Free products activations while free - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

The downloaded product's signature and activation are associated with the computer, not the community login.

So, sharing a dummy "bob" account for the express purpose of downloading "free" products (that could be later turned into "paid") is useless, because anyone can do that on their own account.

Okay , so its insanely difficult to do .Thank you Fernando  

Lorentzos Roussos #Yeah , i'd like to experiment with this as this is always the best way to arrive at conclusions , but there are probably defenses in the background that will justifiably get raised even for an experiment so i'll take Fernando's view due to his understanding of these matters. Thank you

I can confirm that Fernando is right. But I would appreciate it if these kinds of issues could be brought to the service desk.

The reason; they are important enough to be based on users' opinions (even if, as in Fernando's case, he is completely right).

Miguel Angel Vico Alba #:

I can confirm that Fernando is right. But I would appreciate it if these kinds of issues could be brought to the service desk.

The reason; they are important enough to be based on users' opinions (even if, as in Fernando's case, he is completely right).

Yeah but they will answer based on the company policy and justifiably so . 

Like , if you ask me if i'm handsome i'll say yes even if i'm not.

Anyway , i just wondered because i found a flattering article about one of my freebies and it had a download btn at the bottom . I guess they don't know it does not work elsewhere .

Thank you guys.

Fernando Carreiro #:

EDIT: The specific community login is only required during the act of downloading and activation (or updates), but not afterwards.

Just saw the edit , so the only scenario this would work is if they distributed it as a packaged virtual box or something with an extensive -and hard- setup process .

@Lorentzos Roussos #: i just wondered because i found a flattering article about one of my freebies and it had a download btn at the bottom. I guess they don't know it does not work elsewhere.

Did you try download it and test on a different computer, to see if it was the case or if something else is at play?

Fernando Carreiro #:

Did you try download it and test on a different computer, to see if it was the case or if something else is at play?

I'll try it later on an old laptop 

As you said , it does not work 

"Cannot load + indicator name"

Lorentzos Roussos #: I'll try it later on an old laptop. As you said , it does not work "Cannot load + indicator name"
Thanks for the confirmation. That means that others will have a similar experience and given that it is free, they will simply opt to download it via official means.