Machine Learning and Neural Networks - page 18


Lecture 6. Search: Games, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta

6. Search: Games, Minimax, and Alpha-Beta

The video discusses the history of game-playing in AI, starting with the famous Dreyfus quote that computers can't play chess. The speakers explain how if-then rules are not effective in game-playing programs, and deeper analysis and strategy is required. They introduce the minimax algorithm and the concept of alpha-beta pruning to optimize game search efficiency. The video also explores techniques such as minimizing the cost of insurance policies and progressive deepening. The speaker concludes that while bulldozer intelligence is important, it's not necessarily the same type of intelligence that humans have in their own heads.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speakers discuss the early history of game-playing in AI, highlighting a famous quote by Hubert Dreyfus that computers can't play chess. However, the speakers argue that games can model some elements of intelligence, and so they proceed to explain how a computer can play chess. They consider using if-then rules to approach a game, a method that is not very effective, but has been successfully implemented in some checkers playing programs. The speakers ultimately conclude that deeper analysis and strategy alongside tactics and speed is required in game-playing programs, which they will explore further in the section.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the third way of creating a strong chess-playing program, which involves looking ahead and evaluating all possible consequences of moves to determine the best possible board situation. This requires a function that combines the features of the chessboard to produce a static value used to determine the best board situation. The speaker explains that the most popular way of forming a static value is by using a linear scoring polynomial. However, the method used doesn't have to rank board situations or give them numbers; it merely has to determine the best one. The speaker also talks about the branching factor of move trees and how to compute the number of terminal or leaf nodes.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains the limitations of the British Museum algorithm in chess due to the large number of leaf nodes in the game's decision tree. According to Claude Shannon, there are around 10 to the 120th leaf nodes in chess, which makes it impracticable to use the British Museum treatment to evaluate the best move. To put that number into perspective, the speaker calculates that even if all the atoms in the universe were doing static evaluations at nanosecond speeds since the beginning of the Big Bang, we would still be 14 orders of magnitudes short. Thus, the speaker concludes that we need to look ahead as far as possible if we want to evaluate the best move in chess.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains the minimax algorithm, which involves assigning values to the leaf nodes of a game tree and “backing them up” level by level to determine the best possible move for each player. The maximizing player wants to drive the play towards the largest value, while the minimizing player wants to push it towards the smallest value. By computing these values and deciding the best course of action, the algorithm can be used to play adversarial games such as chess. The speaker illustrates the algorithm with a simple game tree and also shows an example of the algorithm in action with a larger game tree.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the focus is on finding ways to get as far down into the search tree as possible to clarify the crude measures of board quality that can give a pretty good idea of the next move to make. The solution to cut off large portions of the search tree lies in the alpha-beta algorithm, which is a layer on top of minimax. Alpha-beta uses two parameters, alpha and beta, to cut off sections of the search tree, allowing for a more efficient search. This algorithm is not an alternative to minimax, but rather a way to make it more efficient. An example is given to demonstrate how the alpha-beta algorithm works in practice.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of game search and how it can be optimized through the use of algorithms like minimax and alpha-beta. The example used is a tree of depth four or greater, where the speaker circles the numbers that need to be computed, revealing that certain branches need not be evaluated due to cut off situations. This saves computation time and allows for more efficient game search. The speaker also introduces the concept of deep cut off, where numbers are compared at separated levels in the tree and certain branches are deemed irrelevant. While this may seem hard to believe, the process is effective and can greatly enhance game search efficiency.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video discusses the concept of alpha-beta pruning and how it can save computational time in game-playing algorithms. By evaluating board states, the minimizer and maximizer can decide the best possible move to make. The minimizer gets an 8 going a certain way and the maximizer can get a 9 going another way, creating a cutoff situation. Alpha-beta pruning allows the algorithm to proceed through trees, with alpha and beta shrinking around the situation, which saves computation. Although this method only works in the optimal situation where branching factor is constant, it still saves significant time and computation, making it a necessary tool for game-playing programs.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, we learn about minimizing the cost of insurance policies for game tree calculations. By calculating the static values one level above the bottom and not all the way down, it gives an insurance policy to ensure a good move without having to compute b to the d leaf nodes. The insurance policy cost is calculated by adding up the number of leafs at every level of the tree. However, to minimize the cost, there is a limit to how many levels the policy should cover starting from the first level. Using algebra, it is found that the calculation required for the highest level's policy is equal to b to the d minus 1 over b minus 1 which is a manageable calculation.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the concept of progressive deepening is introduced as a way to optimize the outcome of insurance policies in the game tree. By always having a move available at every level as an insurance policy against not getting through to the next level, progressive deepening exemplifies how anytime algorithms always have an answer ready to go as soon as it is demanded. Additionally, Christopher suggests using temporary values to improve the performance of alpha-beta, an idea that is later shown to be a reinvention of a significant concept. The Deep Blue program is not much different from other game-playing programs, except for its use of parallel computing and special-purpose techniques for the end game.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the development of an uneven tree during a game and how it's not necessary for the tree to go down to a fixed level. He talks about Deep Blue defeating Kasparov in 1997 due to the added extra flourishes Deep Blue had. However, he mentions that this type of computation in which one is performing calculations in the same way as a bulldozer processes gravel, is different from human intelligence. Human chess masters play games differently, recognizing patterns rather than undertaking long calculations. The speaker concludes that bulldozer intelligence is important to understand, but it’s not necessarily the same type of intelligence that humans have in their own heads.

Lecture 7. Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings

7. Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings

The video discusses the development of a constraint satisfaction problem for interpreting line drawings, which started with the attempt to create a computer that could see simple objects. The work of experimentalist Guzman was analyzed, leading to David Huffman's approach of working in a simple mathematical world with constraints that allowed him to develop a better theory than Guzman's program. The video explores the vocabulary used to catalog and categorize lines and junctions in drawings, the possibility of having five octants filled with stuff, and the use of constraints to test objects for constructability. The video also discusses the challenge of using labels to interpret line drawings, Waltz's algorithm, and the process of dealing with fork vertexes in drawing analysis. The constraints developed in this project have applications in solving problems with a lot of constraint, such as map coloring and scheduling.

  • 00:00:00 It would interpret line drawings and determine the number of objects within them. This idea was further refined by Dave Huffman, Dave Waltz, and Jane Froydter. The work on this project was initially motivated by an attempt to create a computer that could see, starting with simple objects like children's blocks. In this section of the transcript, Patrick Winston shares the story behind the struggle to develop one of the most powerful methods in the subject, which includes constraint satisfaction problems, and how it all began with the attempt to make a computer capable of seeing.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the work of Guzman who researched line drawings and how to interpret them. Guzman found that these drawings tend to have a lot of arrow-type junctions and fork-type junctions, and he used these as evidence to deduce which faces belong to the same object. Guzman came up with a theory of using "links" as quanta of evidence to solve this problem. He rejected the one-link theory and found that the two-link theory was too conservative, leading him to a third theory of two lengths repeated. However, there were many situations where this method didn't work, and the question of why it worked and when it didn't work was raised. It was found that it worked because the world is full of three-face junctions, or vertexes.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the video discusses David Huffman's approach to developing a theory around interpreting line drawings after analyzing experimentalist Guzman's program. Huffman decided to work in a simple mathematical world with several characteristics, such as a world in general position that only contained trihedral vertices formed from the intersection of three planes, and to distinguish between four kinds of lines: concave, convex, and boundary labeled with plus, minus, and arrows, respectively. These constraints allowed him to manage the problem manually while developing a different and better theory than Guzman's program.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Professor Patrick Winston discusses the vocabulary used to catalog and categorize lines and junctions in drawings, including vertexes, edges, junctions, and lines. He goes on to explain that there are only 18 ways to arrange labels around a junction, and that everything else is excluded. He also provides examples of the six Ls, five forks, four Ts, and three arrows that are legitimate for labeling junctions. The different ways of labeling junctions are dependent on the octants, with the number of octants filled determining the type of junction.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the possibilities of having five octants filled with stuff and explains how to view an object from three different perspectives in order to analyze what is observed. By looking at the object from the perspective of a purple chalk, there is an arrow junction with two concaves and a convex; from the blue chalk, there is a concave line and a boundary, while the other side is a
    symmetrical opposite of the blue perspective. The speaker further examines vertices that can create fork-style and L-style junctions as well as obscuring objects that can create T-shapes with the remaining line as a boundary. Finally, the speaker mentions that vertices with six faces can also be created when objects come together at a point.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses constraints and how they can be used to determine if a particular object is constructable or not. By studying the arrangement of lines and arrows around a junction, a catalog of all possible arrangements is created. Using this catalog, the speaker demonstrates how to label the lines and arrows around an object that resembles home plate. However, when faced with a junction that does not fit in the catalog, the object is determined to be impossible to construct. This method provides a way to test objects for constructability, although passing the test is not sufficient to guarantee constructability.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the video explores the problem of interpreting line drawings in computer vision. The initial approach involved labeling junctions with four faces, but some drawings could not be labeled due to the lack of faces. Graduate student David Waltz set out to solve this problem and added more considerations such as cracks, shadows, and non-trihedral vertexes. This resulted in increasing the number of labels from four to 50-plus, making it difficult to work by hand. Waltz's work showed the importance of having a problem, a method that works, and a generalizable principle.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the challenge of using labels to interpret line drawings. He shares an example of a line drawing and explains how Waltz's algorithm, which involves using depth-first search to explore all possible labels and their combinations, can be used to interpret it. The algorithm, however, proves to be computationally expensive, and after a year and a half, Waltz had to come up with a new method that could handle the exponential search space. The speaker notes that the algorithm's efficacy was due to the combination of Waltz's label set and his new method.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses Waltz's algorithm and how it checks neighboring junctions to see if the lines that were just placed on junction two are compatible with those on the neighboring junctions. From the six initial possibilities, half of them are eliminated due to disallowed boundary lines between junctions one and two. The remaining possibilities are checked against junction three, and from there, any further constraints on the junctions are checked, resulting in only one interpretation for all of the junctions and lines between them.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the process of dealing with the fork vertexes in drawing analysis. After placing them, the speaker concludes that he has a unique interpretation for all junctions and identifies which lines are convex or concave. The speaker then demonstrates the process for drawings with more ambiguity and notes that the constraint propagation activity is similar to how humans interpret line drawings, revealing that we may have a constraint propagation apparatus that we use in vision. Lastly, the speaker discusses how this type of mechanism could be used in solving problems that involve a lot of constraint, specifically in map coloring which has applications in scheduling.
7. Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings
7. Constraints: Interpreting Line Drawings
  • 2014.01.10
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010View the complete course: Patrick WinstonHow can we recognize the number o...

Lecture 8. Constraints: Search, Domain Reduction

8. Constraints: Search, Domain Reduction

This video discusses the concept of constraints in problem-solving, specifically in the context of search and domain reduction. The speaker uses the example of assigning colors to states on a map to illustrate how constraints can be used to narrow down possibilities before even beginning the search. The speaker also explores different approaches to handling constraints, such as only checking assignments or considering everything, and introduces the concept of resource planning as another application of constraint-based problem-solving. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of how constraints can be used to solve complex problems efficiently.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the difficulty of the map coloring problem, using an example of a map with 26 states. He notes that a depth-first search with rotating color choices would take an extremely long time to find a suitable coloring, and demonstrates the problem with a diagram. However, he introduces the concept of constraint propagation, which can narrow down the possibilities for each state's color before even beginning the search. The speaker then works through the Texas problem, showing how constraint propagation can help avoid getting stuck in an impossible search.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to use constraints to solve a problem of assigning colors to states on a map. By using the martial arts principle and looking at local constraints, the speaker ensures that no adjacent states have the same color. The speaker also introduces some important vocabulary, including variables, values, and domains. The notion of a domain is a bag of values that a variable can take, and the speaker uses this vocabulary to show how one can make choices that will not cause downstream problems.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how constraints work in the context of search and domain reduction. Constraints are limitations on pairs of variable values, which are often used in map coloring problems. Each state is a variable, colors are values, and the remaining color possibilities are the domains. The constraint in this case is that no states that share a boundary can have the same color. The speaker then goes on to formalize their approach to depth-first search and reduction by writing it down in pseudocode. The pseudocode involves considering a variable for each assignment, considering all remaining choices, and ensuring that anything left in the domain is okay for some selection in the other states.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to handle constraints on a search algorithm. They explain that for each value in the search, the algorithm must check if it satisfies placed constraints. If there is no adjacent value that satisfies the constraint, then the algorithm removes the value from the domain. If the domain becomes empty, then the algorithm must backtrack. The speaker explores different ways of approaching the problem, including considering nothing, considering everything, and only checking assignments, ultimately finding that only checking assignments is fast but can result in mistakes, while considering everything checks all adjacent values but can be overkill.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker discusses domain reduction algorithm in the context of solving a color-mapping problem. They explain that checking the neighbors of the assignment, which means verifying which color options are available for the neighboring states, is essential to solving the problem. The speaker also suggests propagating through variables with reduced domains to make the process more efficient. Additionally, by checking the neighbors' neighbors, the problem-solving process can be further streamlined. The speaker notes that domain reduction algorithms can help solve complex problems but also acknowledges the limitations and the potential for dead ends.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses domain reduction and how to decide which variables to propagate through. Instead of propagating through all variables with reduced domains, the algorithm only propagates through those with the greatest shrinkage, down to a single value. By doing this, it reduces the number of constraints checked, leading to faster solving times. The speaker also introduces some "dirty little secrets," such as arranging a problem in a certain order to make it more difficult to solve. The choice between starting with the most constrained or least constrained variable is left to the user's preference.

  • 00:30:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses working on the least constraint first and how they reordered things to have the least constrained state first. They only checked 1732 constraints and had 59 dead ends, so they tried the other way by checking the most constrained first assignments only. However, they mention that if the states were arranged from most constraint to least constrained, the ordinary depth-first search would work fine. The speaker then introduces a resource planning problem with Jet Green, a new airline, and discusses how it is analogous to the map coloring problem. Jet Green wants to fly mostly between Boston and New York and occasionally wants to fly to Los Angeles while attempting to get by with the smallest number of airplanes.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker presents an example of scheduling flights between cities, which can be solved by applying the concepts of the map coloring problem. The challenge is to organize the four aircraft to operate on the desired routes efficiently. The speaker highlights the constraints of the problem: no two planes can fly at the same time, each plane should be used equally, and there are ground time constraints. Additionally, the speaker demonstrates that the choice of search strategy, Domain reduction, neighbor checking, and the most constrained first type can impact the efficiency of the solution.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the instructor introduces the concept of using minimum and maximum constraints to determine the appropriate number of resources needed for a task. By setting a minimum and maximum number of resources, the algorithm can quickly converge on a narrow range where the search is taking a long time, making it possible to be sure that it lies within that range. The instructor also recommends using most constraints first and propagating through domains reduced to a single algorithm to achieve good resource allocation. By doing multiple things at once, it is possible to quickly determine the resources needed for a task.

Lecture 9. Constraints: Visual Object Recognition

9. Constraints: Visual Object Recognition

In this video, Patrick Winston discusses the challenges of recognizing visual objects, including David Marr's ideas of forming an edge-based description of objects, surface normals, and generalized cylinders. The speaker also delves into different methods for visual object recognition, including the alignment theory and using correlation algorithms to calculate the location of intermediate-sized features. Winston highlights the challenges of recognizing natural objects that don't have identical dimensions and the importance of context and storytelling in visual recognition, using the example of a cat drinking. Throughout the video, he provides demonstrations and examples to explain various concepts. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the difficulties of visual recognition and encourages students to continue research in the field.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Patrick Winston discusses the challenges of recognising visual objects, such as faces. He introduces a program that can vary what a politician's image looks like, showing how it interpolates amongst stored images. Winston then delves into the history of object recognition, starting with David Marr's ideas, which proposed that the first step in visual recognition is to form an edge-based description of the object, known as the primal sketch. Marr then suggested decorating the primal sketch with surface normals to show the object's orientation, calling it the two and a half D sketch. This was followed by the conversion of the two and a half D sketch into generalized cylinders, which brought us a step closer to recognising visual objects.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker talks about different approaches to visual object recognition, starting with the idea of a regular cylinder as a circular area moving along an axis, and goes on to discuss the concept of alignment theory. The alignment theory of recognition is based on the idea that having three pictures of an object allows reconstruction of any view of that object in orthographic projection, which can be used to recognize an object in a library. The speaker asserts that corresponding places on different objects can be picked, and the alignment of the pictures and the unknown object can be used to determine if the unknown object is the same as the original object.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, Patrick Winston explains how to generate an equation for different objects using alpha, beta, gamma, and tau as constants. He demonstrates how this equation works for four different colored points, and by choosing the same alpha, beta, gamma, and tau values for all points, he can successfully use linear operations to relate points in different objects. He then explains that the coordinates are 2D projections of the object onto a drawing and answers questions about how curved surfaces could be identified in visual object recognition.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Patrick Winston discusses how constraints can help predict the location of an object in order to aid recognition. He explains that by using the alpha, beta, gamma, and tau variables, which can be derived from four linear equations and four unknowns, corresponding points can be correctly identified to provide valuable information about the position of the unknown object. Winston demonstrates this method, explaining that if the corresponding points are correctly identified, it provides a strong indication that the object is the right one, such as an obelisk or an organ.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates how to calculate the movement of the x-coordinate in an image of a 3D object as it is rotated around the z-axis. They start by defining a standard position and identifying the x and y-coordinates in that position, then rotating the object to create three different positions (a, b, and c) and determining the angle of rotation for each. The speaker then uses vector rotations to calculate how the x-coordinate changes as the object rotates around the z-axis. The process involves using the cosine and sine functions and considering the x and y-coordinate projections of the vector as it rotates.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker simplifies the equation that describes visual object recognition through orthographic projection, which is projection along the x-axis without any perspective. He argues that unknown factors, such as the cosine and sine of angles theta, are constants and can be represented as alpha and beta multipliers for x sub a and x sub b. When given the scenario of allowing translation and rotation, the speaker notes that the additional constant tau needs to be identified by subtracting two equations.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, Patrick Winston discusses different methods of object recognition. He talks about the problem of recognizing natural objects that don't have identical dimensions, unlike manufactured objects where one can take pictures and record the coordinates of some of the points for recognition. He then presents Shimon Ullman's theory based on correlation where one can take two images, apply one as a correlation mask to the other image and locate the main object. However, this idea has limitations as it cannot locate uncommon features, but only common ones. Winston explores the idea further by drawing examples of two pumpkin faces and discusses the problems with the idea of recognizing objects based on identifying specific features like eyes and noses.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how visual object recognition works and how it depends on the size of the features being recognized. While images that are too small or too large do not provide helpful information, intermediate-sized features such as combinations of two eyes and a nose can be useful. The challenge then becomes finding these intermediate features in a sea of images. The speaker suggests using correlation algorithms to determine the offset in the image where the feature occurs. By maximizing over a parameter x, the integral of the face and image can be calculated to determine the location of the feature.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the presenter explains how correlation works in visual object recognition using images with noise as examples. Correlation involves multiplication and integration over the extent of the face with an offset. When the offset is equal, the program multiplies the image by itself and integrates over the face. By maximizing over translation parameters x and y, it is possible to pick out specific features of an image, such as a person's face, despite the added noise. The demonstration showed that even with added noise, the program was still able to pick out the right features.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, Patrick Winston discusses the challenges of visual recognition, particularly the ability to recognize people from different angles. He notes that while it is not clear how we are able to recognize faces from different angles, turning faces upside down or stretching them could potentially break the correlation theory. However, he suggests that more challenging questions lie in how we can determine what is happening visually. He challenges students to determine what action he is performing in an experiment, highlighting the current challenges in computer vision.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker uses the example of a cat drinking to demonstrate how our power of storytelling influences our visual recognition. Despite the considerable visual differences, humans can easily identify the cat as drinking by understanding the narrative presented in the image. The bottom of our vision system provides enough information for our story apparatus to recognize the cat's drinking action, proving the importance of context and storytelling in visual object recognition.
9. Constraints: Visual Object Recognition
9. Constraints: Visual Object Recognition
  • 2014.01.10
MIT 6.034 Artificial Intelligence, Fall 2010View the complete course: Patrick WinstonWe consider how object recognitio...

Lecture 10. Introduction to Learning, Nearest Neighbors

10. Introduction to Learning, Nearest Neighbors

In this YouTube video, Professor Winston introduces the topic of learning and discusses two types of learning: regularity-based learning and feedback-based learning. He focuses on regularity-based learning techniques like nearest neighbor learning, neural nets, and boosting. Nearest neighbor learning involves a feature detector, generating a vector of values, which is then compared to vectors from a library of possibilities to find the closest match and determine what an object is. The speaker gives various examples of how this method can be applied. He further discusses how decision boundaries can be used to identify the category of an object. The principle of similarity between different cases is introduced, and the importance of sleep management is emphasized as it greatly affects learning. Finally, he touches on the non-uniformity problem, the "what matters" problem, and the importance of normalizing data using statistical techniques.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Professor Winston introduces the topic of learning and two types of learning: learning based on regularities and learning based on feedback. He focuses on the former and discusses regularity-based learning techniques such as nearest neighbor learning, neural nets, and boosting. Nearest neighbor learning is a well-established technique in the field of pattern recognition and is the first thing to try when solving a learning problem. The professor also sets forth two puzzles to consider, namely how to create a computer program that can drink coffee and what a dog would think a diet coke is for. Lastly, he mentions the importance of addressing the topic of sleep and managing it properly as it greatly affects learning.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the concept of nearest neighbor learning, which is a type of pattern recognition. This involves a feature detector that generates a vector of values, which is then compared to vectors from a library of possibilities to find the closest match and determine what an object is. The speaker gives an example of using this method to sort electrical covers on an assembly line by measuring their area and hole area. This is a form of regularity-based learning, which is like a bulldozer processing information. The speaker notes that this is not necessarily the best model for human learning, which involves ideas based on constraint and enables one-shot learning and explanation-based learning.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the instructor uses the example of assembling covers with different hole areas to explain the concept of decision boundaries. He demonstrates how to divide the space using perpendicular bisectors, which can help identify the category of an object based on its closest idealized description. Furthermore, decision boundaries can also be used to identify a new object's category by measuring one of its attributes and comparing it to the categories created by the decision boundaries.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker introduces the principle of similarity between different cases, stating that if something is similar in certain aspects, it is likely to be similar in other respects as well. This principle is the basis of most learning, whether it be in fairy tales, legal or business cases, or even medical cases. The idea is to recognize similarities to a current situation to apply some precedent or knowledge. The principle can be applied in various fields. For example, it can be used in cell identification, where cells can be put in a high-dimensional space and assessed for similarity based on various properties. Similarly, the principle can be used in information retrieval, where articles from magazines can be compared based on word count to address specific questions.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the concept of using nearest neighbors is explored when attempting to determine which article is closest to an unknown one. The issue arises when all the Town and Country articles are determined to be the closest. Instead, the class discusses using a different metric, such as the angle between vectors, to solve the problem. The cosine of the angle between two vectors can be calculated through a simple computation, which can be useful in many situations, including robotic arm control. The goal is to move an arm to control a ball's trajectory at a specific velocity and acceleration, which involves determining two angles, theta 1 and theta 2.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the problems encountered with translating the desired (x,y) coordinates of a ball into the θ1 and θ2 space with desired positions, velocities, and accelerations. They introduce the concept of Coriolis forces, which are a result of the complicated geometry involved in the equations for movement. To solve this problem, the speaker suggests building a big table of combinations of movement for the arm, then dividing up the desired trajectory into small pieces and finding the closest match from the table, including associated torques. This method was previously rejected due to insufficient computer power, but it has been revisited in recent times and works well for similar movements.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains how the learning process works as the robot goes through its "childhood" and gradually gets better at the task. The improvement is achieved through the use of a table that records better versions of the required movements so that the robot can refer back to it later. The speaker then shows a graph that demonstrates how fast the robot's learning takes place. The topic of using the same memory-recording method to record baseball pitches is also discussed briefly.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, Professor Patrick Winston discusses the number of neurons and synapses in the brain, specifically in the cerebellum, related to motor control, and how it may function as a gigantic table for motor skill learning. He then explores the issue of normalized data in machine learning and how it can affect the spread of data in different dimensions. The solution is to compute variance and normalize the data using techniques from statistics.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the potential problems that can arise when using nearest neighbors in learning. One such problem is the non-uniformity problem when the data does not depend on the new variable. The second problem is the "what matters" problem where the algorithm may measure a distance that confuses the answer. Lastly, problem three is when the data available is independent of the question, similar to trying to bake a cake without flour. The speaker then touches on the importance of sleep and how crucial good sleeping habits are, particularly for individuals like Army Rangers. Additionally, he explains how sleep deprivation can lead to errors in distinguishing targets, which has been observed during post-war analysis.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the effects of sleep loss on the human mind and body. He explains that after 72 hours, the ability and performance of an individual drops by 30% compared to the start. Sleep loss accumulates, and after 20 days of one hour’s sleep deprivation, your capability drops to 25%. The speaker also examines the effectiveness of caffeine and naps, highlighting that caffeine does offer some help. He warns against confusing correlation with cause and how animals like dogs and cats can make the mistake that diet drinks cause weight gain due to a correlation they see.

Lecture 11. Learning: Identification Trees, Disorder

11. Learning: Identification Trees, Disorder

MIT professor Patrick Winston explains the concept of building a recognition mechanism to identify vampires using data and the importance of creating a small and cost-efficient identification tree that satisfies Occam's Razor. He proposes using heuristic mechanisms for building the tree since calculating all possible trees is an NP problem. Winston suggests using a shadow test, garlic test, complexion test, and accent test to identify which individuals are vampires and explains how to measure disorder in sets to find the overall quality of a test based on the measurement of disorder. The video also discusses how identification trees can be used with numeric data, and the tree can be converted into a set of rules to create a simple mechanism based on rule-based behavior.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, MIT professor Patrick Winston introduces the concept of using data to build a recognition mechanism to identify vampires. He points out the differences between this dataset and the electrical cover dataset they worked with in the previous class, noting that this dataset is not numerical but symbolic, making nearest neighbor techniques unusable. He also highlights other challenges in identifying vampires, such as the cost of certain tests and the uncertainty of which characteristics actually matter.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, Patrick Winston explains the concept of identification trees or decision trees and emphasizes the importance of building a small tree that is cost-efficient and produces uniform subsets of data. The aim is to find the best possible arrangement of tests to produce a simple, small explanation that satisfies Occam's Razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the best explanation. He also suggests using a heuristic mechanism for building the tree since calculating all possible trees is an NP problem. Lastly, Winston cautions that the small sample set used in the classroom is not suitable for real-world applications.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, a shadow test, a garlic test, a complexion test, and an accent test are used to identify which individuals are vampires. The tests are applied to a small sample population, and by looking at how the tests divide the data, it is possible to determine which test produces the most homogeneous groups. The ultimate goal is to find a test that can accurately identify all the vampires in the sample population. The shadow test divides the population into those who do and those who do not cast a shadow, with only one individual not casting a shadow, indicating they are a vampire. The garlic test determines that all vampires in the sample population responded negatively to eating garlic. The complexion test and accent test also help to identify which individuals are most likely to be vampires.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the video explains an example of how to create an identification tree by dividing a group of individuals into homogeneous sets by selecting characteristics that are unique to either group. The example involves vampires and non-vampires and the tests used to identify each group. The video also addresses questions regarding how to apply this concept to larger data sets and highlights the limitations of the classroom example.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the concept of measuring disorder in sets is introduced. In order to find a way to measure the disorder of the sets that are found at the bottom of the tree branches, information theorists are looked to for guidance. The disorder of a set, according to information theorists, is calculated by taking into account the total number of positives and negatives, and multiplying the number of positives by the log of the positives divided by the total number, with respect to a base of 2. This method can aid in finding an overall quality of a test based on the measurement of disorder.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the speaker explains the formula to measure disorder in a data set using ratios of positives and negatives. After calculating the values for completely mixed-up and completely positive data sets, the speaker confirms the importance of paying attention to these curves to work quiz questions rapidly. Finally, using L'Hopital's Rule, the speaker calculates a third value when the ratio of negatives to total approaches 0, allowing for the graphing of a curve with three points.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how to measure the quality of a test overall and how to measure the disorder in each set produced by the test. The speaker proposes adding up the disorder of each set produced by the test, but notes that this method may not be the best since it gives equal weight to a branch that has almost nothing down it as a branch that has almost everything going down it. To solve this problem, the speaker proposes weighting the sum based on the fraction of samples that end up down that branch. The speaker illustrates this method with a sample problem and concludes that the disorder of a homogeneous set is zero.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the focus is on the quality of the tests that identify and split the given data into subsets. The disorder or the disarray of a set is zero when all samples are the same and is one when samples are equally an even mixture of two types. By multiplying the probability of the subsets by the respective disorder of the sets, the quality of each test can be calculated. This quality metric is then used to decide which test is best at dividing the data into homogeneous subsets, which is essential to build the tree that is as simple as possible. However, the emphasis is given to the intuition behind the data analysis rather than the information theory or entropy.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the video discusses how identification trees can still be used with numeric data by putting thresholds on the data. This allows for binary tests to be created, similar to the tests used with categorical data. The computer can try different threshold values and will determine which threshold works best to separate the data into homogeneous groups. Unlike other methods, such as nearest neighbors, decision boundaries are parallel to one axis or another, rather than following the shape of the data itself.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, we learn about Identification Trees, their virtues, and how they can be converted into a set of rules to make them simpler for those who are rule-oriented. The tree can be converted into a set of rules by going down each branch to a leaf, and if a rule tests both the shadow and the garlic, we can get rid of some of the clauses to create a simple mechanism based on rule-based behavior.

Lecture 12a: Neural Nets

12a: Neural Nets

This video covers a range of topics related to neural networks. The speaker begins by discussing the history of neural nets, highlighting the pivotal work done by Geoff Hinton that transformed the field. The anatomy of a neuron is then discussed, as well as the way in which inputs are collected and processed. The video then delves into how neural networks function as function approximators and how performance can be improved using hill-climbing and gradient descent. The chain rule is introduced to facilitate the computation of partial derivatives, and the speaker demonstrates how the world's simplest neural net can be trained using this approach. The optimal rate constant for a neural net is also discussed, and the speaker introduces a more complex neural net with two inputs and outputs. Lastly, the reuse principle is introduced to address the problem of potential exponential blow-up of paths through large networks. Overall, the video emphasizes that great ideas in neural nets are often simple and easy to overlook, even though they can have a significant impact on the field.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the professor describes the history of neural nets and mentions that initially, many believed that the neural models of the day were not accurate models of the human brain and that nobody had managed to make a neural model that was worth anything. Continuing, the professor mentions that two years later, Geoff Hinton from the University of Toronto stunned the world with some neural work he had done on recognizing and classifying pictures, and published a paper with some examples. The video shows a few examples of images that the Toronto neural net was able to recognize and others where it had difficulty.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses neural nets and how they have improved significantly in the past three years due to increased effort and interest. He explains how we have been inspired by our own neural systems and describes the structure of a neuron including its axon, dendritic tree, and the synaptic connections between them. The speaker then discusses how synaptic connections are modeled in neural nets using binary inputs and weights that reflect the strength of the connection.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains how to model the way inputs are collected in a neuron through a simple model that uses synaptic weights, a summer, and a threshold box that determines whether or not the neuron will fire. While this model is inspired by the workings of the human brain, there are still many unknowns and intricacies that are not yet fully understood by neurobiologists. This model is just one way to understand the general essence of how neurons work and how they function collectively as a network.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains how a neural network functions as a function approximator, where inputs flow through the network and become outputs. The output vector is a function of the input vector, weight vector, and a threshold vector. The performance function is constructed by comparing the desired output vector with the actual output vector, and the aim is always to minimize the performance function. The lecture explains the process of optimizing the weights and thresholds in a simple neural network using hill-climbing, but acknowledges this method is not feasible for neural networks with a vast number of parameters, such as Hinton's neural net with 60 million parameters.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the narrator explains how gradient descent can be used to make small improvements in performance function by taking partial derivatives of the function with respect to certain weights. However, this method is only effective for continuous surfaces and not for discontinuous surfaces, which is the case for neural nets. The solution was introduced by Paul Werbos in 1974, which involves adding another input to the neuron with a weight of W0, connected to an input that is always -1. This input effectively moves the threshold to zero and allows for a smoother transition function for the neural net.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video explains the sigmoid function and how it is used in neural nets. The sigmoid function is used as an activation function for neurons and provides the right look and shape that math requires. The partial derivatives are then computed, now that the problematic threshold has been removed, to try and train the neural net. The world's simplest neural net is described as composed of two neurons and a few parameters that give a performance function. The video then introduces chain rule to rewrite partial derivatives into computing intermediate variables to determine how much they wiggle with respect to others, and ultimately training the neural net.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker erases and rewrites partial derivatives using the chain rule, providing expressions that allow for solving a simple neural net. The derivatives are turned around into a product format for convenience, and the speaker proceeds to find the partial derivative of p2 with respect to w2, which is equal to Y. The partial derivative of Z with respect to p2 is still unknown because it involves a threshold function. To figure it out, the speaker destroys the neuron and works with the function beta, which equals 1 over 1 plus e to the minus alpha.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker goes over the derivative with respect to alpha beta and then proceeds to demonstrate the world's smallest neural net in action by training it to do nothing. The output of the sigmoid function is simplified as the derivative can be written exclusively in terms of the output. The neural net is trained to make the output the same as the input, but nothing happens as a result.

  • 00:40:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the process of determining the optimal rate constant for a neural net. Starting with a neural net with random weights, the speaker tests various rate constants and observes their effect on the performance of the net. If the rate constant is too small, it takes a long time to reach optimal performance, but if it's too large, the net can jump too far and become unstable. The speaker notes that the rate constant should vary with the progress towards optimal performance. The speaker also introduces a more complex neural net with two inputs and outputs and discusses the interactions between the streams and weights.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, we learn about the potential exponential blow-up of paths through a network with a large number of neurons. However, we can reuse computation and not have an exponential blow-up since the influence of changes in P on performance can only occur through a fixed column of neurons, meaning that we reuse computation already done. The amount of computation necessary for a column with fixed-width is linear and depth, but proportional to the square of the width of the column. It's also noted by the speaker that this principle has been overlooked for 25 years.

  • 00:50:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how great ideas in neural nets are often simple, but we as humans often only come up with one trick or observation instead of cascading a few together to create something miraculous. The reuse principle is at work in this case as the miracle was a consequence of two tricks and an observation. Overall, the message is that great ideas are simple and easy to overlook, and have been overlooked for a quarter century.

Lecture 12b: Deep Neural Nets

12b: Deep Neural Nets

This video covers several topics related to deep neural nets, including the calculation process involved, convolutional neural nets, auto-coding algorithms, adjusting parameters in the output layer, softmax, and backpropagation with convolutional nets. The video also explores concepts such as local maxima, widening networks, and neural net learning, while demonstrating how deep neural nets work in image processing. Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of the main concepts involved in deep neural nets, including their strengths and limitations.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the calculation process in a small neural network and highlights the fact that the performance of this network relies on a finite number of output variables. The speaker goes on to show equations that demonstrate the dependence of performance on specific weights and points out that there's a lot of redundancy in the computation process. As you move further back from the outputs to the inputs, a lot of the previously done computation is being reused, resulting in reusing several pieces of calculation that were done in downstream weight changes.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, the speaker discusses the calculations involved in neural nets and points out the fundamental calculation that takes place in our heads, the dot product, which is also used in neural nets. He also explains the concept of convolutional neural nets, which are used for image processing, and notes that they are made of a specific assembly of components that tends to reappear in the neural net field. The speaker also mentions the performance of a deep neural net in 2012, which had an error rate of about 15 percent or 37 percent depending on the definition of "right answer."

  • 00:10:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how convolution and pooling work in neural networks. The process involves running a neuron across an image, producing an output that is associated with a particular place in the image. This is called convolution, and the resulting points are used to find the maximum value in local neighborhoods, creating a mapping of the image using that maximum value. This is called max pooling. Multiple kernels can be used to produce many outputs, which can then be fed into a neural network to indicate the likelihood of an object being present in the image. This method is much more advanced than the old method of using a small grid of pixels as inputs for neurons.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the lecturer explains the idea of Auto-coding where a neural net compares the input with the output until the desired values match each other. The lecturer describes an algorithm where a network can identify animals based on how tall their shadow is on a blackboard in a simple example that shows how the Auto-coding algorithm works. The network "learns" to recognize the animal shadows by compressing the input values into a smaller hidden layer that is then expanded to create the output values. The algorithm achieves surprisingly effective results, even when dealing with large input data sets that contain a considerable number of classes and examples for each class.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the speaker demonstrates running a simple neural net with random inputs and simple backpropagation. After only a thousand iterations, the error rate drops significantly, and the net is able to recognize the nature of the objects it sees in the environment based solely on the height of their shadow. However, it seems that rather than generalizations being made by the neurons in the hidden layer, some kind of encoded generalization is occurring, making it difficult for researchers to understand how the neural net is able to recognize specific objects. Despite this mystery, auto coding, which involves layer by layer training, offers a promising technique for training deep neural nets.

  • 00:25:00 In this section of the video, the speaker discusses the final layer of a deep neural net and the importance of adjusting the threshold and weight values to optimize the classification of samples. By changing the threshold value, the sigmoid function is shifted, while altering the weight value changes the steepness of the curve. These adjustments, in turn, affect the probability of positive and negative examples in the dataset. To maximize the likelihood of correctly classifying the data, T and W values must be optimized through partial derivatives.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the instructor explains the concept of adjusting parameters in the output layer to maximize the probability of the sample data that we have. This involves viewing the output value as something related to the probability of seeing a class and adjusting the parameters accordingly. The instructor demonstrates the process using a sigmoid curve and a gradient descent algorithm. The goal is to associate some sort of probability with each class so that we can find the most probable one. The actual probability of a class is calculated by dividing the output of the sigmoid function for that class by the sum over all functions. This is called dividing by a normalizing factor and converts each output value into probability.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker explains the process of using softmax to give a range of classifications and associate a probability with each to classify images. The speaker also discusses combining the softmax idea with the auto-coding idea by freezing the input layer and training the output layer using the sigmoid curve. Furthermore, they mention the idea of dropout to prevent neural nets from getting stuck in a local maximum state. The section concludes by noting that despite the sophistication of output layers and training using auto-coding or Boltzmann machines, backpropagation with convolutional nets seems to perform just as well, and the speaker demonstrates a classroom deep net with five layers and backpropagation to classify images of animals.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, the video demonstrates how a neural net can get stuck in a local maximum and how widening the network can help it crawl through the vast space without getting stuck. The speaker explains that there has been a breakthrough in neural net learning as it can now turn local maxima into saddle points, which allows it to learn more efficiently. The video goes on to explore whether neural nets can "see" like humans by showing examples of how even small changes in pixels can make a neural net differentiate between objects with high confidence levels. The demonstration shows that a neural net can be fooled into thinking that an image is not what it actually is.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the speaker discusses how deep neural nets work in image processing using examples from Google's paper on putting captions on pictures. The neural nets identify an object, such as a school bus or a baseball, by detecting the local features and texture in the image. However, the neural nets' inability to understand a picture's context, as demonstrated by other examples of misidentification, is shown as a limitation of the technology. The speaker then discusses their laboratory's work on knocking out rectangles from pictures while retaining the neural net's impression of the image. The neural net's ability to identify an object is also showcased through pictures of various levels of mutilation, with the neural nets performing admirably even when parts of the image are removed.

Lecture 13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms

13. Learning: Genetic Algorithms

This video discusses the concept of genetic algorithms, which imitate evolution and allow us to solve complex problems. The process of genetic inheritance through chromosomes is broken down and simulated using binary chromosomes with choices for mutations and crossovers. The probabilities of survival and rank-ordering of candidates are explained with an example, showing the effectiveness when executed correctly. The challenge of overcoming local maximums and the introduction of the simulated annealing technique are discussed. Practical applications of genetic algorithms are showcased, including a project on building a rule-based expert system and the evolution of creatures made up of block-like objects. The lecturer reflects on the origins and success of genetic algorithms, noting that diversity is a key component in their success.

  • 00:00:00 In this section, Professor Patrick Winston of MIT talks about mimicking evolution through genetic algorithms. He starts off by talking about the basics of mitosis and reproduction. He then introduces the concept of genetic algorithms, which are naive attempts to mimic evolution. These algorithms allow us to solve complex questions by imitating the pattern of evolution. He says that students will not see this in their next quiz, but they will have questions related to it in the final exam to test if they were present in class and awake.

  • 00:05:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains the basics of genetic algorithms by breaking down the process of genetic inheritance through chromosomes. He compares the process of genetic inheritance to genetic algorithms and explains how he simplifies and simulates chromosomes for the purpose of building a system that imitates the genetic inheritance process using binary chromosomes. He goes on to explain how choices can be made within this process, such as how many mutations or crossovers are allowed per chromosome, leading to a population of modified chromosomes. The next step is going from genotype to phenotype transition.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, we learn about how the genotype determines the phenotype and the varying fitness that comes with each individual. Once fitnesses are scored, computer scientists can use numbers to compute probabilities of survival into the next generation. To ensure that the probabilities add up to one, we need a probability measure that's produced from the fitnesses. In constructing a genetic algorithm that searches for optimal values in a space with a function of x and y, the fitness is determined by the sine of some constant times x, quantity squared, times the sine of some constant y, quantity squared, e to the plus x plus y divided by some constant.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, Patrick Winston explains how genetic algorithms work and how they evolve. He outlines the process of mutation and crossover and how they can be used to evolve populations upwards on the fitness graph. Using an example, he demonstrates how genetic algorithms can get stuck on local maxima due to their fundamental hill-climbing mechanism. Students suggest using crossover, but even that does not seem to work. Despite this, Winston notes the importance of keeping an open mind to ideas that may not initially seem effective.

  • 00:20:00 In this section, the lecturer explores the concept of translating fitness into the probability of survival, highlighting that using an actual fitness characteristic may not necessarily be effective. Therefore, he proposes that rank-ordering the candidates based on their fitness level may be a better approach. He explains this mechanism in detail, stating that the probability of the highest-ranking individual getting into the next generation is determined by a constant. Additionally, he runs 100 generations to test this method and explains the outcomes, showing the effectiveness of the strategy when executed correctly.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video discusses how genetic algorithms sometimes become stuck in local maximums and need a way to increase diversity in order to find a better solution. This is similar to how some species become stuck without evolving for millions of years. The simulated annealing technique is then introduced to gradually reduce the step size and allow a solution to be found. However, the video demonstrates that sometimes simulated annealing is not enough to escape a local maximum, and a new mechanism is needed to increase diversity within the population. The video suggests measuring the diversity of the population and selecting individuals based on not only their fitness, but also their uniqueness from other individuals already selected.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker uses a combination of fitness rank and diversity rank to demonstrate how genetic algorithms work using a small step size and running it for 100 generations. By crawling up to the top right-hand corner, the diversity piece keeps the things spread out while finding high fitness. When diversity is turned off, it takes 600 million years. However, it works well when handling the moat problem as it's got the crossover mechanism to combine the best of the x's and the y's. The speaker explains how mutation basically does hill climbing and that there are choices for how to handle that, including how much crossover to do. But the speaker notes that genetic algorithms only capture a very naive idea of evolution that there is still a great deal of magic in the genotype to phenotype transition that nobody fully understands, which leaves a lot of intervention to the designers.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses some practical applications of genetic algorithms. One example is in planning, where two sets of steps can be combined to produce a new plan. Another example is a student's project on building a rule-based expert system that predicts the winners of horse races, using mutations and crossovers to evolve the rules. The speaker also demonstrates the evolution of creatures made up of block-like objects, where different bits in the chromosome are interpreted as the number, size, structure, and control of the objects. The diversity of the creatures is measured by calculating the metric distance of all the candidates for the next generation.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Patrick Winston explains how genetic algorithms work by combining the probability of survival and probability of being ranked based on how different they are from individuals in the next generation. He then demonstrates an example of these algorithms with a video of swimming creatures evolved according to how fast they can go and how they move on land. The video shows creatures evolving together and competing for food. Some creatures managed to develop exotic methods, but others got confused and forgot about the food. The video is an example of what can be achieved with super-powerful computers like the ones used by the company that created the video.

  • 00:45:00 In this section, the lecturer reflects on the origins of genetic algorithms and their success in generating solutions to various problems. He notes that while the algorithms are impressive, the true credit may lie in the richness of the solution space and the ingenuity of the programmer. Diversity is also highlighted as a key component in successful genetic algorithm calculations.

Lecture 14. Learning: Sparse Spaces, Phonology

14. Learning: Sparse Spaces, Phonology

In this section of the video, Professor Winston introduces the concept of Sparse Spaces and Phonology as mechanisms related to research on how humans learn. He discusses the interplay between what we see and what we hear when it comes to language learning, using examples to illustrate how visual cues can influence what we perceive in language. The speaker explains the elements and connections of a machine designed to recognize and produce speech sounds, including registers, a set of words, constraints, and a buffer for phonemes. He also explains the technique of generalizing patterns in phonology using positive and negative examples to learn from, using a classroom example of looking at the distinctive features associated with the words "cats" and "dogs." Finally, he discusses the importance of creating constraints that match the function of the mechanism, and incorporating a visual representation to better understand and solve a problem.

  • 00:00:00 In this section of the video, Professor Winston introduces two mechanisms or ideas related to learning, Sparse Spaces and Phonology. Before discussing these, he briefly reviews some basic methods, including nearest neighbors and identification trees, and some biological mimics, such as neural nets and genetic algorithms. He explains that although the latter are not always effective, they are still worth learning about. Professor Winston then focuses on mechanisms related to research on how humans learn, and in particular, how we are able to identify and create plural words in languages we have learned later in life. He uses examples to illustrate that individuals like Krishna can pluralize words in English without even realizing that they are doing it correctly, and then he talks about how such phenomena can be approached from an engineering point of view.

  • 00:05:00 In this section, we learn about phonological rules and how they are acquired by a machine. Phonology deals with syllabic and sub-syllabic sounds, and phonological rules determine which phone or combination of binary features a person is saying. There are around 14 distinctive features that could determine which phone is being said, producing roughly 16,000 possible combinations in a language. However, no language has more than 100 phones, and some choices are excluded on physical grounds, which is strange because most of them aren't. It's fascinating to see how many of these distinctive features are hallucinated or injected into the feedback loop from other modalities, and the McGurk Effect shows how there's often a disconnection between speech and video.

  • 00:10:00 In this section, the speaker explains the interplay between what we see and what we hear when it comes to language learning. He discusses how the visual cues can influence what we perceive, using the examples of German and English cows' sounds. He then provides insight into what phonologists know about distinctive features that form phonemic sequences for words such as "apples." Down the columns, it contains the features such as voiced, syllabic or strident, and going across we have time. The speaker also talks about the machine that interpreted sound and things that people see to produce language sounds, which would decide that there are two apples out there, stored in registers that hold values for concepts such as noun, verb, and plural.

  • 00:15:00 In this section, the speaker explains the elements and connections of a machine designed to recognize and produce speech sounds. The machine is composed of registers, a set of words, constraints, and a buffer for phonemes. The plural constraint is the primary focus, having the ability to actuate itself when observing plural things. Information can flow in multiple directions through the ports connecting the elements. The speaker then demonstrates how the machine reacts when presented with the concept of "two apples," describing the flow of information from the vision system to the word lexicon and plural register.

  • 00:20:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how a machine can use phonological rules to express the idea that there are apples in view. The machine uses reversible connections and propagators expressed in constraints, which allows information to flow in any direction. However, the big question is how to learn these rules. For this, the speaker provides a simple classroom example of looking at the distinctive features associated with the words "cats" and "dogs", such as syllabic, voiced, continuent, and strident, to provide positive and negative examples for learning these rules.

  • 00:25:00 In this section, the video discusses the formation of plural words in the English language, examining why some words take an "s" sound and others take a "z" sound. The video explains that this is due to the sparsity of the phoneme space, with only 40 possible phonemes among the 14,000 possible choices. Additionally, the video explains how the problem was approached computationally and ultimately distilled down to an algorithm that involved collecting positive and negative examples to learn from.

  • 00:30:00 In this section, the speaker explains a method for generalizing patterns in phonology using a positive example called a seed, and gradually turning some elements into don't care symbols until a negative example is covered. The technique is to pick places in the phoneme matrix that do not matter and that are least likely to influence the pluralization outcome. A search technique is used to decide which of these generalizations to make, with adjacent phonemes being the most influential. A phonological example is provided using a matrix with 14 distinctive features, where the determining feature that separates positive and negative examples is the non-voiced and non-strident feature of the last phone in the word being pluralized, which results in an "ss" sound.

  • 00:35:00 In this section, the speaker discusses further experiments with the system and explains that, by using a beam search, it controls a high dimensional, sparse space. This technique is used to separate sets of positive examples from negative examples and teach the system how to deal with different pluralization scenarios in phonetics. This approach is explained by the use of various examples, such as one-, two-, and three-dimensional spaces, and how a hyperplane in such examples could be used to separate varied sets of data.

  • 00:40:00 In this section, Sussman and Yip suggest that human language uses a sparse phoneme space. This is because it increases learnability, and when language is evenly placed at random, it ensures that the phonemes are easily separated. However, vowels are difficult to separate because they have only one distinctive feature as compared to the constant sounds. This example shows how to do AI in a way that is congruent with the Marr's catechism by starting with the problem, bringing unique features to the problem, devising an approach, writing an algorithm, and finally, conducting an experiment.

  • 00:45:00 In this section of the video, the speaker explains how forcing a mechanism like neural nets to solve a specific problem that doesn't match its function isn't going to work well. The key to finding a good representation is to create constraints that are exposed by the representation, which allows for better processing and a clearer path to a solution. Additionally, it's essential to have a representation that incorporates a localness criteria, meaning that the description of the answer is visible through a soda straw-like approach, making it easier to understand the problem. Ultimately, having a good representation makes one a smarter engineer and scientist, allowing them to avoid studying mechanisms in a naive way, which will never lead to satisfactory solutions.