Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 56


Lecture 8.1 — A brief overview of Hessian-free optimization

Lecture 8.1 — A brief overview of Hessian-free optimization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

The Hessian-free optimizer is a complex algorithm used for training recurrent neural networks effectively. While I won't delve into all the details, I will provide a general understanding of how it works.

When training neural networks, the goal is to minimize the error. The optimizer determines the direction and distance to move in to achieve the greatest reduction in error. The reduction depends on the gradient-to-curvature ratio, assuming a quadratic error surface that is concave upward. Newton's method addresses the limitation of steepest descent by transforming elliptical error surfaces into circular ones. It does this by multiplying the gradient by the inverse of the curvature matrix, also known as the Hessian. However, inverting the Hessian matrix is infeasible for large neural networks due to its size. To overcome this, approximate methods like Hessian-free and L-BFGS use lower-rank matrices to approximate the curvature. Hessian-free approximates the curvature matrix and uses conjugate gradient, a method that minimizes the error in one direction at a time. It avoids disrupting previous minimization by choosing conjugate directions that don't alter the gradients of previous directions.

Conjugate gradient efficiently finds the global minimum of an n-dimensional quadratic surface in n steps or fewer. It achieves this by reducing the error close to the minimum value in many fewer steps than n. It can be applied directly to non-quadratic error surfaces, such as those in multi-layer neural networks, and works well with large mini-batches. The Hessian-free optimizer combines quadratic approximation and conjugate gradient to iteratively improve the approximation to the true error surface and move closer to the minimum.

The Hessian-free optimizer first makes an initial quadratic approximation to the true error surface. It then applies conjugate gradient to minimize the error on this quadratic approximation. By doing so, it gets close to a minimum point on this approximation. Afterward, the optimizer makes a new approximation to the curvature matrix and repeats the process. It continues iteratively, refining the approximation and minimizing the error using conjugate gradient. This iterative process helps the optimizer gradually approach the true minimum of the error surface.

In recurrent neural networks, it's important to add a penalty for large changes in hidden activities. This prevents excessive effects caused by weight changes early on that propagate through the sequence. By penalizing changes in hidden activities, the optimizer ensures stability and prevents undesirable outcomes.

The Hessian-free optimizer combines quadratic approximation, conjugate gradient minimization, and penalty for hidden activity changes to train recurrent neural networks effectively. It achieves efficient and accurate optimization by iteratively improving the approximation and minimizing the error.

Lecture 8.1 — A brief overview of Hessian-free optimization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 8.1 — A brief overview of Hessian-free optimization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 8.2 — Modeling character strings

Lecture 8.2 — Modeling character strings [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

We will now apply Hessian-free optimization to the task of modeling character strings from Wikipedia. Typically, when modeling language, one would work with strings of words. However, since the web is composed of character strings, modeling character-level information can provide a more straightforward approach.

Modeling character strings presents unique challenges, such as dealing with morphemes, breaking down words into meaningful units, and handling languages with agglutinative properties. By focusing on character-level modeling, we avoid the complexities associated with preprocessing text into words and can directly capture patterns and information at the character level. To achieve this, we use a recurrent neural network (RNN) with multiplicative connections. The RNN consists of hidden states, with 1500 hidden units in this case. The dynamics of the hidden state involve considering the current character and the previous hidden state to compute the new hidden state. Subsequently, the RNN attempts to predict the next character using a softmax layer, assigning probabilities to each possible character.

Rather than using a traditional RNN structure, we employ a different approach that yields better results. We organize all possible character strings into a tree-like structure, with each character influencing the hidden state transition. To represent this tree, we use hidden state vectors to capture the information for each node. This allows us to efficiently share information between similar nodes, improving the overall model performance. To implement the character-specific transitions efficiently, we introduce multiplicative connections using factors. Each factor computes a weighted sum based on two input groups and uses the result to scale the outgoing weights. By incorporating character-specific factors, we can determine the transition matrix that drives the hidden state evolution based on the current character.

This approach enables us to capture the complexity of character-level language modeling while efficiently utilizing parameters. Rather than maintaining separate weight matrices for each character, we leverage the similarities among characters to share parameters. This parameter sharing helps prevent overfitting and reduces the computational burden.

We employ Hessian-free optimization to model character strings from Wikipedia. By utilizing multiplicative connections and character-specific factors, we can efficiently capture the transitions between hidden states based on the current character, thereby improving the modeling performance.

Lecture 8.2 — Modeling character strings [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 8.2 — Modeling character strings [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 8.3 — Predicting the next character using HF [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Lecture 8.3 — Predicting the next character using HF [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, we will explore the effects of using the Hessian-free optimizer to optimize a recurrent neural network with multiplicative connections. The network's objective is to predict the next character in Wikipedia text. After training on millions of characters, the network demonstrates remarkable performance. It acquires a deep understanding of the English language and becomes adept at generating coherent and interesting sentence completions.

The experimenter, Skeever, utilized five million strings, each consisting of a hundred characters, extracted from English Wikipedia. Starting from the 11th character in each string, the recurrent network begins predicting, transitioning through various hidden states. The training process involves backpropagating the prediction errors using the Hessian-free optimizer. Achieving an excellent model required approximately one month of computation on a high-speed GPU.

Currently, Skeever's best recurrent neural network for character prediction stands as the most outstanding single model for this task. While combining multiple models with a neural network could yield better results, his single model represents the epitome of performance. Notably, his model differs significantly from other top-performing models. Specifically, his model can effectively handle the balanced usage of quotes and brackets across long distances, a feat not possible with context-matching models. Matching specific previous contexts to close a bracket, for instance, would require storing and recalling all intervening characters, which is highly unlikely. In contrast, Skeever's model exhibits the ability to balance brackets and quotes successfully.

To assess the knowledge acquired by the model, strings are generated to observe its predictions. Care must be taken not to overinterpret the model's output. The generation process involves starting with the default hidden state, followed by a burn-in sequence. Each character updates the hidden state, leading to the prediction phase. The model's probability distribution for the next character is examined, and a character is randomly selected based on that distribution. The chosen character is then fed back into the model as the actual occurrence, and the process continues until the desired number of characters is generated. These generated strings shed light on the model's acquired knowledge.

One example of a string produced by Skeever's network showcases its impressive performance. Although this excerpt was selected from a more extended text passage, it effectively demonstrates the model's capability. Notably, the generated string exhibits peculiar semantic associations, such as "opus Paul at Rome." While such phrasing may not be used by individuals, it reveals the interconnectedness of "opus," "Paul," and "Rome." However, the string lacks a coherent long-range thematic structure, frequently changing topics after each full stop.

Interestingly, the model generates very few non-words. When given enough characters to complete an English word in a unique manner, it predicts the next character nearly perfectly. In cases where non-words do occur, like the word "ephemeral" highlighted in red, they are remarkably plausible. The model's performance extends to balancing brackets, although it does not consistently maintain perfect bracket balance. It also exhibits consistent behavior when it comes to opening and closing quotes.

Analyzing the model's knowledge reveals several key aspects. Firstly, it possesses a robust understanding of words, predominantly generating English words and occasionally strings of initials in capital letters. It can handle numbers, dates, and their contextual usage. Furthermore, it demonstrates an ability to balance quotes and brackets accurately, even counting brackets to some extent. Its syntactic knowledge is evident through the production of sensible strings of English words. However, deciphering the precise form of this syntactic knowledge proves challenging. It does not conform to simple trigram models that rely on memorized word sequences. Instead, the model synthesizes strings of words with coherent syntax, resembling the implicit syntactic knowledge of a native speaker rather than a set of linguistics rules.

The model also exhibits associations based on weak semantics. For example, the model demonstrates an understanding of associations between words like "Plato" and "Vicarstown." These associations are not precise or well-defined but reflect a level of semantic knowledge acquired through reading Wikipedia. Notably, the model shows a good grasp of associations between "cabbage" and "vegetable."

To further evaluate the model's knowledge, specific strings are designed as tests. For instance, a non-word like "runthourunge" is presented to the model. English speakers, based on the form of the word, would expect it to be a verb. By examining the most likely next character predicted by the model, such as an "S" in this case, it becomes evident that the model recognizes the verb form based on the context. Similarly, when provided with a list of names separated by commas and a capitalized "T" resembling a name, the model successfully completes the string as a name. This suggests a broad understanding of names across different languages.

The model is also subjected to the prompt "the meaning of life is," and its generated completions are examined. Surprisingly, in its initial attempts, the model produces the completion "literary recognition," which is both syntactically and semantically sensible. Although this could be seen as the model beginning to grasp the concept of the meaning of life, it is crucial to exercise caution and avoid overinterpretation.

As a conclusion, the model's extensive exposure to Wikipedia text imparts it with knowledge about words, proper names, numbers, dates, and syntactic structures. It excels at balancing quotes and brackets, utilizing semantic associations to a certain degree. Its understanding of syntax resembles that of a fluent speaker, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact form of this knowledge. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) like Skeever's model outperform other methods in language modeling tasks, requiring less training data and exhibiting faster improvement as datasets grow. As a result, it becomes increasingly challenging for alternative approaches to catch up with RNNs, particularly as computational power and dataset sizes continue to expand.

Lecture 8.3 — Predicting the next character using HF [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 8.3 — Predicting the next character using HF [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 8.4 — Echo State Networks

Lecture 8.4 — Echo State Networks [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Echo state networks are a clever approach to simplify the learning process in recurrent neural networks (RNNs). They initialize the connections in the RNN with a reservoir of coupled oscillators, converting input into oscillator states. The output can then be predicted based on these states, and the only learning required is how to couple the output to the oscillators. This eliminates the need to learn hidden-to-hidden connections or input-to-hidden connections.

To improve the performance of Echo state networks on complex tasks, a large hidden state is necessary. Combining the carefully designed initialization of Echo state networks with backpropagation through time with momentum can further enhance their capabilities. Another recent idea in training recurrent neural networks is to fix the hidden-to-hidden connections randomly and focus on training the output connections. This approach is similar to the concept of random feature detectors in feed-forward neural networks, where only the last layer is learned, simplifying the learning process.

The success of Echo state networks relies on setting the random connections properly to avoid issues like dying out or exploding. Spectral radius, which corresponds to the biggest eigenvalue of the matrix of hidden-to-hidden weights, needs to be set to approximately one to ensure the activity vector's length remains stable. Sparse connectivity is also important, where most of the weights are zero, allowing information to be retained in specific parts of the network. The scale of the input-to-hidden connections should be chosen carefully to drive the states of the oscillators without erasing important information. The learning process in Echo state networks is fast, enabling experimentation with the scales and sparseness of the connections to optimize performance. An example of an Echo state network is shown, where the input sequence specifies the frequency of a sine wave for the output. The network learns to generate sine waves by fitting a linear model using the states of the hidden units to predict the correct output. The dynamical reservoir in the middle captures the complex dynamics driven by the input signal.

Echo state networks have several advantages, including fast training due to the simplicity of fitting a linear model, the importance of sensible initialization of hidden-to-hidden weights, and their ability to model one-dimensional time series effectively. However, they may struggle with modeling high-dimensional data and require a larger number of hidden units compared to traditional RNNs.

Ilya Sutskever explored initializing a recurrent neural network with Echo state network techniques and then training it using backpropagation through time. This combination proved to be an effective method for training recurrent neural networks, achieving improved performance. Ilya Sutskever's approach of combining the initialization techniques of Echo state networks with backpropagation through time (BPTT) yielded promising results in training recurrent neural networks (RNNs). By using Echo state network initialization and then applying BPTT with techniques like RMSprop and momentum, Sutskever found that this approach is highly effective in training RNNs.

The use of Echo state network initialization provides a good starting point for the RNN, allowing it to learn well even by only training the hidden-to-output connections. However, Sutskever's experimentation showed that further improving the performance of the RNN could be achieved by also learning the hidden-to-hidden weights. By combining the strengths of Echo state networks and traditional RNNs, this hybrid approach leverages the benefits of both methods. Echo state network initialization provides a solid foundation, while BPTT enables fine-tuning and optimization of the RNN's performance. The success of this approach demonstrates the importance of proper initialization in training RNNs.

By starting with an initialization that captures the dynamics of the problem domain, subsequent training can be more efficient and effective. Additionally, the use of optimization techniques like RMSprop with momentum further enhances the learning process and helps achieve better results.

The combination of Echo state network initialization and BPTT with optimization techniques presents a powerful approach for training RNNs. It leverages the strengths of both methods to improve learning efficiency, model performance, and prediction accuracy.

Lecture 8.4 — Echo State Networks [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 8.4 — Echo State Networks [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 9.1 — Overview of ways to improve generalization

Lecture 9.1 — Overview of ways to improve generalization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, the topic discussed is improving generalization by reducing overfitting in neural networks. Overfitting occurs when a network has too much capacity relative to the amount of training data. The video explains various methods for controlling the capacity of a network and determining the appropriate meta-parameters for capacity control.

Overfitting arises because training data not only contains information about the true patterns in the input-output mapping but also includes sampling error and accidental regularities specific to the training set. When fitting a model, it cannot distinguish between these types of regularities, leading to poor generalization if the model is too flexible and fits the sampling error.

One straightforward method to prevent overfitting is to obtain more data. Increasing the amount of data mitigates overfitting by providing a better representation of the true regularities. Another approach is to judiciously limit the capacity of the model, allowing it to capture the true regularities while avoiding fitting the spurious regularities caused by sampling error. This can be challenging, but the video discusses various techniques for regulating capacity effectively.

The video also mentions the use of ensemble methods, such as averaging together different models. By training models on different subsets of the data or finding different sets of weights that perform well, averaging their predictions can improve overall performance compared to individual models. Additionally, the Bayesian approach involves using a single neural network architecture but finding multiple sets of weights that predict the output well, and then averaging their predictions on test data.

The capacity of a model can be controlled through different means, such as adjusting the architecture (e.g., limiting the number of hidden layers and units per layer), penalizing weights, adding noise to weights or activities, or using a combination of these methods.

When setting the meta-parameters for capacity control, there is a need to avoid biasing the results towards a specific test set. The video proposes a better approach: dividing the data into training, validation, and test subsets. The validation data is used to determine appropriate meta-parameters based on the model's performance, while the test data provides an unbiased estimate of the network's effectiveness. It is crucial to use the test data only once to avoid overfitting to it.

The video also mentions n-fold cross-validation, a technique where the data is divided into n subsets, and models are trained and validated on different combinations of these subsets to obtain multiple estimates of the best meta-parameters.

Lastly, the video describes an easy-to-use method called early stopping. It involves starting with small weights and stopping the training process when the model's performance on the validation set begins to deteriorate. This approach controls capacity because models with small weights have limited capacity, behaving similarly to linear networks. Stopping training at the right point optimizes the trade-off between fitting true regularities and fitting spurious regularities caused by the training set.

Overall, the video highlights various approaches for controlling capacity and preventing overfitting in neural networks. These methods involve obtaining more data, judiciously regulating capacity, using ensemble methods, setting appropriate meta-parameters through validation, and employing techniques like early stopping.

Lecture 9.1 — Overview of ways to improve generalization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.1 — Overview of ways to improve generalization [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 9.2 — Limiting the size of the weights

Lecture 9.2 — Limiting the size of the weights [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, I will discuss how we can control the capacity of a network by limiting the size of its weights. The common approach is to apply a penalty that restricts the weights from becoming too large. It is assumed that a network with smaller weights is simpler compared to one with larger weights.

There are various penalty terms that can be used, and it is also possible to impose constraints on the weights, ensuring that the incoming weight vector for each hidden unit does not exceed a certain length. The standard method for limiting weight size is by utilizing an L2 weight penalty. This penalty penalizes the squared value of the weights and is sometimes referred to as weight decay. The derivative of this penalty acts as a force pulling the weights towards zero. Consequently, the weight penalty keeps the weights small unless they have significant error derivatives to counteract it.

The penalty term is represented as the sum of the squares of the weights multiplied by a coefficient (lambda), divided by two. By differentiating the cost function, we find that the derivative is the sum of the error derivative and a term related to the weight's magnitude and the value of lambda. The derivative becomes zero when the magnitude of the weight is equal to 1 over lambda times the magnitude of the derivative. Thus, large weights can only exist when they also have substantial error derivatives. This property makes it easier to interpret the weights, as there are fewer large weights that have minimal impact.

The L2 weight penalty prevents the network from utilizing unnecessary weights, resulting in improved generalization. Additionally, it leads to smoother models where the output changes more gradually with variations in the input. For similar inputs, the weight penalty distributes the weight evenly, whereas without the penalty, all the weight may be assigned to one input.

Apart from L2 penalty, other weight penalties can be used, such as L1 penalty, which penalizes the absolute values of the weights. This type of penalty drives many weights to be exactly zero, aiding in interpretation. More extreme weight penalties can be applied where the gradient of the cost function decreases as the weight increases. This allows the network to maintain large weights without them being pulled towards zero, focusing the penalty on small weights instead.

Instead of penalties, weight constraints can be employed. With weight constraints, a maximum squared length is imposed on the incoming weight vector for each hidden unit or output unit. If the length exceeds the constraint, the weights are scaled down by dividing all the weights by the same factor until the length fits within the allowed limit. Weight constraints offer advantages over weight penalties, as selecting a sensible value for the squared length is easier. Additionally, weight constraints prevent hidden units from getting stuck with tiny, ineffective weights. They also prevent weight explosion.

Furthermore, weight constraints have a subtle effect on penalties. When a unit reaches its constraint, the effective penalty on all weights is determined by the large gradients. The big gradients push the length of the incoming weight vector up, exerting downward pressure on the other weights. This self-scaling penalty is more effective than a fixed penalty that pushes irrelevant weights towards zero. In terms of Lagrange multipliers, the penalties can be seen as the required multipliers to satisfy the constraints.

Using weight constraints offers several advantages over weight penalties. It is easier to select an appropriate value for the squared length of the incoming weight vector compared to determining the optimal weight penalty. Logistic units have a natural scale, making it easier to understand the significance of a weight value of one.

Weight constraints also prevent hidden units from getting stuck with all their weights being extremely small and ineffective. When all the weights are tiny, there is no constraint on their growth, potentially rendering them useless. Weight constraints ensure that weights do not become negligible.

Another benefit of weight constraints is that they prevent the weights from exploding, which can occur in some cases with weight penalties. This is crucial for maintaining stability and preventing numerical instabilities in the network.

An additional subtle effect of weight constraints is their impact on penalties. When a unit reaches its constraint and its weight vector's length is restricted, the effective penalty on all the weights is influenced by the large gradients. The big gradients push the length of the incoming weight vector up, which, in turn, applies downward pressure on the other weights. In essence, the penalty scales itself to be appropriate for the significant weights and suppress the small weights. This adaptive penalty mechanism is more effective than a fixed penalty that pushes irrelevant weights toward zero.

For those familiar with Lagrange multipliers, the penalties can be seen as the corresponding multipliers required to satisfy the constraints. The weight constraints act as a way to enforce the desired properties of the network's weights.

Controlling the capacity of a network by limiting the size of weights can be achieved through penalties or constraints. Both methods have their advantages, but weight constraints offer greater ease in selecting appropriate values, prevent weights from becoming negligible or exploding, and provide a self-scaling penalty mechanism. These techniques contribute to the interpretability, stability, and effectiveness of neural networks.

Lecture 9.2 — Limiting the size of the weights [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.2 — Limiting the size of the weights [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 9.3 — Using noise as a regularizer

Lecture 9.3 — Using noise as a regularizer [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Let's explore another method of restricting the capacity of a neural network, which involves the addition of noise to either the weights or the activities. Adding noise to the inputs of a simple linear network, which aims to minimize squared error, is equivalent to imposing an L2 penalty on the network's weights. This concept can be extended to more complex networks, where noisy weights are used, especially in recurrent networks, which has shown improved performance.

Additionally, noise can also be introduced into the activities as a regularizer. Consider training a multi-layer neural network with logistic hidden units using backpropagation. By making the units binary and stochastic during the forward pass, and then treating them as if they were deterministic during the backward pass using the real values, we create a stochastic binary neuron. Although not entirely accurate, this approach yields better performance on the test set compared to the training set, albeit with slower training.

These methods of incorporating noise, whether in the weights or activities, present alternative techniques for controlling the capacity of neural networks and improving their generalization capabilities.

In summary, adding noise to neural networks can be a useful strategy for controlling capacity and improving generalization. By introducing Gaussian noise to the inputs, we can achieve an effect similar to an L2 weight penalty. This amplifies the noise variance based on the squared weights and contributes to the overall squared error. Noise in the weights can be particularly effective in more complex networks, such as recurrent networks, leading to improved performance.

Furthermore, noise can be applied to the activities of the network as a regularization technique. By treating the units as stochastic binary neurons during the forward pass and using the real values during backpropagation, we introduce randomness into the system. This approach can result in slower training but often yields better performance on the test set, indicating improved generalization.

The addition of noise, whether in the form of weights or activities, provides an alternative approach to limit capacity and enhance the robustness and generalization abilities of neural networks.

Lecture 9.3 — Using noise as a regularizer [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.3 — Using noise as a regularizer [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 9.4 — Introduction to the full Bayesian approach

Lecture 9.4 — Introduction to the full Bayesian approach [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

The Bayesian approach to fitting models involves considering all possible settings of the parameters instead of searching for the most likely one. It assumes a prior distribution for the parameters and combines it with the likelihood of the observed data to obtain a posterior distribution.

In a coin tossing example, the frequentist approach (maximum likelihood) would suggest choosing the parameter value that maximizes the likelihood of the observed data. However, this approach has limitations, as it may not account for prior beliefs or uncertainties.

In the Bayesian framework, a prior distribution is assigned to the parameter values. After observing data, the prior is multiplied by the likelihood for each parameter value, resulting in an unnormalized posterior distribution. To obtain a proper probability distribution, the posterior is renormalized by scaling it to have an area of one.

Through iterative steps, the posterior distribution gets updated as more data is observed. The final posterior distribution represents the updated belief about the parameter values, incorporating both prior knowledge and observed data. It provides a range of plausible parameter values along with their probabilities.

Bayes' theorem is used to calculate the posterior probability of a parameter value given the data. It involves multiplying the prior probability by the likelihood of the data given that parameter value and normalizing it by dividing by the probability of the data.

By considering the full posterior distribution, the Bayesian approach allows for a more comprehensive analysis of parameter values, incorporating prior beliefs and updating them based on observed data.

Lecture 9.4 — Introduction to the full Bayesian approach [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.4 — Introduction to the full Bayesian approach [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 9.5 — The Bayesian interpretation of weight decay

Lecture 9.5 — The Bayesian interpretation of weight decay [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

This video discusses the Bayesian interpretation of weight penalties in the full Bayesian approach. In the Bayesian approach, the goal is to compute the posterior probability of every possible setting of the model's parameters. However, a simplified version called maximum a posteriori learning focuses on finding the single set of parameters that is the best compromise between fitting prior beliefs and fitting the observed data. This approach provides an explanation for the use of weight decay to control model capacity. When minimizing the squared error during supervised maximum likelihood learning, we are essentially finding a weight vector that maximizes the log probability density of the correct answer. This interpretation assumes that the correct answer is produced by adding Gaussian noise to the output of the neural network.

In this probabilistic interpretation, the model's output is considered the center of a Gaussian, and we are interested in having the target value with high probability under that Gaussian. The negative log probability density of the target value, given the network's output, is equivalent to the squared difference between the target and the output divided by twice the variance of the Gaussian. By taking logs and putting a minus sign, the negative log probability density of the target value given the network's output becomes a cost function. Minimizing this cost function is equivalent to minimizing the squared distance. This shows that when minimizing a squared error, there is a probabilistic interpretation where we are maximizing the log probability under a Gaussian.

The proper Bayesian approach is to find the full posterior distribution over all possible weight vectors, which can be challenging for nonlinear networks. As a simpler alternative, we can try to find the most probable weight vector, the one that is most probable given our prior knowledge and the data.

In maximum a posteriori learning, we aim to find the set of weights that optimizes the trade-off between fitting the prior and fitting the data. Using negative log probabilities as costs is more convenient than working in the probability domain. We maximize the log probability of the data given the weights, which is equivalent to maximizing the sum of log probabilities of the outputs for all training cases given the weights. To optimize the weights, we consider the negative log probability of the weights given the data. This cost consists of two terms: one depending on both the data and the weights, which measures how well we fit the targets, and another term depending only on the weights, which is derived from the log probability of the data given the weights.

If we assume Gaussian noise is added to the output of the model to make predictions and Gaussian prior for the weights, then the log probability of the data given the weights is the squared distance between the output and the target scaled by twice the variance of the Gaussian noise. Similarly, the log probability of a weight under the prior is the squared value of the weight scaled by twice the variance of the Gaussian prior.

By multiplying through by the product of twice the variances of the Gaussian noise and prior, we obtain a new cost function. The first term corresponds to the squared error typically minimized in a neural network. The second term becomes the ratio of two variances multiplied by the sum of the squared weights, which is the weight penalty. Thus, the weight penalty is determined by the ratio of the variances in this Gaussian interpretation, and it is not an arbitrary value within this framework. Therefore, the weight penalty in this Bayesian interpretation is not just a arbitrary value that is chosen to improve performance. It has a meaningful interpretation based on the variances of the Gaussian noise and prior.

To further elaborate, when we multiply the equation by twice the variances and sum over all training cases, the first term corresponds to the squared difference between the output of the neural network and the target. This term represents the squared error that is typically minimized in a neural network. The second term, which depends on the weights alone, becomes the ratio of the two variances multiplied by the sum of the squared weights. This term is the weight penalty. It penalizes large weight values and encourages smaller weights. The ratio of the variances determines the strength of this penalty.

Essentially, by introducing a weight penalty, we are trading off between fitting the data well and keeping the weights small. This trade-off is controlled by the ratio of the variances. A larger weight penalty (i.e., smaller ratio of variances) will result in smaller weights, whereas a smaller weight penalty (i.e., larger ratio of variances) allows for larger weights. It is important to note that the interpretation of weight decay or weight penalties as a Bayesian approach relies on the assumption of Gaussian noise and Gaussian prior distributions. These assumptions simplify the calculations and provide a probabilistic framework for understanding the impact of weight penalties on the optimization process.

In practice, finding the full posterior distribution over all possible weight vectors can be computationally challenging, especially for complex nonlinear networks. Therefore, maximum a posteriori learning, which aims to find the most probable weight vector, offers a more practical alternative. This approach balances the fitting of prior beliefs and the observed data, providing a compromise solution.

The Bayesian interpretation of weight penalties provides a deeper understanding of their role in neural network optimization. By considering the probabilistic perspective and the trade-off between fitting the data and the weight prior, we can leverage weight penalties as a regularization technique to control model capacity and improve generalization performance.

Lecture 9.5 — The Bayesian interpretation of weight decay [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.5 — The Bayesian interpretation of weight decay [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 9.6 — MacKay 's quick and dirty method

Lecture 9.6 — MacKay 's quick and dirty method [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, I will discuss a method developed by David MacKay in the 1990s to determine weight penalties in a neural network without relying on a validation set. MacKay's approach is based on the interpretation of weight penalties as maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation, where the magnitude of the weight penalty relates to the tightness of the prior distribution over the weights.

MacKay demonstrated that we can empirically fit both the weight penalties and the assumed noise in the neural network's output. This enables us to obtain a method for fitting weight penalties that does not require a validation set, allowing for different weight penalties for subsets of connections within a network. This flexibility would be computationally expensive to achieve using validation sets.

Now, I will describe a simple and practical method developed by David MacKay to leverage the interpretation of weight penalties as the ratio of two variances. After learning a model to minimize squared error, we can determine the best value for the output variance. This value is obtained by using the variance of the residual errors.

We can also estimate the variance in the Gaussian prior for the weights. Initially, we make a guess about this variance and proceed with the learning process. Here comes the "dirty trick" called empirical Bayes. We set the prior variance to be the variance of the weights that the model learned because it makes those weights most likely. Although this violates some assumptions of the Bayesian approach, it allows us to determine the prior based on the data.

After learning the weights, we fit a zero-mean Gaussian distribution to the one-dimensional distribution of the learned weights. We then take the variance of this Gaussian as our weight prior variance. Notably, if there are different subsets of weights, such as in different layers, we can learn different variances for each layer.

The advantage of MacKay's method is that it does not require a validation set, enabling the use of all non-test data for training. Moreover, it allows for the incorporation of multiple weight penalties, which would be challenging to achieve using validation sets.

To summarize the method, we begin by guessing the ratio of the noise variance and the weight prior variance. Then, we perform gradient descent learning to improve the weights. Next, we update the noise variance to be the variance of the residual errors and the weight prior variance to be the variance of the distribution of the learned weights. This loop is repeated iteratively.

In practice, MacKay's method has been shown to work effectively, and he achieved success in several competitions using this approach.

Lecture 9.6 — MacKay 's quick and dirty method [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 9.6 — MacKay 's quick and dirty method [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...