Have you tried Amibroker?

its pretty good
I own Amibroker - not used it for many months as I'm involved in FX now.

Why would I want to use Amibroker as opposed to Metatrader, which is currently my preferred trading platform?

No I have not used Amibroker, but it seems pretty decent. It definately has a C++ style scripting language.

The one thing I don't like about 3rd party apps is that they are third party. Its not really that big of an issue when it comes down to it, but I just prefer the charting app and broker interface to be combined in one. Its better that way. This is why I'm so upset that MQ seems to be dragging butt on development...damn language barriers.

It seems Alpari trades CFDs, ETFs, and futures. Now if only they would make MT as robust as many of the other charting apps out there, metatrader could be THE one-stop-shop. Most of us realize this and is why we are so vocal I think. Not to mention that dirty 3 letter word...API.

Martin, you hit the nail on the head. Language Barrier.
Guys and especially Martin,

As you can see in russian forum, we answer it much more activelly. As i said in one of threads, thats because its Russian, not English. But there is one more reason, more weighty reason: in russian forum we got direct and detailed question, so we give them direct and detailed answers. There also spend less time to "speaking each other" than you do. They ask something like: how do i program this part of my new EA? How to use ##### fuction in right way? and so on.

So do not take offence to us, just ask directly and essentially.

Best Regards
There also spend less time to "speaking each other" than you do.

Quite an interesting sociology study.
There also spend less time to "speaking each other" than you do.

Quite an interesting sociology study.

Or grammatical, as it were.