Discussion of article "Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 4): Spans, Experiments, and Compositions"


New article Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 4): Spans, Experiments, and Compositions has been published:

Category Theory is a diverse and expanding branch of Mathematics which as of yet is relatively uncovered in the MQL5 community. These series of articles look to introduce and examine some of its concepts with the overall goal of establishing an open library that provides insight while hopefully furthering the use of this remarkable field in Traders' strategy development.

In the previous article, we saw how category theory can be potent in complex systems via its concepts of products, coproducts, and the universal property, examples of applications of which in finance and algorithmic trading were shared. Here, we will delve deeper into spans, experiments, and compositions. We will see how these concepts provide a more nuanced and flexible way of reasoning about systems, and how they can be used to develop more sophisticated trading strategies. By understanding the underlying structure of financial markets in terms of category theory, traders can gain new insights into the behavior of financial instruments, construct more sophisticated portfolios, and develop more effective risk management strategies. Overall, the application of category theory in finance has the potential to revolutionize the way we think about financial markets and to enable traders to make more informed decisions.

Author: Stephen Njuki