How do i change my password on the mql5 webpage?

i am searching for days now how to change my password on this super inflexilbe web service

Have you tried searching your profile settings?

whahn279: i am searching for days now how to change my password on this super inflexilbe web service
  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Click on "Settings" on the left.
  3. Click on "Security" on the menu above your name.
  4. Scroll down and click on "Change Password".
Seems, intuitive to me!

How do I change my password IF I DO NOT KNOW  my old password?

The security page REQUIRES that old password.
ddscoles #:
How do I change my password IF I DO NOT KNOW  my old password?

It asks for your previous password to confirm your new password. I don’t know what my previous password was/is. 
Forexity #:
It asks for your previous password to confirm your new password. I don’t know what my previous password was/is.

i have the same problem with password. its impossible to change. i have to complete 3 empty spaces.

1 new password

2 confirm

3 current password.

so i put the new password, again to confirm and the old password. enter, succes!

log out, log in with the new password: not working!

i'm idiot??!!!!

i doit again:

new pass, confirm, and now new pass....

its not working!!!!

Fernando Carreiro #:
  1. Go to your Profile.
  2. Click on "Settings" on the left.
  3. Click on "Security" on the menu above your name.
  4. Scroll down and click on "Change Password".
Seems, intuitive to me!
Fernando, its not working! I have changed  many passwords to many accounts. This one is impossible! it tells me that i succeeded and after, its incorrect password

Doesn't work!!!! They need to fix the Change Password Save button to associate with the new password, not the old password.

@MeaganSkaff #:Doesn't work!!!! They need to fix the Change Password Save button to associate with the new password, not the old password.

No, that would be a security breach.

If you don't remember your old password then reset it ...