Debited but Vps registration failed

I made a payment for VPS using PayPal. I was debited but the registration failed, so I made another payment and it also failed. When I contacted the Support they said it was because of different emails. So I rectified it and made another payment then it was successful.

My problem is, when will I get a refund of  both ofmy money?
bravomalisco: I made a payment for VPS using PayPal. I was debited but the registration failed, so I made another payment and it also failed. When I contacted the Support they said it was because of different emails. So I rectified it and made another payment then it was successful. My problem is, when will I get a refund of  both ofmy money?

You will have to resolve that with the Service Desk.

We cannot help you here because we are all (including moderators) just normal users like you and me.

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Fernando Carreiro #:

You will have to resolve that with the Service Desk.

We cannot help you here because we are all (including moderators) just normal users like you and me.

Okay, I am still on chat with them, but they haven't responded