Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 50


What is Deep Learning? (DL 01)

What is Deep Learning? (DL 01)

Welcome to deep learning! I'm Bryce, and I'm excited to help you learn about this hot topic in computer science. Deep learning is everywhere in our daily lives. The algorithms that recognize your face, understand your speech, and recommend content on your favorite platform are all based on deep learning.

But what exactly is deep learning? It involves the use of neural networks and differentiable programming for machine learning. Neural networks are computational models inspired by the behavior of neurons in the brain. They consist of nodes representing neurons and directed edges representing connections between them, with each edge having a weight indicating its strength. Neurons can sum up the weighted inputs from their neighbors to determine whether they activate.

Machine learning, which lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence and data science, is about making intelligent inferences automatically from data. Unlike traditional computer science, where algorithms are designed to solve problems directly, machine learning lets the data examples define the problem's inputs and outputs. We then implement algorithms that infer the solution from the data set.

Machine learning problems can be categorized as regression or classification. Regression involves inferring a function that maps continuous inputs to continuous outputs, such as linear regression. Classification, on the other hand, assigns discrete labels to input points, such as inferring decision boundaries.

Deep learning allows us to solve complex problems that combine aspects of regression and classification. For example, object recognition involves learning a function that takes an image as input and outputs bounding boxes and labels for objects within the image.

To train a neural network, we use gradient descent, a technique that minimizes a function by following its gradient. This requires differentiating the neural network's activations. Activation functions like step functions are not suitable for differentiation, so we use smooth approximations like the sigmoid function.

The principles of training neural networks and differentiable programming extend beyond deep learning. We can think of neurons as computing simple programs that perform weighted sums and apply activation functions. This leads to the concept of differentiable programming, where functions that can be mathematically operated on and differentiated can be incorporated into deep learning models.

In this course, we'll start with simple neural networks to understand the basics of machine learning and stochastic gradient descent. We'll gradually add complexity, exploring deep neural networks and general differentiable programming. Along the way, we'll practice using deep learning libraries, discuss limitations and downsides, and prepare you to design, apply, evaluate, and criticize deep learning models for real-world problems.

By the end of the semester, you'll be equipped to tackle exciting challenges with deep learning and have a comprehensive understanding of its applications and implications.

What is Deep Learning? (DL 01)
What is Deep Learning? (DL 01)
  • 2022.08.24
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

Deep Learning Prerequisites (DL 02)

Deep Learning Prerequisites (DL 02)

To succeed in a course on deep learning, you need a background in computer science and mathematics. Specifically, you should have taken courses in data structures, linear algebra, and multivariable calculus. Let's explore the importance of each of these prerequisites in more detail.

Having a programming background is crucial for this upper-level undergraduate computer science course. Data structures serve as a prerequisite to ensure that you have sufficient programming experience. Understanding concepts related to algorithmic efficiency encountered in data structures will also be helpful.

In this course, my videos primarily use pseudocode or express computations mathematically. However, the assignments will require programming in both Python and Julia. Python is widely used for deep learning libraries like TensorFlow and PyTorch, so you will gain practice with these tools. Julia, on the other hand, is excellent for bridging the gap between mathematics and computation, making it easier to understand the inner workings of neural networks.

From a mathematical standpoint, we will utilize concepts from linear algebra and multivariable calculus. However, the specific concepts we'll focus on are only a fraction of what is typically taught in those courses. If you have only taken one of these courses, you should be able to catch up on the necessary concepts from the other relatively quickly.

In linear algebra, it is essential to be comfortable with matrix notation. Deep learning involves operations on vectors, matrices, and higher-dimensional arrays (tensors). Being proficient in matrix-vector products, applying functions to matrices and vectors, and operations like dot products and norms will be necessary.

Multivariable calculus is crucial for understanding gradients, a key concept used throughout the course. You should be comfortable evaluating gradients and taking partial derivatives using rules learned in basic calculus, such as the product rule and quotient rule.

If you feel unsure about your knowledge in linear algebra or multivariable calculus, I will provide a playlist of videos by Grant Sanderson to help you brush up on these topics. The highlighted videos in the playlist cover the specific concepts we'll use in the course.

By ensuring you have a solid background in these prerequisite subjects, you will be well-prepared to tackle the activities and assignments in the first week of the course and succeed in deep learning.

Deep Learning Prerequisites (DL 02)
Deep Learning Prerequisites (DL 02)
  • 2022.08.24
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022Suggested linear algebra playlist:

What can a single neuron compute? (DL 03)

What can a single neuron compute? (DL 03)

Neural networks consist of numerous nodes with a vast number of connections. To understand them better, let's focus on an individual neuron and explore its capabilities, the types of models it can represent, and how these models can be trained.

A node in a neural network receives inputs and performs a simple computation to generate a numerical output. This computation involves two stages: first, the inputs are multiplied by corresponding weights and summed up; then, the sum of weighted inputs is passed through an activation function to produce the output.

Mathematically, the output is obtained by applying an activation function (denoted as f) to the sum of weighted inputs. Hence, the output is the result of applying the activation function to the sum of each weight multiplied by its corresponding input, plus a bias term.

The bias allows the sum to be non-zero even if all inputs are zero. We can think of the bias as another weight and represent it with an additional arrow entering the node. Every neuron performs a weighted sum over its inputs, but different neurons may have different activation functions.

For a single neuron model, two noteworthy activation functions are linear and step functions. The linear activation function enables the neuron to perform regression, while the step function allows it to perform classification.

In the case of a neuron with a single input, the weighted sum of inputs is calculated by multiplying the input by the weight and adding the bias. The chosen linear activation function, y = x, allows us to express any linear function of x1 using the weight (w1) and bias (b) parameters. Thus, this neuron can compute any linear function with a one-dimensional input (x1) and a one-dimensional output (y).

If the neuron has more inputs, the mapping extends to multi-dimensional inputs but remains a linear function suitable for regression. However, visualizing the function becomes challenging as the input dimension increases.

In the case of a neuron with two inputs, the step function is used as the activation. The weighted sum of inputs is still calculated, and the activation transitions from zero to one when the sum becomes positive. The activation can be described using a piecewise function, and the decision boundary between the inputs resulting in a 0 or 1 output is where the weighted sum of inputs equals zero. This setup is suitable for classification tasks, where the inputs are labeled as 0 or 1 based on the output of the neuron.

To perform regression or classification using single neurons, we need a dataset consisting of input-output pairs. The activation function chosen depends on whether the output is binary (0 or 1) or continuous. The dimensionality of the input examples determines the number of inputs and weights in the single neuron model.

Training a neural network or single neuron involves defining a loss function that quantifies the model's deviation from the data. For regression tasks, the sum of squared errors can be used, while classification tasks with binary outputs may employ other suitable loss functions.

The goal of training is to update the parameters (weights and biases) in a way that minimizes the loss and improves the model's accuracy. Gradient descent is a common optimization technique used to update the parameters and reduce the loss.

In the next video, we will delve into the concept of gradient descent and how it facilitates parameter updates to improve the model's performance.

What can a single neuron compute? (DL 03)
What can a single neuron compute? (DL 03)
  • 2022.09.02
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

How to train your neuron (DL 04)

How to train your neuron (DL 04)

In our previous video, we explored the computation of a single neuron. We learned that a neuron computes by taking a weighted sum of inputs, adding a bias, and applying an activation function. Using a step function for activation gives us a binary classifier, while a linear function gives us a regressor.

We also discussed measuring a model's loss on its dataset using the sum of squared errors and training the model using the gradient of the loss function. The loss function depends on the model's parameters, namely the weights and the bias. The mean squared error is commonly used as a loss function in computations.

To understand how the loss function depends on the parameters and how we can modify them to reduce the loss, we calculated the loss on a small regression dataset. By summing up the squared differences between the correct and predicted outputs, we obtained the loss value.

Next, we focused on finding the gradient of the loss function. We derived the partial derivatives of the loss with respect to each parameter. These partial derivatives form the gradient, which guides us in decreasing the loss. By updating the parameters in the opposite direction of the gradient, we can minimize the loss and improve our model's representation of the dataset.

We visualized the loss function as a surface in parameter space and discussed how the gradient indicates the direction of steepest increase in the loss. By taking small steps in the opposite direction of the gradient, we can iteratively decrease the loss and refine our model.

For classification tasks, we encountered a challenge when taking the derivative of the step function activation. To overcome this, we replaced the step function with a smooth approximation called the sigmoid function. We explained the behavior of the sigmoid function and its ability to produce probabilistic outputs between 0 and 1.

We applied the sigmoid function to a classification example and demonstrated how to calculate the loss and gradient using the new activation. The process of updating the parameters and improving the model remains the same as in regression.

Finally, we emphasized that the concepts discussed can be extended to higher dimensions by applying the same formulas to multiple weights and data points. The general principles of computing the loss, calculating the gradient, and updating the parameters hold regardless of the dimensionality of the input.

Overall, understanding the computation of a single neuron, the loss function, and the gradient provides the foundation for training neural networks and improving their performance.

How to train your neuron (DL 04)
How to train your neuron (DL 04)
  • 2022.09.03
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

The Data Analysis Pipeline (DL 05)

The Data Analysis Pipeline (DL 05)

In our deep learning class, we will delve deeply into the study of neural networks. However, it's important to remember that a neural network, or any machine learning model, is just a part of a larger system. Before data can be fed into a neural network, it needs to be collected and processed into a format that the network can understand. Similarly, the outputs of a neural network often require post-processing or further analysis.

Throughout the semester, it will be helpful to keep in mind the metaphor of a data analysis pipeline. This analogy emphasizes that our goal in machine learning is to transform observations of the world into predictions about the world, and the neural network is just one step in this process. The pipeline reminds us to consider the stages through which our data goes and how each stage contributes to the next.

Different problems require different stages in the pipeline. While standardized or simulated datasets may allow us to skip certain stages, real-world applications of deep learning require us to consider the practical aspects of data analysis.

Let's discuss some important aspects of data analysis pipelines in more detail. The first stage is data collection. Although pre-existing datasets can be used in some cases, if we want to solve a new problem with deep learning, we must determine what data is suitable for training our model. When collecting data, we need to ensure that we have a sufficient amount, considering that deep learning's recent successes have relied on large datasets. However, there is also such a thing as too much data, especially when computational resources are limited. In certain cases, working with a limited amount of data can be beneficial, particularly during exploration and problem discovery. It is crucial to ensure that the dataset we use for training is representative of the problem we aim to solve. This involves considering factors such as the representation of all desired classes in a classification task and not overlooking important outliers that the model should recognize.

Another challenge is identifying systematic biases in datasets. Biases can arise in various ways, such as an overrepresentation of images taken on sunny days, leading to difficulties for an image classifier in cloudy conditions. Biases can also affect predictions related to health or education, attributing individual factors to broader social structures. It is essential to be mindful of potential biases during data collection. However, addressing and correcting biases is a complex problem that requires ongoing deep learning research.

After collecting data, we often need to clean it before applying machine learning or other processing techniques. This step involves handling missing data, deciding which dimensions of the data are relevant, and dealing with different dimensionalities across examples. Proper labeling of the data is crucial for supervised learning. Obtaining appropriate labels can be challenging, particularly when transcribing sign language or dealing with speech-to-text inconsistencies. The labels should accurately represent the aspects of the data we want our model to learn.

Next, we must transform the data into a numerical format suitable for training our neural network or machine learning model. Neural networks expect numerical input in the form of vectors or matrices. The process of numerical encoding varies in difficulty depending on the problem. For example, processing image data is relatively straightforward due to the pixel-based representation already used by computers. However, handling text data encoded in ASCII format requires alternative representations. Transforming the data representation or even the dimensionality becomes increasingly important as problems grow more complex.

Additionally, it can be beneficial to normalize the data, especially if neural networks tend to output values in the range of zero to one. Normalization involves scaling the range of data values, ensuring that inputs to the neural network are closer together. After the neural network's output, we may need to perform post-processing steps. This includes decoding the network's output into the desired prediction format, conveying prediction confidence, and considering the application or algorithm that will use the model's predictions.

Once we have processed the data and trained our neural network, we can move on to the evaluation and tuning stage. This is where we assess the performance of our model and make improvements. Evaluation involves using the test set that we set aside earlier. By applying the trained neural network to this unseen data, we can measure how well it generalizes to new examples. We typically use metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score to evaluate the performance of our model. These metrics provide insights into how effectively the neural network is making predictions.

Based on the evaluation results, we can identify areas where the model may be underperforming or exhibiting limitations. This information guides us in making necessary adjustments and improvements. We can iterate on the model architecture, hyperparameters, or even collect additional data if needed. The goal is to refine the model's performance and ensure it achieves the desired accuracy and reliability.

During the tuning process, we experiment with different configurations and settings to optimize the model's performance. This includes adjusting hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and regularization techniques. Through systematic exploration and experimentation, we aim to find the best combination of settings that maximizes the neural network's effectiveness.

In addition to fine-tuning the model itself, we also consider the broader context of its application. We take into account the specific problem we are trying to solve and the real-world implications of the model's predictions. This involves examining the social, ethical, and legal aspects of deploying the model in practice. It is crucial to ensure that the model is fair, unbiased, and aligned with the values and requirements of the problem domain.

As deep learning practitioners, our responsibility extends beyond developing accurate models. We must critically analyze and interpret the results, taking into consideration any potential biases or limitations. Regularly revisiting and reevaluating the model's performance is necessary to maintain its effectiveness over time.

Studying neural networks in a deep learning class involves understanding that they are part of a larger system. The data analysis pipeline, from data collection to preprocessing, training, and evaluation, encompasses multiple stages that require careful consideration. By being mindful of the entire process and continuously improving our models, we can effectively harness the power of deep learning to make accurate predictions and solve real-world problems.

The Data Analysis Pipeline (DL 05)
The Data Analysis Pipeline (DL 05)
  • 2022.09.09
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

Out-of-Sample Validation (DL 06)

Out-of-Sample Validation (DL 06)

In machine learning, evaluating a model involves making new predictions and testing them on unseen data. In this discussion, we'll explore how to effectively use our data to validate and improve our machine learning models.

The process of model selection begins with identifying the available options for solving a given problem. This leads us to the concept of a model's hypothesis space, which defines the types of functions the model can represent. The hypothesis space is constrained by factors such as the chosen input representation and the required output type.

Once we have chosen a specific model or machine learning algorithm, there are various aspects of the model that can be tuned. This includes adjusting the model's parameters, such as weights and biases, which are trained using the data. Additionally, other aspects, like the learning rate or number of iterations, can be considered as hyperparameters that influence the model's performance.

To effectively explore and test different options, we rely on experimental validation. This involves dividing our dataset into training and test sets. The training set is used to train the model, while the test set is used to evaluate its performance on unseen data. By comparing different models or hyperparameters on the test set, we can determine which ones are more effective at generalizing to new data.

Generalization is a critical aspect of machine learning, as our goal is to develop models that can make accurate predictions on new, unseen data. Overfitting, where a model becomes too specific to the training data, is a common challenge in achieving good generalization. By separating a portion of the data for out-of-sample validation, we can assess whether a model is overfitting or successfully generalizing.

When exploring multiple hyperparameters, we can systematically vary their values or randomly sample from a plausible range. Randomization allows us to explore a broader range of values efficiently. However, if extensive experimentation leads to overfitting the test set, further separation of the data into training, validation, and test sets or the use of cross-validation may be necessary.

Cross-validation involves dividing the data into multiple subsets and iteratively training and testing the model on different combinations of these subsets. This approach provides a more robust estimation of the model's performance and generalization ability.

The key idea in machine learning is to experimentally validate our models by separating training and test data. This enables us to assess their performance on unseen examples and make informed decisions about model selection and hyperparameter tuning.

Out-of-Sample Validation (DL 06)
Out-of-Sample Validation (DL 06)
  • 2022.09.09
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

Feed-Forward Neural Networks (DL 07)

Feed-Forward Neural Networks (DL 07)

Neural networks, unlike single neurons, consist of multiple layers and perform computations through nodes. Each node computes the weighted sum of inputs and applies an activation function. In a neural network, a node's input can come from previous node activations, and its computed activation can be passed to later nodes.

For instance, neuron 8 in a network receives inputs from neurons 5, 6, and 7. The weighted sum of inputs performed by neuron 8 is the sum of the activations of those neurons multiplied by the corresponding weights, plus the bias. The activation function is then applied to the weighted sum. The output from neuron 8 is used as an input for nodes 11 and 12. Different activation functions can be used in a neural network, such as the hyperbolic tangent and the rectifier linear unit (ReLU).

To perform computations using a neural network for making predictions, we start by setting the activations of the input layer nodes based on the input data. The input layer nodes simply store the values of the input vector. The size of the input and output layers depends on the dimensionality of the data and the desired prediction. The hidden neurons in the network, organized into layers, perform computations between the inputs and outputs. By computing the activations for each layer, we can pass the inputs to the next layer, referencing the previous activations. These activations are also needed for gradient descent during weight updates. The presence of hidden layers in a neural network provides the ability to use non-linear activation functions. Linear activations offer no advantage in multi-layer networks. Non-linear activation functions, such as the sigmoid function, enable the representation of various functions.

Neurons representing logical operations like AND, OR, and NOT can be constructed using step function classifiers. By approximating these logical operations using sigmoid activations, a neural network can represent any Boolean function. To train a neural network, we use gradient descent to update the weights and biases. The network's parameters include all the weights and biases in the entire network. The loss function in a network with multiple output neurons can be the mean squared error summed over all output neurons. The goal is to reduce the loss by updating the parameters iteratively.

Gradient descent is performed by computing the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters, taking steps in the opposite direction of the gradients to minimize the loss. This process is known as backpropagation, and it allows the network to learn and improve its predictions. In the next video, we will delve into the details of the backpropagation algorithm, which is used to perform gradient descent updates on a neural network. Backpropagation enables efficient computation of the gradients of the loss with respect to the network's parameters.

The process begins by computing the gradient of the loss function with respect to the output activations. This gradient represents the sensitivity of the loss to changes in the output activations. It can be obtained by applying the chain rule, as the loss depends on the output activations through the activation function and the squared difference with the target values. Once the gradient of the loss with respect to the output activations is computed, it is propagated backward through the network. At each layer, the gradients are multiplied by the derivative of the activation function with respect to the weighted sum of inputs. This derivative captures the sensitivity of the activation to changes in the weighted sum.

By propagating the gradients backward, we can compute the gradients of the loss with respect to the activations of the previous layer. These gradients indicate how much each activation in the previous layer contributes to the loss. Using the gradients of the loss with respect to the activations, we can then compute the gradients of the loss with respect to the weights and biases in each layer. These gradients are obtained by multiplying the activation of the previous layer by the corresponding gradient of the activation function. Finally, with the gradients of the loss with respect to the parameters, we can update the weights and biases using the gradient descent algorithm. By taking steps in the direction opposite to the gradients, we gradually optimize the network's parameters to minimize the loss.

This iterative process of forward propagation, backward propagation, and parameter updates is repeated for a certain number of epochs or until the loss converges to a satisfactory value. Through this training process, the neural network learns to make better predictions by adjusting its weights and biases based on the provided training data.

Neural networks utilize multiple layers and non-linear activation functions to perform complex computations and make predictions. By employing the backpropagation algorithm and gradient descent, neural networks can learn from data and optimize their parameters to improve their predictive capabilities.

Feed-Forward Neural Networks (DL 07)
Feed-Forward Neural Networks (DL 07)
  • 2022.09.16
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

Neural Network Backpropagation (DL 08)

Neural Network Backpropagation (DL 08)

In this video, we will derive the backpropagation algorithm, which is used for training a neural network through a step of stochastic gradient descent. The algorithm consists of three main steps.

First, we perform a feedforward pass to make predictions on a data point. These predictions determine the loss, which represents the error between the predicted outputs and the actual outputs. Next, we perform a backward pass to compute the partial derivatives of the loss. We calculate a quantity called "delta" for each neuron in the output and hidden layers. Delta represents the partial derivative of the loss with respect to the weighted sum of inputs at that neuron. By applying the chain rule, we can compute delta for each neuron by considering its impact on the loss.

To calculate delta for the output layer neurons, we use the derivative of the activation function and the difference between the target and the activation. This calculation considers the relationship between the loss and the weighted sum of inputs. For hidden layer neurons, we consider their impact on the next layer's neurons and recursively calculate delta by summing the contributions from the next layer nodes, multiplied by the weights and the activation derivative. Once we have computed the deltas for all neurons, we can use them to calculate the partial derivatives of the weights and biases.

The partial derivative for each weight is the product of the corresponding delta and the activation of the previous layer neuron. Similarly, the partial derivative for each bias is equal to its corresponding delta.

To perform gradient descent, we average the partial derivatives over a subset of the data points, called a batch. This approach is known as stochastic gradient descent. By updating the weights and biases with the average partial derivatives multiplied by a learning rate, we move the parameters in the direction that minimizes the loss.

In practice, instead of computing the deltas and partial derivatives for every data point, we often use stochastic gradient descent with random batches. We randomly sample a subset of the data, compute the average loss and its gradient on that subset, and perform the parameter updates accordingly. This speeds up the training process, especially for large datasets.

The backpropagation algorithm combines forward and backward passes to compute the deltas and partial derivatives, which are then used for stochastic gradient descent updates. By iteratively updating the parameters, the neural network learns to minimize the loss and improve its predictions.

Neural Network Backpropagation (DL 08)
Neural Network Backpropagation (DL 08)
  • 2022.09.20
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022Re-upload, because I got sloppy with notation at the end and gave an incorrect formula for the bias update!

Better Activation & Loss for Classification: Softmax & Categorical Crossentropy (DL 09)

Better Activation & Loss for Classification: Softmax & Categorical Crossentropy (DL 09)

When performing multi-class classification using a neural network with sigmoid neurons, there are certain limitations that arise. Previously, when dealing with only two classes, a single neuron could output either 0 or 1. However, when multiple labels are involved, such as classifying handwritten digits from 0 to 9, a different representation is needed.

One common approach is to encode the labels as a one-hot vector, where each label has its own dimension, and only one dimension is activated at a time. For example, a five-dimensional vector may indicate five possible labels, with dimension four being activated to represent the fourth label. While a sigmoid neuron-based output layer can potentially produce this type of output, there are practical problems.

The first issue is that the sigmoid layer may output relatively large values for multiple labels, making it difficult to interpret the prediction. Ideally, we would want the output layer to produce zeros and ones or something that reflects confidence in different possible labels. The second problem arises during training of the sigmoid output layer. When the target is a one-hot vector, gradient descent is used to push the activation towards one for the correct label and towards zero for the other labels. However, due to the nature of the sigmoid function, the neurons with larger errors may have smaller deltas, making it challenging to correct confidently wrong predictions.

A similar problem, known as the vanishing gradient problem, also occurs when using sigmoid activations for hidden neurons. However, in this video, we focus on an alternative combination of output activations and loss function to address these problems. Instead of sigmoid activations, we introduce softmax activations for the output layer. Softmax activations are computed on the entire layer, magnifying differences between inputs and normalizing the activations to add up to one. This results in outputs that are more interpretable as predictions and can be seen as the network's confidence in each possible label.

To effectively use softmax activations, we pair them with the categorical cross-entropy loss function. The cross-entropy loss calculates the negative logarithm of the activation for the target neuron, which simplifies to the logarithm of the activation when using one-hot vectors. This combination enables effective gradient descent updates. To compute the deltas for the output layer, we derive the partial derivatives of the loss with respect to the activations. For the target neuron, the derivative is -1 divided by the activation. For the other neurons, the derivatives are zero. Due to the interdependency of softmax activations, even though only the target neuron has a non-zero derivative, non-zero deltas are obtained for all the inputs.

By using these formulas, we can calculate the deltas for both the target neuron and the other neurons in the output layer. The delta for the target neuron is straightforward to compute, as it is the activation minus one. The deltas for the other neurons simplify to the negative activation itself.

With this combination of softmax activations and categorical cross-entropy loss, we achieve meaningful outputs for classification problems and obtain gradients that efficiently push the outputs towards correct predictions. Using softmax activations and categorical cross-entropy loss provides us with a powerful framework for multi-class classification. Let's delve deeper into how these components work together to enable effective training of neural networks.

Once we have computed the deltas for the output layer, these deltas serve as the starting point for backpropagation, where we propagate the error gradients backward through the network to update the weights. To update the weights connecting the output layer to the previous layer, we can use the delta values and apply the gradient descent algorithm. The weight update is determined by multiplying the delta of each output neuron by the input activation of the corresponding weight and adjusting the weight by a learning rate.

By backpropagating the deltas through the network, the gradients for the weights in the hidden layers can also be computed. This allows us to update the weights in the hidden layers accordingly, further refining the network's performance. It's important to note that when using softmax activations and categorical cross-entropy loss, we need to ensure that softmax is only applied to the output layer. For the hidden layers, it is advisable to use activation functions like ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit) or tanh. Softmax activations enable us to obtain outputs that are interpretable as probabilities or confidence scores for each class. The values in the output vector sum to 1, allowing us to gauge the network's confidence in its predictions. A higher value indicates higher confidence for a particular class.

Categorical cross-entropy loss complements softmax activations by effectively measuring the discrepancy between the predicted probabilities and the true labels. It encourages the network to minimize the difference between predicted probabilities and the one-hot encoded target vector, thus pushing the network towards more accurate predictions.

By combining softmax activations and categorical cross-entropy loss, we achieve several benefits. We obtain meaningful and interpretable outputs, enabling us to understand the network's predictions and confidence levels for different classes. The gradients derived from the categorical cross-entropy loss guide the weight updates in a way that leads to more effective learning and improved accuracy. It's worth mentioning that there are other activation functions and loss functions available, each suited to different types of problems. However, softmax activations with categorical cross-entropy loss have proven to be a successful combination for multi-class classification tasks, offering both interpretability and effective training dynamics.

In summary, using softmax activations and categorical cross-entropy loss in multi-class classification neural networks allows us to obtain meaningful predictions, interpret confidence levels, and perform efficient gradient descent updates. This combination plays a crucial role in achieving accurate and reliable results in various classification tasks.

Better Activation & Loss for Classification: Softmax & Categorical Crossentropy (DL 09)
Better Activation & Loss for Classification: Softmax & Categorical Crossentropy (DL 09)
  • 2022.09.23
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022

Making Neural Networks Fast with Vectorization (DL 10)

Making Neural Networks Fast with Vectorization (DL 10)

To understand the inner workings of a neural network, it is beneficial to delve into the level of an individual neuron and consider the connections between neurons. During the forward pass, which computes activations, and the backward pass, which computes deltas, thinking in terms of nodes and edges can help build intuition. However, deep learning does not actually work in this way. To build large-scale neural networks that can be efficiently trained, we need to move to a higher level of abstraction and think in terms of vectors, matrices, and tensors.

The first step towards this higher level of abstraction is to represent a layer's activations as a vector. If our neural network is organized into layers, we can collect the activations of a layer into a vector. For example, the vector A^l stores all the activations for layer l, with as many entries as there are nodes in that layer. Similarly, we can collect the deltas for a layer into a vector during backpropagation. We can also use vectors to represent a layer's biases or inputs.

To express the computations in this vectorized notation, let's first consider how a node computes its weighted sum of inputs. The input X^5 that goes into the activation function for node 5 is calculated as a weighted sum of the previous layer's activations plus a bias. By collecting the previous layer's activations into the vector A^K and having a vector of weights coming into node 5, the weighted sum of inputs can be represented as a dot product between these two vectors. Another way to write the dot product is to transpose the first vector and perform matrix multiplication between the row vector and the column vector. Therefore, we can express the input to node 5 as the weight vector coming into node 5 (transposed) multiplied by the activation vector for the previous layer, plus node 5's bias.

This vectorized notation can go further and allow us to calculate the entire vector of inputs to layer l at once. By combining the row vector of weights for node 5 with row vectors of weights for other neurons in that layer, we obtain a matrix that contains all the weights from layer K to layer l. This weight matrix has as many rows as there are nodes in layer l (each row representing a vector of weights into one of the layer l neurons) and as many columns as there are nodes in the previous layer K (each column representing a vector of weights coming out of one of the layer K nodes). Multiplying this weight matrix by the activation vector for layer K results in a vector where each element represents the weighted sum of inputs for one of the layer l nodes. To obtain the activation function inputs, we add the biases to this vector, which have been collected into a vector.

Now, using matrix-vector multiplication, vector addition, and element-wise functions, we can express the operations for calculating all the inputs to a layer. Previously, these computations would have required nested loops, but now we can perform them efficiently in a vectorized manner.

Moving forward, we can extend this vectorized approach to the backward pass as well. Instead of considering one neuron at a time, we can compute the delta for a node in layer K as a weighted sum of all the deltas at the next layer, multiplied by the derivative of that node's activation function. Again, we can express this weighted sum as a dot product. By multiplying a row vector of weights coming out of node 3 by the vector of deltas for layer l and then multiplying by the activation derivative, we can calculate the delta vector for layer K. By using a weight matrix that collects all the weights for layer l neurons and multiplying it by the vector of deltas for layer l, we can obtain a matrix whose dimensions match the weight matrix.

By leveraging matrix operations, we can achieve significant performance gains in computing feed-forward densely connected neural networks. This is particularly advantageous because matrix operations can be efficiently executed on specialized hardware such as graphics processors (GPUs), which can greatly accelerate these computations.

When we represent our neural network computations using matrices, we can perform the forward pass, backward pass, and weight updates in a highly efficient and parallelized manner. Let's recap the key steps:

  1. Forward Pass: We can compute the activations of each layer for an entire batch of data by performing matrix-vector multiplication and element-wise activation function application. By organizing the activations into a matrix, where each column represents the activations for a different data point, we can efficiently calculate the activations for the entire batch.

  2. Backward Pass: Similarly, we can calculate the deltas (error gradients) for each layer in a vectorized manner. By representing the deltas as a matrix, where each column corresponds to the deltas for a specific data point, we can perform matrix-vector multiplication and element-wise multiplication with activation derivatives to efficiently calculate the deltas for the entire batch.

  3. Weight Updates: To update the weights and biases, we can use matrix operations to compute the dot product between the matrix of deltas and the transpose of the weight matrix. This operation yields a matrix of weight updates, where each entry represents the update for a specific weight. By dividing the dot products by the batch size, we obtain the average update, and then we can update the weights by subtracting the learning rate multiplied by the average update. The bias updates are computed by taking the average of the delta vectors across the columns and subtracting the learning rate multiplied by the average from the biases.

By vectorizing these computations and leveraging matrix operations, we can achieve significant computational efficiency and take advantage of hardware acceleration for parallel processing. This approach allows us to train large-scale neural networks efficiently, making deep learning feasible on a wide range of tasks and datasets.

It's worth noting that while the text provided a high-level overview of vectorizing and leveraging matrix operations, the actual implementation details may vary depending on the programming language or framework used. Different languages and frameworks may have their own optimized functions and libraries for matrix operations, further enhancing performance.

In addition to the performance benefits, leveraging matrix operations in deep learning has other advantages:

  1. Simplicity and code readability: By using matrix operations, the code for neural network computations becomes more concise and easier to understand. Instead of writing explicit loops for individual data points, we can express the computations in a more compact and intuitive form using matrix operations.

  2. Software compatibility: Many popular deep learning frameworks and libraries, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch, provide efficient implementations of matrix operations. These frameworks often utilize optimized linear algebra libraries, such as BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) or cuBLAS (CUDA Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms), to accelerate matrix computations on CPUs or GPUs. By leveraging these frameworks, we can benefit from their optimized implementations and ensure compatibility with other components of the deep learning pipeline.

  3. Generalization to other layer types: Matrix operations can be applied not only to densely connected layers but also to other layer types, such as convolutional layers and recurrent layers. By expressing the computations in a matrix form, we can leverage the same efficient matrix operations and optimizations across different layer types, simplifying the implementation and improving overall performance.

  4. Integration with hardware acceleration: Specialized hardware, such as GPUs or tensor processing units (TPUs), are designed to accelerate matrix computations. These hardware accelerators excel at performing large-scale parallel matrix operations, making them ideal for deep learning workloads. By utilizing matrix operations, we can seamlessly integrate with these hardware accelerators and take full advantage of their capabilities, leading to significant speedups in training and inference times.

In summary, leveraging matrix operations in deep learning offers performance benefits, code simplicity, software compatibility, and integration with hardware accelerators. By expressing neural network computations in a matrix form and utilizing optimized matrix operations, we can efficiently train and deploy deep learning models on a variety of tasks and platforms.

Making Neural Networks Fast with Vectorization (DL 10)
Making Neural Networks Fast with Vectorization (DL 10)
  • 2022.09.23
Davidson CSC 381: Deep Learning, Fall 2022