Do you have a solution for the flickering problem encountered when writing ZIGZAG type indicators on MT5? Is it a logic problem for MT5 to render the indicator buffer? - page 3

Fernando Carreiro #:

I'm unable to recreate your issue. I don't get any flickering. Are there perhaps other conditions that need to be met that cause it?

Please click on image below to view GIF animation.

If it doesn't happen to you, I guess it may have something to do with the performance of the computer.

Are you an MQL staff? Compared with MT4 and MT5 indicators, the CPU overhead of MT5 has increased too much.

Kaijun Wang #: If it doesn't happen to you, I guess it may have something to do with the performance of the computer. Are you an MQL staff? Compared with MT4 and MT5 indicators, the CPU overhead of MT5 has increased too much.
I am a normal user. I'm not a moderator, nor an admin, nor a MetaQuotes employee.
Fernando Carreiro #:
I am a normal user. I'm not a moderator, nor an admin, nor a MetaQuotes employee.

I can understand your normal. This is the problem caused by MT5, maybe because of the cpu, maybe because of the graphics card, maybe because of the rendering algorithm.

Arpit T #:

Yes, the solution for me was to transfer the code of ZigZag to OnTimer function and set EventSetMillisecondTimer(200)

Unfortunately, I found that this problem still exists in the OnTime environment, but it has been improved a lot, and now it flashes once in a while, instead of not flashing at all like MT4.

This must be a problem with the rendering method of MT5. It can only be said that the rendering frequency of MT5 must be higher than that of MT4.

Kaijun Wang #: Unfortunately, I found that this problem still exists in the OnTime environment, but it has been improved a lot, and now it flashes once in a while, instead of not flashing at all like MT4. This must be a problem with the rendering method of MT5. It can only be said that the rendering frequency of MT5 must be higher than that of MT4.

It has nothing to do with rendering speed. If it were, then the issue would be more widespread amongst users. Something else is causing the issue.

Kaijun Wang #:

Unfortunately, I found that this problem still exists in the OnTime environment, but it has been improved a lot, and now it flashes once in a while, instead of not flashing at all like MT4.

This must be a problem with the rendering method of MT5. It can only be said that the rendering frequency of MT5 must be higher than that of MT4.

yes it will be improved however may not be 100% solved, as it could be something with buffering but its workaround.Try with EventSetMillisecondTimer(1) as well

I have been loading handle of ZZ in OnChartEvent to solve this flickering problem completely. I know it because I faced this issue on 23 may 2022 

My indicator flickers when chart is zoomed or height is adjusted
My indicator flickers when chart is zoomed or height is adjusted
  • 2022.05.23
My indicator flickers when chart is zoomed or height is adjusted I am wondering what actions are called when chart is zoomed in / out or its height...
Arpit T #:

yes it will be improved however may not be 100% solved, as it could be something with buffering but its workaround.Try with EventSetMillisecondTimer(1) as well

I have been loading handle of ZZ in OnChartEvent to solve this flickering problem completely. I know it because I faced this issue on 23 may 2022 

Well,these small problems of MT5 let us find another way to solve the troubles it brings.

In essence, MT5 developers are still required to solve this kind of rendering bugs, because MT4 does not have this problem.

Kaijun Wang #:

Well,these small problems of MT5 let us find another way to solve the troubles it brings.

In essence, MT5 developers are still required to solve this kind of rendering bugs, because MT4 does not have this problem.

What bugs ?

If you want bugs to be fixed please provide all the details to reproduce the issue. Up to now, we don't know if it's an MT5 bug or something wrong on your side.

Alain Verleyen #:

What bugs ?

If you want bugs to be fixed please provide all the details to reproduce the issue. Up to now, we don't know if it's an MT5 bug or something wrong on your side.

It's not just me having this problem.

And I now have a solution

Kaijun Wang #:

It's not just me having this problem.

And I now have a solution

How to reproduce the problem ?

And what is the solution ?