Adding symbols


Hello you beautiful people.

I have an issue!

I've been using the demo account for a few weeks and have taken the next set of steps to creating a live account, but! When logging in i just don't have any symbols. I tried to add them through the usual process but when the pop box opens all i get is this

I've gone back onto the demo account, and there is an array of folders available. But on this live account, the folders aren't there, and i can't seem to locate the original source to simply copy and paste. So i'm a bit stuck as to how i access the symbols to even commence trading!

Anybody encountered this before and found a solution? Any help would be greatly appreciated

New item added to shared album

You are not properly connected to the trade server, as can be seen by the network icon in the bottom-right corner of the terminal display.

What is reported in your Journal log?