Reporting problems with MQL5 Storage


A few minutes ago, when I open MetaEditor and tried to work with the Shared Projects, it reported that I need to activate my MQL5 storage, which was strange as it was activate a long time ago.

So, I activated it again and it disabled one of my folders on storage and reported several files that were out of sync and need to be committed.

In other words, the files on the snapshot on storage was old, as if a backup had been restored on it and all my recent changes were no longer there.

So It tried to connect to the web link "" to see what was there, but as much as I tried with different variations it always claimed that my credentials were invalid. I have my credentials stored on Firefox Passwords and so they could not be invalid, but I checked them anyway and filled them in manually to make sure. I even tried different browsers, but nothing seemed to work.

I gave up after after while, and just recreated the project that was no longer in storage and committed it and all other files that were out of sync to resolve the issue.

So in essence, what I want to know is:

  • Has anyone else has this happen to them recently?
  • What is the current valid web access URL to MQL5 Storage or has this now been disabled?

Yet again, the MQL5 Storage fails! Yet again, another of my Shared Projects is out of sync with the usual journal errors ...

2023.01.28 13:15:02.268 Storage 155 index records loaded in 0 msc
2023.01.28 15:35:52.275 Storage commit failed
2023.01.28 15:39:28.445 Storage Not authorized to open root of edit operation  (220000)
2023.01.28 15:39:54.704 Storage Item is not readable  (220001)
2023.01.28 15:41:46.379 Storage Checksum 'd8ef8b65a466cfb49915ce19aad7f66dc9cef5e5' in rep-cache is beyond HEAD  (160004)
2023.01.28 15:41:46.732 Storage commit failed

I had to delete that project folder on the MQL5 Storage and re-create it again, to resolve issue.

This is now twice in a just a few days.


And I'm not the only one ...

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Checksum '......................' in rep-cache is beyond HEAD

Suminda Dharmasena, 2023.01.18 07:43

Created a new project and copied the file to it. Now I am getting

2023.01.18 12:08:28.112 Storage Base checksum mismatch on '*******':    expected:  ****************************************      actual:  ****************************************    (200014)


Yet again, today, yet another shared project that was out of sync and needed to be recreated.

I'm starting to get highly irritated with this. Does nothing ever work properly with MetaQuotes software?

It's bugs after bugs after bugs!

Is this something to do with build 3550?


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

MQL Storage Error on MT4

valentino.dicianni, 2023.01.31 10:27

Is anyone having problems with MQL storage?

If I try to update old projects, no problem. As soon as I create a new project it works, but after a few hours the folder turns yellow and the project no longer syncs with the storage.

The problem has been going on for a week and I don't know how to fix it. I've tried on multiple computers, with different networks and nothing changes. My account password is 8 characters long.

can someone help me?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

MQL Storage Error on MT4

valentino.dicianni, 2023.01.31 16:04

luckily we are not alone!
we noticed that the online storage page is blank, with no access option. (
We've also noticed that occasionally changing your password temporarily fixes the issue.

The problem is only for new project directories, old projects are immune even if you add new files.

I believe it is related to SVN server and server side file corruption (
We're trying to work around this with GitHub but it's not the same as having version control built into the IDE.
Keep us updated if you discover something new

@MetaQuotes, @Alexey Petrov

— Can someone from admin please look into this issue?

Fernando Carreiro #:

Yet again, the MQL5 Storage fails! Yet again, another of my Shared Projects is out of sync with the usual journal errors ...

I had to delete that project folder on the MQL5 Storage and re-create it again, to resolve issue.

This is now twice in a just a few days.

I'm having a similar issue with Checksum in rep-cache is Beyond HEAD with my Shared Projects folders.

I can't create new folders in Shared Projects, when I do and commit everything seems to work fine, but the next day the folder is no longer in storage, however old folders still work and folders created outside Shared Projects too.

I opened a support ticket, but they only said to create a new MQL5 account, as from their side everything seems to work fine.


Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

MQL Storage Error on MT4

Alain Verleyen, 2023.02.12 16:50

Some time ago I had issue with my account, nothing was working any more. The issue was there was a '#' in my password (after an update on their side), Metaquotes was aware of this issue and said they will fix it. But rather than wait for it I changed my password and all was working fine again. I didn't check if the issue with '#' is fixed.

Just for information, may be it's not related to your issue at all.

Davi Silva #: I'm having a similar issue with Checksum in rep-cache is Beyond HEAD with my Shared Projects folders. I can't create new folders in Shared Projects, when I do and commit everything seems to work fine, but the next day the folder is no longer in storage, however old folders still work and folders created outside Shared Projects too. I opened a support ticket, but they only said to create a new MQL5 account, as from their side everything seems to work fine.

Yes, I was having the same issues and there has been no response from MetaQuotes thus far on the forum. I decided to stop using it as it is currently unreliable.

As for their response to your support ticket, their answer is absolutely arrogant and stupid. First, it is against the rules to have more than one account, and second, our whole identity in the community is tied to an existing account, especially if you are a seller. Their whole attitude has become increasingly worse over time.

Fernando Carreiro:

A few minutes ago, when I open MetaEditor and tried to work with the Shared Projects, it reported that I need to activate my MQL5 storage, which was strange as it was activate a long time ago.

So, I activated it again and it disabled one of my folders on storage and reported several files that were out of sync and need to be committed.

In other words, the files on the snapshot on storage was old, as if a backup had been restored on it and all my recent changes were no longer there.

So It tried to connect to the web link "" to see what was there, but as much as I tried with different variations it always claimed that my credentials were invalid. I have my credentials stored on Firefox Passwords and so they could not be invalid, but I checked them anyway and filled them in manually to make sure. I even tried different browsers, but nothing seemed to work.

I gave up after after while, and just recreated the project that was no longer in storage and committed it and all other files that were out of sync to resolve the issue.

So in essence, what I want to know is:

  • Has anyone else has this happen to them recently?
  • What is the current valid web access URL to MQL5 Storage or has this now been disabled?
Alain Verleyen #:

In my case, that is not the problem. My password is under 10 characters, and only uses letters and numerals.

Also, when the issue started, my password had already been in use for many months and had not changed.