Custom Function Parameters


I think this was working prior to the last update, but I really need to understand what is possible when declaring functions.

 bool MyFunc(double& dRtn, double& dPerc)
    //do something and set dRtn, dPrec variables
    dRtn = 10;
    dPerc = 20;
    return (true)

So I expect that when this is declared by defining the variable type with & is means the address of the variable enabling to the ability to set its values ie.

double d1, d2;
If (MyFunc(d1,d2)
    Print(d1, d2);

so the values for d1 would be 10 and d2 would be 20. But when I do this both d1 & d2 are equal to 0

I know it works for passing arrays as I am currently doing this.

Is this a bug or is it just not possible?


please expose exact source! following program works properly
int start()
   double d1, d2;
   if (MyFunc(d1,d2))
      Print(d1, d2);
bool MyFunc(double& dRtn, double& dPerc)
   dRtn = 10;
   dPerc = 20;
   return (true);
int start()
   double d1=1, d2=2, b[6];
   b[0] = 10000;
   b[1] = 9000;
   b[2] = 8500;
   b[3] = 11000;
   b[4] = 8000;
   b[5] = 12000;
   MaxDrawDown(b, d1, d2);
   Print("TestDD: ", d1 , " - ", d2);
double MaxDrawDown(double dVal[], double& dRtn, double& dPerc)
   int nSize = ArraySize(dVal);
   int i;
   double diff, test;
   dRtn = 0;
   for (i=0; i < (nSize-1); i++)
      test = dVal[i+1] - dVal[i];
      if (test <= 0) diff = diff + test;
      else if (dRtn > diff) 
         dRtn = diff;
         dPerc = Div(MathAbs(diff),dVal[i]+MathAbs(diff))*100;
         diff = 0;  
         diff = 0;  
      Print("Diff: ", diff);
   dRtn = MathAbs(dRtn);
   Print("MaxDrawDown: ", dRtn, " : ", dPerc);
   return (dRtn);

Ok the above code works as intended.

What I have done is created a library file and put the MaxDrawdown function in it. Then create a library include file which imports the library.ex4 file and exposes the function definition.

Then in the script I include the library include file.

Doing it this way the function does not return the correct values

Your help on this is greatly appreciated.


works properly
16:09:06 Expert test: loaded successfully
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : Diff: -1000
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : Diff: -1500
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : Diff: 0
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : Diff: -3000
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : Diff: 0
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : MaxDrawDown: 3000 : 27.2727
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : TestDD: 3000 - 27.2727
16:09:06 Expert 'test' (,) : removed

what the build do You use?

Hi Slawa,

Can I confirm that you created a library with the MaxDrawDown function in it. Created a Include file importing the library and having the definition of MaxDrawDown. Then creating a script including the library include file and calling MaxDrawDown from their. When I do this it fails. The function works correctly but the variables passed into the function when returned are as their original values.

I am using Build 171

references are not allowed in the library functions. for parameter referencing use arrays. for instance
double MaxDrawDown(double dVal[], double& TwoItemsArray[])
   double dRtn, dPerc;
   return (dRtn);

Is there any plans to make this available in library functions?

yes. we are redesigning our compiler now. it will be ready in 2-3 month time
Thanks Slawa,

Great news. Keep up the good work.
