Why service desk not responding?

Hello, i want to withdraw my funds to web money. I withdrew it to web money but didn't receive it. My balance have been decreased by withdrawal amount in red. Its been 2 days. Can anyone help me to contact the help team or support team?
Well, I can assure you, Service Desk is actively communicating with me.
Probably because it is non-financial related, or at least, not directly. ;)
Go to "Contacts and requests" link at the bottom of this page,  choose Account \ Ask a question, then describe your problem and the robot will create a ticket for you.
My account.. I found ******@gmail.com..it is not my email... Who is using this email address 
Totos Molefe #:
My account.. I found ******@gmail.com..it is not my email... Who is using this email address 

We don't know, contact the Service Desk please:

Totos Molefe #My account.. I found ******@gmail.com..it is not my email... Who is using this email address 

It certainly wasn't put there by divine providence. It had to be entered by you or by someone who has access to your computer.