personalized recommendations. Platforms like Netflix and YouTube leverage these techniques to enhance user experience by suggesting content that users are likely to enjoy based on their previous interactions and preferences.

Matrix factorization is a powerful approach in recommendation systems that breaks down a user-movie rating matrix into two smaller matrices representing user preferences and movie features. By capturing dependencies and patterns in the data, it enables the generation of accurate predictions and personalized recommendations.

How does Netflix recommend movies? Matrix Factorization
How does Netflix recommend movies? Matrix Factorization
  • 2018.09.07
Announcement: New Book by Luis Serrano! Grokking Machine Learning. discount code: serranoytA friendly introduction to recommender system...

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Part 1 of 2)

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Part 1 of 2)

Hello, I'm Luis Serrano, and this is the first of two videos on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA). LDA is an algorithm used to sort documents into topics. Let's consider a corpus of documents, such as news articles, where each article is associated with one or more topics. However, we don't know the topics beforehand, only the text of the articles. The goal is to develop an algorithm that can categorize these documents into topics.

To illustrate the concept, let's use a small example with four documents, each containing five words. For simplicity, let's assume there are only four possible words in our language: "ball," "planet" (or "galaxy"), "referendum," and three possible topics: science, politics, and sports.

Based on the words in the documents, we can assign topics to each document. For example, the first document contains the words "ball" and "galaxy," which suggests a sports topic. The second document includes the word "referendum," which indicates a politics topic. The third document has the words "planet" and "galaxy," indicating a science topic. The fourth document is ambiguous but contains the words "planet" and "galaxy," suggesting a science topic as well.

However, this categorization is based on our understanding of the words as humans. The computer, on the other hand, only knows if words are the same or different and whether they appear in the same document. This is where Latent Dirichlet Allocation comes in to help.

LDA takes a geometric approach to categorize documents into topics. Imagine a triangle with corners representing the topics (science, politics, and sports). The goal is to place the documents inside this triangle, close to the corresponding topics. Some documents may lie on the edge between two topics if they contain words related to both topics.

LDA can be thought of as a machine that generates documents. It has settings and gears. By adjusting the settings, we can control the output of the machine. The gears represent the internal workings of the machine. When the machine generates a document, it may not be the original document but a random combination of words.

To find the best settings for the machine, we run multiple instances of it and compare the generated documents with the original ones. The settings that yield documents closest to the originals, although with low probability, are considered the best. From these settings, we can extract the topics.

The machine's blueprint, as depicted in the literature, may seem complex at first. However, if we break it down, it consists of Dirichlet distributions (the settings) and multinomial distributions (the gears). These distributions help us generate topics and words in the documents.

Dirichlet distributions can be imagined as distributions of points inside a geometric shape. For example, in a triangular shape, the points represent the distribution of topics across documents. The distribution is affected by parameters that control whether points gravitate towards the corners (topics) or towards the center.

Multinomial distributions, on the other hand, represent the distribution of words within each topic. The points inside a geometric shape, such as a tetrahedron, indicate the combination of words for a particular topic.

LDA combines these distributions to generate documents. The probability of a document appearing is calculated using a formula involving the settings and gears of the machine.

LDA is an algorithm that helps categorize documents into topics. It uses geometric distributions to represent the relationships between documents, topics, and words. By adjusting the settings of the machine, we can generate documents that closely resemble the original ones. From these settings, we can extract the topics.

Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Part 1 of 2)
Latent Dirichlet Allocation (Part 1 of 2)
  • 2020.03.18
Latent Dirichlet Allocation is a powerful machine learning technique used to sort documents by topic. Learn all about it in this video!This is part 1 of a 2 ...

Training Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Gibbs Sampling (Part 2 of 2)

Training Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Gibbs Sampling (Part 2 of 2)

Hello, I'm Luis Serrano, and in this video, I will show you how to train a Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model using Gibbs sampling. This video is the second part of a two-part series. In the first video, we discussed what LDA is and explored Dirichlet distributions in more detail. However, watching the first video is not necessary to understand this one.

Let's do a quick recap of the problem we are trying to solve. We have a collection of documents, such as news articles, and each document can be associated with one or more topics, like science, politics, or sports. However, we don't know the topics of the documents, only the text within them. Our goal is to group these articles by topic based solely on their text using LDA.

In the previous video, we looked at an example with four documents and a limited vocabulary consisting of four words: "ball," "planet," "galaxy," and "referendum." We assigned colors (representing topics) to each word and observed that most articles were predominantly associated with a single topic. We also noticed that words tended to be mostly associated with a specific topic.

To solve this problem using LDA, we need to assign topics to both words and documents. Each word can be assigned multiple topics, and each document can have multiple topics as well. We aim to find an assignment of topics to words that makes each document as monochromatic as possible and each word mostly monochromatic. This way, we can group the articles effectively without relying on word or topic definitions.

Now, let's dive into solving this problem using Gibbs sampling. Imagine organizing a messy room without knowing the general position of objects. You can only rely on how objects should be placed relative to each other. Similarly, we will organize the words by assigning colors one at a time, assuming all other assignments are correct.

Initially, we start with a random assignment of colors to words. Then, we iteratively improve the assignment by randomly picking a word and reassigning it a color based on the other assignments. For example, if we select the word "ball" and assume all other assignments are correct, we determine the best color for "ball" by considering its prevalence in the document and its prevalence among all appearances of the word. We multiply the probabilities associated with each color and choose the color with the highest result.

By repeating this process for each word, we gradually improve the assignment of colors to words, making the articles more monochromatic and the words mostly monochromatic. Although this algorithm doesn't guarantee the perfect solution, it effectively solves the problem without relying on word or topic definitions.

In the remaining part of the video, I will provide further details on how to solve this problem using Gibbs sampling. By organizing the room one object at a time, we can transform a messy room into a clean one. Similarly, by assigning colors to words one by one, we can effectively train an LDA model using Gibbs sampling.

So let's continue with our Gibbs sampling algorithm. We have colored the word "ball" in document one as red based on the prevalence of red words in the document and the prevalence of red coloring for the word "ball" across all documents. Now, let's move on to the next word and repeat the process.

The next word is "galaxy" in document one. Again, assuming all other words are correctly colored, we consider the colors blue, green, and red as candidates for the word "galaxy." Now, let's count the number of blue, green, and red words in document one. We find that there are one blue word, one green word, and one red word. Since all three colors are equally represented, we don't have a clear winner based on document one alone.

Next, let's focus only on the word "galaxy" across all documents. Counting the occurrences, we find two blue words, two green words, and two red words. Again, there is no clear majority color for the word "galaxy" across all documents.

In this case, we can randomly assign a color to the word "galaxy" or choose a default color. Let's say we randomly assign it the color blue. Now, we have updated the color of the word "galaxy" in document one to blue.

We repeat this process for all the words in all the documents, considering their local and global context, and updating their colors based on the prevalence of colors in each document and the prevalence of colors for each word across all documents. We keep iterating through the words until we have gone through all of them multiple times.

After several iterations, we converge to a coloring that satisfies our goal of making each article as monochromatic as possible and each word as monochromatic as possible. We have effectively trained a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) model using Gibbs sampling.

Gibbs sampling is a technique that allows us to solve the problem of assigning topics to documents without relying on the definitions of words. It involves iteratively updating the colors of words based on the prevalence of colors in each document and the prevalence of colors for each word across all documents. This process results in a coloring that represents the topics in the documents, even without knowing the meanings of the words.

By using Gibbs sampling, we can effectively train an LDA model and group articles by topics based solely on the text content without prior knowledge of the topics or the words' meanings. This approach is particularly useful in natural language processing tasks where the goal is to uncover latent topics or themes within a collection of documents.

Training Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Gibbs Sampling (Part 2 of 2)
Training Latent Dirichlet Allocation: Gibbs Sampling (Part 2 of 2)
  • 2020.03.21
This is the second of a series of two videos on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), a powerful technique to sort documents into topics. In this video, we lear...

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Image Compression

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Image Compression

Hello, I'm Louis Sorano and in this video, I will discuss the concept of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). SVD involves rotations and stretchings that have various applications, such as image compression. If you're interested, you can find the code for the application on my GitHub repo, which is linked in the comments. Additionally, I have a book called "Rocking Machine Learning," and you can find the link in the comments along with a discount code.

Now let's dive into transformations. Transformations can be seen as functions that take points and map them to other points. Stretching and compressing are examples of transformations that can be applied horizontally or vertically to an image. Rotating an image by a certain angle is another type of transformation.

Now, let's solve a puzzle. Can you transform the circle on the left into the ellipse on the right using only rotations, horizontal and vertical stretchings/compressions? Pause the video and give it a try.

To solve this puzzle, we stretch the circle horizontally, compress it vertically, and then rotate it counterclockwise to obtain the desired ellipse.

Let's move on to a more challenging puzzle. This time, we have to transform the colored circle into the colored ellipse while preserving the colors. Before stretching or compressing, we need to rotate the circle to the right orientation. After that, we can apply the stretchings and compressions, and then rotate again to achieve the desired result.

The key takeaway here is that any linear transformation can be expressed as a combination of rotations and stretchings. A linear transformation can be represented by a matrix, and SVD helps us decompose a matrix into three parts: two rotation matrices and a scaling matrix.

These rotation and scaling matrices can be used to mimic any linear transformation. Rotations represent rotations by an angle, and scaling matrices represent horizontal and vertical stretchings or compressions. Matrices with special properties, such as diagonal matrices, represent scaling transformations.

The SVD decomposition equation, A = UΣVᴴ, expresses a matrix A as the product of these three matrices: a rotation matrix U, a scaling matrix Σ, and another rotation matrix Vᴴ (the adjoint or conjugate transpose of V). This equation allows us to decompose any matrix into its constituent parts.

To find the SVD, there are mathematical methods available, but we can also use tools like Wolfram Alpha or the NumPy package in Python.

The SVD decomposition helps in dimensionality reduction and simplifying matrices. By analyzing the scaling matrix Σ, we can understand the characteristics of the transformation. A large scaling factor indicates stretching, while a small factor indicates compression. If a scaling factor becomes zero, the transformation becomes degenerate and can compress the entire plane into a line.

By modifying the scaling matrix, we can compress a matrix of higher rank into a matrix of lower rank, effectively reducing the amount of information needed to represent the original matrix. This compression is achieved by expressing the matrix as the product of two smaller matrices. However, not all matrices can be compressed in this way.

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is a powerful tool that allows us to break down a matrix into rotations and stretchings. This decomposition has applications in various fields, including image compression and dimensionality reduction.

Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Image Compression
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and Image Compression
  • 2020.09.08
Github repo: Machine Learning Book: