I want to draw rectangle box between gap and try to use this pinescript code to transform it into MQL5 code can some just send me the MQL5 proper base code to draw rectangle box ?

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © theunit707

indicator('Al Brooks Gaps', overlay = true)

Bull = low > high[2]
Bear = high < low[2]

bullGapBGColor = input(color.green, 'Bullish Gap Background')
bullGapBorderColor = input(color.green, 'Bullish Gap Border')
bearGapBGColor = input(color.red, 'Bearish Gap Background')
bearGapBorderColor = input(color.red, 'Bearish Gap Border')

if Bull
    bullGap = box.new(left = bar_index[2], top = low, right = bar_index, bottom = high[2], border_color = bullGapBorderColor, border_width = 3, border_style = line.style_solid, bgcolor = bullGapBGColor)

if Bear
    bearGap = box.new(left = bar_index[2], top = low[2], right = bar_index, bottom = high, border_color = bearGapBorderColor, border_width = 3, border_style = line.style_solid, bgcolor = bearGapBGColor)