Question - Context Checks Before Entering a Trade


Good day All!

I am trying to create a method to check if trading is allowed, if the trading context is busy, if the symbol has restrictions (long only/short only), etc.

Here is what I came up with, I am wondering if anyone would have some suggestions concerning other Account/Symbol related prechecks before sending an order.

bool MoneyManagement :: CheckContext()                                                                                
   //- Check Automated Trading Terminal Authorization
         Print("MoneyManagement.CheckContext() - Automated Trading is Not Allowed by Expert ",__FILE__,".");
      Print("MoneyManagement.CheckContext() - Automated Trading is Not Allowed by Terminal.");
   //- Check Automated Trading Account Authorization
      Print("MoneyManagement.CheckContext() - Automated Trading is Not Allowed by Account #",AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN),".");
   //- Check Trading Account Authorization
      Print("MoneyManagement.CheckContext() - All Trading is Not Allowed by Account #",AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN),".");
   //- Check Symbol Trading Restrictions      
   if(SymbolInfoInteger(Symb,SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE) != SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE_FULL){                                    
      string TD = TimeToString(TimeCurrent(),TIME_DATE); 
      string TM = TimeToString(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES);
      string TR = EnumToString((ENUM_SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE)SymbolInfoInteger(Symb,SYMBOL_TRADE_MODE)); 
      Print("MoneyManagement.CheckContext() - Buy or Sell Operations Are Not Allowed for the Current Symbol at the Current Time."); 
      Print("Symbol: ",Symb,". Date: ",TD,". Time: ",TM,". TradeMode: ",TR,"."); 
   //- Success

I also have a method to check for market hours but I need to manually input the hours, is there another way that could automatically adapt to different markets without having to change the inputs myself?

Note: "MqlDateTime Time" is getting refreshed every tick in another method. Current hour inputs are for Forex on GMT TimeLocal().

bool MoneyManagement :: CheckHours()
   //- Check If Market Is Opened
      if(Time.day_of_week == 0 || Time.day_of_week == 6) return(false);
      if(Time.hour >= 23) if(Time.min >= 54)             return(false);
      if(Time.hour == 0)  if(Time.min <= 6)              return(false);

Thank you in advance guys! I hope someone can give me tips to improve those prechecks!



You seem to missing "MQLInfoInteger( MQL_TRADE_ALLOWED )" ... Documentation on MQL5: MQL5 programs / Trade Permission

Documentation on MQL5: MQL5 programs / Trade Permission
Documentation on MQL5: MQL5 programs / Trade Permission
Trade Permission - MQL5 programs - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5
Jeremie Courchesne:

Good day All!

I am trying to create a method to check if trading is allowed, if the trading context is busy, if the symbol has restrictions (long only/short only), etc.

Here is what I came up with, I am wondering if anyone would have some suggestions concerning other Account/Symbol related prechecks before sending an order.

I also have a method to check for market hours but I need to manually input the hours, is there another way that could automatically adapt to different markets without having to change the inputs myself?

Note: "MqlDateTime Time" is getting refreshed every tick in another method. Current hour inputs are for Forex on GMT TimeLocal().

Thank you in advance guys! I hope someone can give me tips to improve those prechecks!



You can automatically retrieve the Trading session for an asset and you will no longer have to worry about manually providing hours for that .

bool IsAssetInTradingSession(string asset,ENUM_DAY_OF_WEEK day_of_week){
bool result=false;
datetime session_from=0,session_to=0;
//find total sessions 
int sessions_total=0;
for(int se=0;se<10;se++)
   bool sessexist=SymbolInfoSessionTrade(asset,day_of_week,se,session_from,session_to);
   //if session exists 
//loop into all sessions and if we are not in any of them , return false 
  for(int se=0;se<sessions_total;se++)
  //result is "For the day requested ,i.e , today , which server hours can you trade at
  //turn starting time in seconds , i think it is already 
  //so , get the server time 
  datetime servertime=TimeTradeServer();
  MqlDateTime mqdt_server;
  bool turn=TimeToStruct(servertime,mqdt_server);
  //zero minutes , hours and seconds 
  //back to datetime 
  //project start server time and end server time by adding the seconds from step one respectively
    //Print(asset+" server session from "+TimeToString(session_from,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));
    //Print(asset+" server session to   "+TimeToString(session_to,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS));
    //if we are within that time window then cool
  }//loop into sessions ends here
Documentation on MQL5: Market Info / SymbolInfoSessionTrade
Documentation on MQL5: Market Info / SymbolInfoSessionTrade
SymbolInfoSessionTrade - Market Info - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5