Request for Metatrader Account History and Report


It would be fine, if it were possible to add a filter to the Account History. For example, only show real trades, not expired or cancelled. This should also happen, when building a report or publish it via ftp.

I have many cancelled requests in my report, therefore it is very long, but this information is not useful.

I also would recommend that the report should be build with first the account information, then the open trades and in the last block the history.

with regards,

100% agree with you Cori ! A filter as it is on the trade tab is very usefull. BTW can be possible to have the filter (on trade tab) for the Comment column?
and if possible, also to sort the Account History as we can do for open orders.. this is really nice.. I use it every day.
... also the opinion to choose to show the OrderMagic Number in report would also be useful.
and when u have time, to chose which columns to display / report on...
Also, please make the "Account History" columns sortable by clicking on a column heading.

- Vooch
Thanks a lot for the suggestions, guys. We will think about it.