Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 54


Lecture 3.5 — Using the derivatives from backpropagation

Lecture 3.5 — Using the derivatives from backpropagation [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

To efficiently learn in multi-layer neural networks, obtaining the error derivatives for all the weights is crucial. However, there are several other considerations that need to be addressed to fully specify a learning procedure.

One of these considerations is determining the frequency of weight updates and preventing overfitting when using a large network. The backpropagation algorithm efficiently computes the derivatives for each weight based on a single training case, but it is not a complete learning algorithm. To develop a proper learning procedure, additional factors need to be specified.

Optimization issues come into play when utilizing the weight derivatives to discover an optimal set of weights. One question is how often the weights should be updated. One approach is to update the weights after each training case, resulting in zigzagging due to varying error derivatives. However, on average, small weight changes can lead in the right direction. Alternatively, full batch training involves going through the entire training data, summing up the error derivatives from individual cases, and making a small step in that direction. Yet, this approach may be computationally expensive, especially if the initial weights are poor. Mini-batch learning offers a compromise by randomly selecting a small sample of training cases to update the weights. This reduces zigzagging while still being computationally efficient, making it commonly used for training large neural networks on large datasets.

Determining the magnitude of weight updates is another optimization issue. Instead of manually choosing a fixed learning rate, it is often more sensible to adapt the learning rate. For instance, if the error oscillates, the learning rate can be reduced, whereas if steady progress is made, the learning rate can be increased. It is even possible to assign different learning rates to different connections in the network to allow some weights to learn more rapidly than others. Additionally, rather than strictly following the direction of steepest descent, it may be beneficial to explore alternative directions that lead to better convergence. However, finding these alternative directions can be challenging.

The second set of issues relates to how well the learned weights generalize to unseen cases. Training data contains both information about regularities and two types of noise. The first type is unreliable target values, which is typically a minor concern. The second type is sampling error, where accidental regularities can arise due to the specific training cases chosen. Models cannot distinguish between accidental regularities and true regularities that generalize well. Therefore, models tend to fit both types of regularities, leading to poor generalization if the model is too complex.

To address overfitting, various techniques have been developed for neural networks and other models. These techniques include weight decay, where weights are kept small or at zero to simplify the model, and weight sharing, where many weights have the same value to reduce complexity. Early stopping involves monitoring a fake test set during training and stopping when the performance on the fake test set starts to deteriorate. Model averaging entails training multiple neural networks and averaging their predictions to reduce errors. Bayesian fitting of neural networks is a form of model averaging that incorporates Bayesian principles. Dropout is a technique that enhances model robustness by randomly omitting hidden units during training. Generative pre-training, a more advanced approach, will be discussed later in the course.

Obtaining error derivatives for all weights in a multi-layer network is essential for efficient learning. However, to develop a complete learning procedure, other factors such as weight update frequency, prevention of overfitting, optimization techniques, and generalization to unseen cases must be considered and addressed.

Lecture 3.5 — Using the derivatives from backpropagation [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 3.5 — Using the derivatives from backpropagation [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 4.1 — Learning to predict the next word

Lecture 4.1 — Learning to predict the next word [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

The upcoming videos will focus on utilizing the backpropagation algorithm to learn a word's meaning through feature representation. In this introduction, we'll start with a simple case from the 1980s to illustrate how relational information can be transformed into feature vectors using backpropagation.

The case involves two family trees, one English and the other Italian, with similar structures. By expressing the information in these family trees as propositions using specific relationships (e.g., son, daughter, father, mother), we can view the task of learning this relational information as finding regularities within a set of triples.

Instead of searching for symbolic rules, we can employ a neural network to capture this information by predicting the third term of a triple from the first two terms. The network's architecture consists of multiple layers designed to learn interesting representations. We encode the information using a neutral representation, ensuring that all people are treated as distinct entities.

The network learns by training on a set of propositions, gradually adjusting the weights using backpropagation. We can examine the hidden layer responsible for encoding person one to understand the learned representations. Different units in this layer reveal features such as the person's nationality, generation, and branch of the family tree.

These features are useful for predicting the output person, as they capture regularities in the domain. The network autonomously discovers these features without any explicit guidance. The middle layer of the network combines the input person's features and the relationship features to predict the output person's features.

The network's performance can be assessed by testing it on incomplete triples and observing how well it generalizes. With limited training data, it achieves a good accuracy rate for a 24-way choice. If trained on a larger dataset, it can generalize from a smaller fraction of the data.

While the example presented here is a toy case, in practice, we can apply similar techniques to databases containing millions of relational facts. By training a network to discover feature vector representations of entities and relationships, we can effectively clean and validate the database.

Rather than predicting the third term from the first two, we can also estimate the probability of a fact's correctness using multiple terms. This approach requires examples of both correct and incorrect facts for training.

By employing backpropagation and neural networks, we can learn meaningful representations from relational information and make predictions or assess the plausibility of facts in a database.

Training a neural network to estimate the probability of a fact's correctness requires a dataset containing a variety of correct facts and a reliable source of incorrect facts. By presenting the network with correct examples and encouraging high output, and exposing it to incorrect examples and encouraging low output, it can learn to distinguish between plausible and implausible facts.

This approach provides a powerful tool for cleaning databases. The network can flag potentially incorrect or suspicious facts, allowing for further investigation and verification. For example, if the database states that Bach was born in 1902, the network could identify this as highly implausible based on the relationships and other related facts it has learned.

With advancements in computer power and the availability of vast databases containing millions of relational facts, the application of neural networks to discover feature vector representations has become more practical. By leveraging the capacity of neural networks to learn complex patterns and relationships, we can gain valuable insights and make predictions based on the learned representations.

It's worth noting that the example discussed here was conducted in the 1980s as a demonstration of the capabilities of backpropagation and neural networks. Since then, the field has made significant progress, and researchers have applied similar techniques to various domains, including natural language processing, computer vision, and recommendation systems.

In conclusion, utilizing the backpropagation algorithm and neural networks to learn feature representations from relational information provides a powerful approach for understanding and making predictions based on complex datasets. By training the network on examples of correct and incorrect facts, we can harness its capabilities to validate and improve the quality of databases, making them more reliable and useful for various applications.

Lecture 4.1 — Learning to predict the next word [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 4.1 — Learning to predict the next word [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 4.2 — A brief diversion into cognitive science

Lecture 4.2 — A brief diversion into cognitive science [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In cognitive science, there has been a longstanding debate about the relationship between feature vector representations and relational representations of concepts. This debate is not of much interest to engineers, so they can skip this discussion.

The feature theory posits that concepts are defined by a set of semantic features, which is useful for explaining similarities between concepts and for machine learning. On the other hand, the structuralist theory argues that the meaning of a concept lies in its relationships with other concepts, favoring a relational graph representation.

In the 1970s, Marvin Minsky used the limitations of perceptrons to argue in favor of relational graph representations. However, both sides of the debate are considered incorrect because they view the theories as rivals when they can actually be integrated.

Neural networks can implement relational graphs using vectors of semantic features. In the case of learning family trees, the neural network passes information forward without explicit rules of inference. The answer is intuitively obvious to the network due to the influence of probabilistic micro-features and their interactions.

While explicit rules are used for conscious reasoning, much of our common sense and analogical reasoning involves "just seeing" the answer without conscious intervening steps. Even in conscious reasoning, there is a need for a way to quickly identify applicable rules to avoid infinite regress.

Implementing a relational graph in a neural network is not as straightforward as assigning neurons to graph nodes and connections to binary relationships. Different types of relationships and ternary relationships pose challenges. The precise method for implementing relational knowledge in a neural network is still uncertain, but it is likely that multiple neurons are involved in representing each concept, forming a distributed representation where many-to-many mappings exist between concepts and neurons.

In a distributed representation, multiple neurons are likely used to represent each concept, and each neuron may be involved in representing multiple concepts. This approach, known as a distributed representation, allows for a more flexible and efficient encoding of conceptual knowledge in neural networks.

However, the specific implementation details of how to represent relational knowledge in a neural network are still under investigation. The assumption that one neuron corresponds to a node in the relational graph and connections represent binary relationships is not sufficient. Relationships come in different types and flavors, and neural connections only have strength, lacking the ability to capture diverse relationship types.

Furthermore, ternary relationships, such as "A is between B and C," need to be considered as well. The optimal approach for integrating relational knowledge into a neural network is still uncertain, and ongoing research aims to address this challenge.

Nonetheless, the evidence suggests that a distributed representation is involved in neural networks' representation of concepts. This approach allows for the flexibility and capacity to handle various concepts and their relationships, paving the way for more sophisticated cognitive modeling and understanding in the field of cognitive science.

Lecture 4.2 — A brief diversion into cognitive science [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 4.2 — A brief diversion into cognitive science [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 4.3 — The softmax output function [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Lecture 4.3 — The softmax output function [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Now, let's delve into the topic of the softmax output function. The softmax function is a technique used to ensure that the outputs of a neural network add up to one, allowing them to represent a probability distribution across mutually exclusive alternatives.

Before we continue discussing how feature vectors are learned to represent words, let's take a technical diversion. So far, we have used the squared error measure as a training criterion for neural networks, which is suitable for linear neurons. However, the squared error measure has its limitations.

For instance, if the desired output is 1, but the actual output of a neuron is extremely close to zero, there is very little gradient available to facilitate weight updates. This is because the slope of the neuron's output is almost horizontal, resulting in slow weight adjustments despite a significant error.

Additionally, when assigning probabilities to mutually exclusive class labels, it is crucial for the output to sum up to one. An answer such as assigning three-quarters probability to both Class A and Class B is nonsensical. Therefore, we need to provide the network with the knowledge that these alternatives are mutually exclusive.

To address these issues, we need a different cost function that can handle mutually exclusive classes appropriately. The softmax function allows us to achieve this goal. It is a continuous version of the maximum function, ensuring that the outputs of the softmax group represent a probability distribution.

In the softmax group, each unit receives an accumulated input, referred to as the logit, from the layer below. The output of each unit, denoted as yi, depends not only on its own logit but also on the logits accumulated by other units in the softmax group. Mathematically, the output of the ith neuron is calculated using the equation e^zi divided by the sum of the same quantity for all neurons in the softmax group.

This softmax equation guarantees that the sum of all yi's equals one, representing a probability distribution. Additionally, the values of yi lie between zero and one, enforcing the representation of mutually exclusive alternatives as a probability distribution.

The derivative of the softmax function has a simple form, similar to the logistic unit, making it convenient for computations. The derivative of the output with respect to the input of an individual neuron in the softmax group is given by yi times (1 - yi).

Determining the appropriate cost function when using a softmax group for outputs is crucial. The negative log probability of the correct answer, also known as the cross-entropy cost function, is commonly used. This cost function aims to maximize the log probability of providing the correct answer.

To compute the cross-entropy cost function, we sum over all possible answers, assigning a value of zero to the wrong answers and a value of one to the correct answer. By calculating the negative log probability, we obtain the cost associated with the correct answer.

One key advantage of the cross-entropy cost function is its large gradient when the target value is 1, and the output is close to zero. Even small changes in the output significantly improve the cost function's value. For instance, a value of one in a million is considerably better than a value of one in a billion, even though the difference is minute.

To further illustrate this point, imagine placing a bet based on the belief of the answer being one in a million or one in a billion. Betting at odds of one in a million and being wrong would result in losing a million dollars. Conversely, if the answer were one in a billion, the same bet would lead to losing a billion dollars.

This property of the cross-entropy cost function ensures a steep derivative when the answer is significantly incorrect, which balances the flatness of the output's change as the input changes. When multiplying these factors together, we obtain the derivative of the cross-entropy cost function with respect to the logit going into the output unit i. The chain rule is employed for this calculation.

The derivative of the cost function with respect to the output of a unit, multiplied by the derivative of the output with respect to the logit zi, yields the actual output minus the target output. The slope of this difference is one or minus one when the outputs and targets are significantly different, and the slope is close to zero only when they are nearly identical, indicating a correct answer is being produced.

The softmax output function is utilized to ensure that the outputs of a neural network represent a probability distribution across mutually exclusive alternatives. By employing the softmax equation, the outputs are constrained to sum up to one, indicating probabilities for different classes.

However, using the squared error measure as a cost function for training neural networks has drawbacks, such as slow weight adjustments when the desired output is far from the actual output. To address this issue, the cross-entropy cost function is introduced. It calculates the negative log probability of the correct answer and yields a larger gradient when the target value is 1 and the output is close to zero. This property allows for more efficient learning and avoids assigning equal probabilities to mutually exclusive alternatives.

The softmax function, along with the cross-entropy cost function, provides a powerful combination for training neural networks to produce probabilistic outputs. By adjusting the weights and biases through backpropagation and stochastic gradient descent, the network can learn to make accurate predictions and represent complex relationships among the data.

It is important to note that these concepts and techniques form the foundation of neural network training and are applicable in various domains, including natural language processing, computer vision, and pattern recognition. Continual research and advancements in these areas contribute to improving the performance and capabilities of neural networks in solving real-world problems.

Lecture 4.3 — The softmax output function [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 4.3 — The softmax output function [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 4.4 — Neuro-probabilistic language models

Lecture 4.4 — Neuro-probabilistic language models [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, we explore a practical application of feature vectors representing words, specifically in speech recognition systems. Having a good understanding of what someone might say next is crucial for accurately recognizing the sounds they make.

Speech recognition faces challenges in identifying phonemes accurately, especially in noisy speech where the acoustic input is often ambiguous and multiple words can fit the signal equally well. However, we usually don't notice this ambiguity because we rely on the meaning of the utterance to hear the correct words. This unconscious process of recognizing speech highlights the need for speech recognizers to predict likely next words.

Fortunately, words can be predicted effectively without fully understanding the spoken content. The trigram method is a standard approach for predicting the probabilities of different words that may follow. It involves counting the frequencies of word triples in a large text corpus and using these frequencies to estimate the relative probabilities of the next word given the previous two words.

The trigram method has been a state-of-the-art approach until recently, as it provides probabilities based on two preceding words. Using larger contexts would result in an explosion of possibilities and mostly zero counts. In cases where the context is unseen, such as "dinosaur pizza," the model resorts to individual word predictions. It's important not to assign zero probabilities just because an example hasn't been encountered before.

However, the trigram model overlooks valuable information that can aid in predicting the next word. For example, understanding the similarities between words like "cat" and "dog" or "squashed" and "flattened" can enhance prediction accuracy. To overcome this limitation, words need to be transformed into feature vectors that capture their semantic and syntactic features. By using the features of previous words, a larger context (e.g., 10 previous words) can be utilized for prediction.

Joshua Bengio pioneered this approach using neural networks, and his initial model resembles the family trees network but applied to language modeling with more complexity. By inputting the index of a word and propagating the activity through hidden layers, the network can learn distributed representations of words as feature vectors. These vectors are then used to predict the probabilities of various words using a softmax output layer.

An additional improvement is the use of skip layer connections that directly connect input words to output words. Individual input words contain valuable information about potential output words. Bengio's model initially performed slightly worse than trigrams but showed promise when combined with trigrams.

Since Bengio's work, language models using feature vectors for words have significantly improved and surpassed trigram models. However, a challenge arises when dealing with a large number of output words, as the softmax output layer may require a considerable number of weights (e.g., hundreds of thousands). Overfitting can occur if the last hidden layer is too large, but reducing its size leads to the accurate prediction of a vast number of probabilities.

In the next video, we will explore alternative approaches to handle the large number of output words, considering that both big and small probabilities are relevant for speech recognition systems.

Lecture 4.4 — Neuro-probabilistic language models [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 4.4 — Neuro-probabilistic language models [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 4.5 — Dealing with many possible outputs

Lecture 4.5 — Dealing with many possible outputs [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, we will explore different approaches to avoid the need for an excessive number of output units in a softmax when dealing with a large vocabulary. Instead of having hundreds of thousands of output units to obtain word probabilities, we can use alternative architectures.

One approach is a serial architecture, where we input context words and a candidate word. By traversing the network, we generate a score indicating the candidate word's suitability in that context. This approach requires running the network multiple times, but most of the computations only need to be done once. We can reuse the same inputs from the context for different candidate words, and the only part that needs to be recalculated is the candidate word's specific inputs and the final score output.

To learn in this serial architecture, we compute scores for each candidate word and apply a softmax function to obtain word probabilities. By comparing the word probabilities with their target probabilities (usually one for the correct word and zero for others), we can derive cross-entropy area derivatives. These derivatives guide weight adjustments to increase the score for the correct candidate word and decrease scores for high-ranking rivals. To optimize efficiency, we can consider a smaller set of candidate words suggested by another predictor instead of evaluating all possible candidates.

Another method to avoid a large softmax is to organize words in a binary tree structure. This involves arranging all words as leaves in the tree and using the context of previous words to generate a prediction vector. By comparing this vector with a learned vector for each node in the tree, we can determine the probability of taking the right or left branch. By recursively traversing the tree, we can arrive at the target word. During learning, we only need to consider the nodes along the correct path, significantly reducing the computational load.

A different approach for word feature vector learning is to leverage past and future context. Using a window of words, we place the correct word or a random word in the middle of the window. By training a neural network to output high scores for the correct word and low scores for random words, we can learn feature vectors that capture semantic distinctions. These feature vectors are then useful for various natural language processing tasks.

To visualize the learned feature vectors, we can display them in a two-dimensional map using techniques like t-SNE. This visualization helps identify similar words and clusters, providing insights into the neural network's understanding of word meanings. The learned vectors can reveal semantic relationships and distinctions, demonstrating the power of contextual information in determining word meanings.

Here's another example of the two-dimensional map representation of learned feature vectors. In this section of the map, we can observe a cluster of words related to games. Words such as matches, games, races, players, teams, and clubs are grouped together, indicating their similarity in meaning. Furthermore, it identifies the associated elements of games, including prizes, cups, bowls, medals, and other rewards. The neural network's ability to capture these semantic relationships allows it to infer that if one word is suitable for a particular context, other words within the same cluster are likely to be appropriate as well.

Moving on to another part of the map, we encounter a cluster dedicated to places. At the top, we find various U.S. states, followed by cities, predominantly those located in North America. Additionally, the map exhibits other cities and countries, demonstrating the neural network's understanding of geographic relationships. For instance, it connects Cambridge with Toronto, Detroit, and Ontario, all belonging to English-speaking Canada, while grouping Quebec with Berlin and Paris, associating it with French-speaking Canada. Similarly, it suggests a similarity between Iraq and Vietnam.

Let's explore another example on the map. This section focuses on adverbs, showcasing words like likely, probably, possibly, and perhaps, which share similar meanings. Similarly, it identifies the semantic similarities between entirely, completely, fully, and greatly. Additionally, it recognizes other patterns of similarity, such as which and that, whom and what, and how, whether, and why.

The fascinating aspect of these learned feature vectors is that they capture subtle semantic nuances solely by analyzing word sequences from Wikipedia, without any explicit guidance. This contextual information plays a crucial role in understanding word meanings. In fact, some theories suggest that it is one of the primary mechanisms through which we acquire word semantics.

In conclusion, these different approaches to handling large vocabularies and learning word representations offer efficient alternatives to the traditional softmax architecture. By leveraging serial architectures, tree structures, or contextual information, neural networks can generate meaningful and similar word representations. These representations prove valuable in various natural language processing tasks, showcasing the network's ability to capture semantic relationships and distinctions between words.

Lecture 4.5 — Dealing with many possible outputs [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 4.5 — Dealing with many possible outputs [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 5.1 — Why object recognition is difficult

Lecture 5.1 — Why object recognition is difficult [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

Recognizing objects in real scenes poses several challenges that are often overlooked due to our innate proficiency in this task. Converting pixel intensities into object labels is a complex process that involves various difficulties. One major obstacle is segmenting the object from its surroundings, as we lack the motion and stereo cues available in the real world. This absence makes it challenging to determine which parts belong to the same object. Additionally, objects can be partially hidden by other objects, further complicating the recognition process. Interestingly, our exceptional visual abilities often mask these issues.

Another significant challenge in object recognition stems from the influence of lighting on pixel intensities. The intensity of a pixel depends not only on the object itself but also on the lighting conditions. For instance, a black surface under bright light produces more intense pixels compared to a white surface in dim lighting. To recognize an object, we must convert these varying pixel intensities into class labels, but these variations can occur due to factors unrelated to the object's nature or identity.

Objects can also undergo deformations, which adds to the complexity of recognition. Even for relatively simple objects like handwritten digits, there is a wide range of shapes associated with the same name. For example, the numeral "2" can appear italicized with a cusp or have a larger loop and a more rounded form. Furthermore, the class of an object is often defined by its function rather than its visual appearance. Consider chairs, where countless variations exist, from armchairs to modern steel-framed designs with wooden backs. The visual characteristics alone may not suffice to determine the class.

Viewpoint variations further compound the difficulties of object recognition. The ability to recognize a three-dimensional object from multiple perspectives creates image changes that conventional machine learning methods struggle to handle. Information about an object can shift across different pixels when the object moves while our gaze remains fixed. This transfer of information between input dimensions, typically corresponding to pixels in visual tasks, is not commonly encountered in machine learning. Addressing this issue, often referred to as "dimension hopping," is crucial to improve recognition accuracy. A systematic approach to resolving this problem is highly desirable.

In summary, recognizing objects in real scenes entails numerous challenges. Overcoming these difficulties requires addressing issues related to segmentation, lighting variations, occlusion, deformations, viewpoint changes, and the semantic definition of objects. Developing robust and systematic methods that account for these factors will enhance the accuracy and reliability of object recognition systems.

Lecture 5.1 — Why object recognition is difficult [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 5.1 — Why object recognition is difficult [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 5.2 — Achieving viewpoint invariance

Lecture 5.2 — Achieving viewpoint invariance [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, I will delve into the concept of viewpoint invariance and explore various approaches to address this challenge in object recognition. Viewpoint variations pose a significant obstacle because each time we view an object, it appears on different pixels, making object recognition distinct from most machine learning tasks. Despite our natural aptitude for this task, we have yet to find widely accepted solutions in engineering or psychology.

The first approach suggests using redundant invariant features. These features should be capable of withstanding transformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. For instance, a pair of approximately parallel lines with a red dot between them has been proposed as an invariant feature used by baby herring gulls to identify where to peck for food. By employing a large set of invariant features, we can uniquely assemble them into an object or image without explicitly representing the relationships between features.

However, the challenge arises when dealing with recognition tasks. Extracting features from multiple objects may result in features composed of parts from different objects, leading to misleading information for recognition. Thus, it becomes crucial to avoid forming features from parts of different objects.

Another approach, termed "judicious normalization," involves placing a box around the object. By defining a reference frame within this box, we can describe the object's features relative to it, achieving invariance. Assuming the object is a rigid shape, this approach effectively eliminates the impact of viewpoint changes, mitigating the dimension hopping problem. The box does not necessarily have to be rectangular; it can account for translation, rotation, scale, shear, and stretch. However, selecting the appropriate box poses challenges due to potential segmentation errors, occlusion, and unusual orientations. Determining the correct box relies on our knowledge of the object's shape, creating a chicken-and-egg problem: we need to recognize the shape to get the box right, but we need the correct box to recognize the shape.

A brute force normalization approach involves using well-segmented upright images during training to judiciously define boxes around the objects. During testing, when dealing with cluttered images, all possible boxes at various positions and scales are explored. This approach is commonly used in computer vision for tasks like detecting faces or house numbers in unsegmented images. However, it is more efficient when the recognizer can handle some variation in position and scale, allowing the use of a coarse grid for trying different boxes.

Viewpoint invariance is a significant challenge in object recognition. Approaches such as using invariant features, judicious normalization with bounding boxes, and brute force normalization aid in mitigating the effects of viewpoint variations. However, selecting appropriate features, determining the correct box, and handling varying positions and scales remain ongoing research endeavors in the field of computer vision.

Lecture 5.2 — Achieving viewpoint invariance [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 5.2 — Achieving viewpoint invariance [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...

Lecture 5.3 — Convolutional nets for digit recognition

Lecture 5.3 — Convolutional nets for digit recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

In this video, we discuss convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and their application in handwritten digit recognition. CNNs were a major success in the 1980s, particularly Yan LeCun's deep convolutional nets, which excelled at recognizing handwriting and were implemented in practice. These networks were among the few deep neural nets of that era that could be trained on the available computers and perform exceptionally well.

CNNs are built on the concept of replicated features. Since objects can appear at different positions within an image, a feature detector useful in one location is likely to be useful elsewhere. To leverage this idea, multiple copies of the same feature detector are created at different positions in the image. These replicated feature detectors share weights, significantly reducing the number of parameters that need to be learned. For example, three replicated detectors with 27 pixels only require nine different weights.

In CNNs, multiple feature maps, each consisting of replicated features, are employed. These replicated features are constrained to be identical in various locations, while different maps learn to detect different features. This approach allows different types of features to represent each image patch, enhancing recognition capabilities. Replicated features align well with backpropagation, as it is easy to train them using this algorithm. Backpropagation can be modified to incorporate linear constraints between weights, ensuring that replicated feature detectors are learned effectively.

There is often confusion regarding the achievements of replicated feature detectors. While some claim they achieve translation invariance, this is not entirely accurate. Replicated features achieve equivalence, not invariance, in the activities of neurons. For instance, when an image is translated, the activated neurons also shift accordingly. However, the knowledge captured by replicated features is invariant. If a feature is known to be detected in one location, it can be detected in another. To introduce some translational invariance, the outputs of replicated feature detectors can be pooled, either by averaging or taking the maximum of neighboring detectors. However, precise spatial information can be lost through this pooling process, impacting tasks that rely on accurate spatial relationships.

Jan Lecun and his collaborators demonstrated the power of CNNs in handwritten digit recognition, achieving impressive results with their LeNet-5 architecture. LeNet-5 comprised multiple hidden layers and feature maps, along with pooling between layers. It could handle overlapping characters and did not require segmentation before input. The training methodology employed a complete system approach, generating zip codes as output from input pixels. Training was conducted using a method similar to maximum margin, even before its formal introduction. LeNet-5 proved highly valuable in reading checks across North America.

Injecting prior knowledge into machine learning, specifically neural networks, can be done through network design, local connectivity, weight constraints, or appropriate neural activities. This approach biases the network towards a particular problem-solving approach. Another method is generating synthetic training data based on prior knowledge, which provides the network with more examples to learn from. As computers become faster, the latter approach becomes increasingly viable. It allows optimization to discover effective ways of utilizing multi-layer networks, potentially achieving superior solutions without complete understanding of the underlying mechanisms.

Using synthetic data, several advancements have been made in handwritten digit recognition. By combining tricks such as generating synthetic data, training large networks on graphics processing units (GPUs), and creating consensus models, significant improvements have been achieved. For example, a group led by Jurgen Schmidhuber in Switzerland reduced the error rate to approximately 25 errors, likely approaching the human error rate. Evaluating the performance of different models requires considering which errors they make rather than solely relying on numerical metrics. Statistical tests like the McNemar test provide more sensitivity by analyzing specific errors, enabling a better assessment of model superiority.

So, when comparing models based on their error rates, it's important to consider the specific errors they make and conduct statistical tests like the McNemar test to determine if the differences are statistically significant. Simply looking at the overall error rates may not provide enough information to make a confident judgment.

The work done by Jurgen Schmidhuber's group in Switzerland showcased the effectiveness of injecting knowledge through synthetic data. They put significant effort into generating instructive synthetic data by transforming real training cases to create additional training examples. By training a large network with many units per layer and many layers on a graphics processing unit (GPU), they were able to leverage the computational power and avoid overfitting.

Their approach combined three key techniques: generating synthetic data, training a large network on a GPU, and using a consensus method with multiple models to determine the final prediction. Through this approach, they achieved impressive results, reducing the error rate to around 25 errors, which is comparable to the human error rate.

An interesting question arises when comparing models with different error rates: how do we determine if a model with 30 errors is significantly better than a model with 40 errors? Surprisingly, it depends on the specific errors made by each model. Simply looking at the numbers is not sufficient. The McNemar test, a statistical test that focuses on the specific errors, provides greater sensitivity in comparing models.

For example, considering a 2x2 table, we can examine the cases where one model gets it right while the other gets it wrong. By analyzing the ratios of these cases, we can determine the significance of the differences between the models. In some cases, a model may have a lower error rate but perform worse in the specific instances that the other model succeeds in, making the comparison less significant.

Therefore, when evaluating and comparing models, it is crucial to consider both the error rates and the specific errors made. Statistical tests like the McNemar test can provide more accurate insights into the performance differences between models. This helps us make informed decisions about model selection and improvement.

In addition to considering error rates and specific errors, there are other factors to consider when evaluating and comparing models.

  1. Data quality and quantity: The quality and quantity of training data can have a significant impact on model performance. Models trained on large, diverse, and representative datasets tend to generalize better. It's important to ensure that the data used for training and evaluation accurately reflects the real-world scenarios the model will encounter.

  2. Computational resources: The computational resources required to train and deploy a model are essential considerations. Some models may require extensive computational power, such as high-performance GPUs or specialized hardware, which can affect their practicality and scalability.

  3. Interpretability: Depending on the application, interpretability of the model's predictions may be crucial. Some models, like deep neural networks, are often considered black boxes, making it challenging to understand the reasoning behind their decisions. In contrast, other models, such as decision trees or linear models, offer more interpretability. The choice of model should align with the requirements of the problem and stakeholders.

  4. Robustness and generalization: A model's performance should be evaluated not only on the training data but also on unseen data to assess its generalization capability. A robust model should perform well on diverse data samples and be resistant to noise, outliers, and adversarial attacks.

  5. Scalability and efficiency: Depending on the application's requirements, model scalability and efficiency are important considerations. Models that can efficiently process large amounts of data or make real-time predictions may be preferred in certain scenarios.

  6. Ethical considerations: It is essential to consider ethical implications when selecting and deploying models. Bias in the data or the model's predictions, fairness, privacy, and security concerns should be taken into account to ensure responsible and equitable use of AI systems.

  7. User feedback and domain expertise: Gathering feedback from end-users and domain experts can provide valuable insights into the performance and suitability of a model. Their input can help identify specific areas for improvement or uncover limitations that might not be captured by automated evaluation metrics.

By considering these factors in addition to error rates and specific errors, we can make more comprehensive and informed decisions when evaluating and comparing models.

Lecture 5.3 — Convolutional nets for digit recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 5.3 — Convolutional nets for digit recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
For cool updates on AI research, follow me at from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffre...

Lecture 5.4 — Convolutional nets for object recognition

Lecture 5.4 — Convolutional nets for object recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]

The question of whether the nets developed for recognizing handwritten digits could be scaled up to recognize objects in high-resolution color images has always been a topic of speculation. It was considered a challenging task due to various factors such as dealing with cluttered scenes, segmentation, 3D viewpoint, multiple objects, and lighting variations. In the past, researchers focused on improving the ability of networks to recognize handwritten digits, which led some to doubt the generalizability of their findings to real color images.

To address this question, a recent competition called ImageNet was held, where computer vision systems were tested on a subset of 1.2 million high-resolution color images. The task was to correctly label the images with a thousand different classes. The systems were allowed to make five predictions, and they were considered correct if one of the predictions matched the label assigned by a person. Additionally, there was a localization task where the systems had to place a box around the recognized object.

Leading computer vision groups from various institutions participated in the competition, employing complex multi-stage systems that combined hand-tuned early stages with learning algorithms in the top stage. However, the task proved to be very challenging, with error rates ranging from 26% to 27% for the best systems. In contrast, Alex Krizhevsky's deep neural network achieved a significantly lower error rate of 16%.

Alex Krizhevsky's network, based on deep convolutional neural networks, utilized seven hidden layers and rectified linear units as activation functions. The network employed competitive normalization within a layer to handle variations in intensity. Several techniques were used to improve generalization, including data augmentation with transformations, such as downsampling and reflections, and the use of dropout regularization in the top layers. The network was trained on powerful hardware, specifically Nvidia GTX 580 graphics processors.

The results of the competition showed that Alex Krizhevsky's network outperformed other computer vision systems by a substantial margin. Its success demonstrated the potential of deep neural networks for object recognition in real color images. These networks can leverage prior knowledge and handle large-scale data sets and computations. The use of efficient hardware and the possibility of distributing networks over multiple cores further enhance their capabilities. Consequently, it is expected that deep neural networks will continue to advance and become the standard approach for object recognition in static images.

Similarly, deep neural networks have shown impressive performance in various other domains. For example, they have been successful in natural language processing tasks such as language translation, sentiment analysis, and question answering. In these tasks, the networks learn to understand the semantics and context of the text, enabling them to generate accurate and meaningful responses.

Moreover, deep neural networks have also been applied to speech recognition, where they have outperformed traditional methods. By learning from large amounts of labeled speech data, these networks can effectively recognize and transcribe spoken words with high accuracy.

In the field of healthcare, deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in medical image analysis. They can assist in diagnosing diseases from medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. By learning from a vast collection of labeled medical images, these networks can detect abnormalities, tumors, and other medical conditions with a level of accuracy comparable to human experts.

The success of deep neural networks can be attributed to their ability to automatically learn hierarchical representations of data. By progressively extracting features at multiple levels of abstraction, these networks can capture complex patterns and relationships in the data. This feature learning process, combined with the availability of large datasets and powerful computational resources, has paved the way for significant advancements in various domains.

In conclusion, deep neural networks have proven to be highly effective in a wide range of tasks, including object recognition, natural language processing, speech recognition, and medical image analysis. Their ability to learn from large datasets and automatically extract meaningful representations has revolutionized many fields. As computational resources continue to improve, we can expect even more impressive achievements and further advancements in the capabilities of deep neural networks.

Lecture 5.4 — Convolutional nets for object recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
Lecture 5.4 — Convolutional nets for object recognition [Neural Networks for Machine Learning]
  • 2016.02.04
Lecture from the course Neural Networks for Machine Learning, as taught by Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) on Coursera in 2012. Link to the course (l...