MQL5 Calendar is bad


MQL5 calendar is bad

Taking today  Ifo Business Climate as an example

MQL5 Site:

Forex Factory:



All are GMT+8 time zone.

How can MQL5 missed report such an important event?  Unbelievable!!!

Can someone fix it?

Ifo Business Climate - economic index from Germany
Ifo Business Climate - economic index from Germany
The Ifo Business Climate Index reflects the current economic situation and forecasts for the next six months from the point of view of German companies. The indicator is compiled based on a survey of

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Economic Calendar: delayed, incomplete and wrong!

Sergey Golubev, 2023.02.22 11:06

If you are about your this thread so yes, the time of release is different for MQL5 calendar.
For example, Ifo Germany Business Climate was scheduled at 9 am GMT+ 0 (UTC) in forex-factory calendar (ff calendar),
but it is loaded at 9:30 am GMT+ 0 (UTC) in MQL5 calendar.

I think, MQL5 calendar is using the time of release posted, and ff calendar is using the scheduled time
(and local time has nothing to do with anything for any calendar for example).


All calendars are different ones (they should be different).
If you do not like MQL5 calendar - do not use it (use some other calendar).



How can MQL5 missed report such an important event?  Unbelievable!!!

By the way, about this news event (Ifo Germany Business Climate) - it was pre-estimated as the following:

  • medium impacted news event in forex-factory calendar;
  • high impacted news event in MQL5 calendar;
  • high impacted news event in calendar;
  • high impacted news event in dailyfx calendar.

So, all those calendar estimated it before actual release as the forecasting about how to price will be moved.

In reality - it is low impacted news event, because the price did not move much -

Ifo Germany Business Climate

Ifo Germany Business Climate

Yes, the calendars are forecasting about impact of some news events (high impacted news event = the news event will move the price a lot).
And all calendars are bad. Because this news event is actially low impacted news event (look at my chart above).

So, you can use any calendar, or create yours for example.

Sergey Golubev #:

By the way, about this news event (Ifo Germany Business Climate) - it was pre-estimated as the following:

  • medium impacted news event in forex-factory calendar;
  • high impacted news event in MQL5 calendar;
  • high impacted news event in calendar;
  • high impacted news event in dailyfx calendar.

So, all those calendar estimated it before actual release as the forecasting about how to price will be moved.

In reality - it is low impacted news event, because the price did not move much -

Yes, the calendars are forecasting about impact of some news events (high impacted news event = the news event will move the price a lot).
And all calendars are bad. Because this news event is actially low impacted news event (look at my chart above).

So, you can use any calendar, or create yours for example.

Thank for the reply. I am not refering to the values nor impact.

But just the timing alone is out by 30minutes. Not event a matter of impact is labelled differently, which I think is acceptable.

For a calendar, even the timing is wrong? Can it still be a calendar??

Sunfire #:

Thank for the reply. I am not refering to the values. But just the timing alone is out by 30minutes. Not event a matter of impact is labelled differently, which I think is acceptable. But for a calendar, even the timing is wrong? Can it still be a calendar??

No. Even if the time is correct, the updates of the actual values can be delayed for seconds/minutes and even hours.