Mods2 - page 2

Lorentzos Roussos #:

It's important so if someone is offended i don't do it again right ?

I do not want to speak about it anymore sorry.

There is the general forum rules (from this page -


  1. Please be polite when communicating on this website. Refrain from statements that may offend or insult other users.
  2. Negative discussions of any banking, brokerage and other financial institutions are not allowed.
  3. Any discussions about personal relations between the community members are not tolerated.
  4. Coarse language, advertising messages, spamming and flooding are forbidden.
  5. Repeated violation of the Rules, ignoring moderator's remarks and open disrespect for the website Administration will lead to an account termination.
  6. The website Administration may implement any changes to the Rules it deems necessary.
    Rules of using the website
    Sergey Golubev #:

    I do not want to speak about it anymore sorry.

    There is the general forum rules (from this page -

      Okay , respectable . 

      Send me the links of the gifs the "reputable user" was butthurt about 

      Don't need to show them , just the links , the names are mirrored in my hard drive so i will know which ones they are .

      Thank you 

      Lorentzos Roussos #:

      Is this offensive Sergey what do you think ?

      before validation (the user can not validate his tool) - yes.
      but after validation - you posted the other gif (and it is not offensive).


      By the way, I am replyng by text ...not by the gifs :)

      Sergey Golubev #:

      before validation (the user can not validate his tool) - yes.
      but after validation - you posted the other gif (and it is not offensive).


      By the way, I am replyng by text ...not by the gifs :)

      Yes the cache is working you see ?  😊

      Remove the link , just the name with the gif extention then so that they wont be displayed and then you will have to moderate yourself
      Lorentzos Roussos #:

      Okay , respectable . 

      Send me the links of the gifs the "reputable user" was butthurt about 

      Don't need to show them , just the links , the names are mirrored in my hard drive so i will know which ones they are .

      Thank you 

      Do you want to create a public battle on the forum because of 2 or 3 deleted gifs?
      No way sorry.


      I will not delete this thread.
      But if the other moderators (or admins) will delete this thread so I will nothing against it.
      For information.

      no any gifs there.
      Lorentzos Roussos #:
      Please, stop this discussion about gifs.
      Sergey Golubev #:

      Do you want to create a public battle on the forum because of 2 or 3 deleted gifs?
      No way sorry.


      I will not delete this thread.
      But if the other moderators (or admins) will delete this thread so I will nothing against it.
      For information.

      I want the unreasonable behavior of some mods to stop if it exists .That is what i want .

      Is being polite and helping with a fun attitude not allowed ?

      Sergey Golubev #:
      no any gifs there.

      You don't see any deleted posts there ?