Webmoney has been removed from withdrawal methods

Please I just that webmoney has been removed from withdrawal methods
Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku: Please I just that webmoney has been removed from withdrawal methods

Yes, many of us are aware. But as you should know by now, MetaQuotes almost never explain themselves about such things.

You will just to have wait and see what they do, if they bring it back after a while, or not.

Either way, try to adapt to other payment methods, while you wait.

Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku:
Please I just that webmoney has been removed from withdrawal methods

I am sure that it is the technical maintenance for some period of time.
Because all Russians in Russian language forum are having one way to withdraw and to deposit: webmoney only.
So, some of them already ask the service desk about it (about "when webmoney will be available again").
If some of them receive the reply from the service desk so I will make a post here on English language forum.


But I am sure that it is temporarily removed for some short period of time for technical/improvement/maintenance reason.

Sergey Golubev #:

I am sure that it is the technical maintenance for some period of time.
Because all Russians in Russian language forum are having one way to withdraw and to deposit: webmoney only.
So, some of them already ask the service desk about it (about "when webmoney will be available again").
If some of them receive the reply from the service desk so I will make a post here on English language forum.


But I am sure that it is temporarily removed for some short period of time for technical/improvement/maintenance reason.

Thank you for your help. I'll be waiting for further updates on it

And please - do not open any separated thread about webmoney anymore.
Keep one thread for that - because the admins from the service desk are reading the forum too,
and it may be good for them to find everything on one thread only - on the way as "one issue = one thread".

Make the posts about webmoney on the following two threads (depends on your language for example):

Payment methods
Payment methods
  • 2023.01.15
  • www.mql5.com
My country doesn't allow international payments with a local Mastercard, how is the best way to top-up my MQL5 account in order to pay for a servic...
So further updates will be dropped here?
Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku #:
So further updates will be dropped here?

If the users receive the reply from the service desk (or if the admins from the service desk reply directly on the thread)
so the updates will be posted (by forum users) on the following thread:

How to withdraw money from MQL5.com now? - the key thread in Russian language forum and mainly for webmoney for now.

and I (or any other forum user from this English language forum) will report the replies to this thread:

Payment methods - this thread on this English language forum is active for now.


It is just my thinking about where someone will post a reply ...
Because I do not think it may be very official about it as I think it is usual routine technical situation.
I am sure that it is just a technical maintenance for Webmoney for the some short period of time.

Payment methods
Payment methods
  • 2023.01.15
  • www.mql5.com
My country doesn't allow international payments with a local Mastercard, how is the best way to top-up my MQL5 account in order to pay for a servic...
Any news about the webmoney withdrawal
Any news about the webmoney withdrawal
Ifeanyi Paul Ezendukaku #:
Any news about the webmoney withdrawal



Update: post

Payment methods
Payment methods
  • 2023.01.30
  • www.mql5.com
My country doesn't allow international payments with a local Mastercard, how is the best way to top-up my MQL5 account in order to pay for a servic...
I am also waiting for Webmoney withdrawal. Any idea by when will it be resumed?