Are these numbers on par ? - page 2

Fernando Carreiro #:

That does not seem to be visible on all products. I've taken a look at every product by Lorentzos and none of his products have that information.

Then I took a look at some of your products and it has that information. So, is there a setting to enable that or is it the system that decided when to display that information?

My products have <3 (this is less than 3 not a heart 😊 )sales in the last month (dam it), i think this info might help .

Fernando Carreiro #:

That does not seem to be visible on all products. I've taken a look at every product by Lorentzos and none of his products have that information.

Then I took a look at some of your products and it has that information. So, is there a setting to enable that or is it the system that decided when to display that information?

No Fernando, it has to do with the sales numbers, products with no or low sales don't show this information, from my experience a product should have more than 5 sales in the last month to have this visible.

I have asked the admins to display this information at all times, I think it would help sales.
Eleni Anna Branou #: No Fernando, it has to do with the sales numbers, products with no or low sales don't show this information, from my experience a product should have more than 5 sales in the last month to have this visible.I have asked the admins to display this information at all times, I think it would help sales.
Thanks for the update! Yes, I am sure all sellers would appreciate that information on their products.
@Eleni Anna Branou #: No Fernando, it has to do with the sales numbers, products with no or low sales don't show this information, from my experience a product should have more than 5 sales in the last month to have this visible.I have asked the admins to display this information at all times, I think it would help sales.

A suggestion I would make, is that for those products will less that 5 sales per month, it could be reported as "x sales in the last y months", where "y" months would be 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, so that the value of "x" could be above the value of 5 (e.g. 8 sales in the last 6 months).

Fernando Carreiro #:

A suggestion I would make, is that for those products will less that 5 sales per month, it could be reported as "x sales in the last y months", where "y" months would be 1, 3, 6 or 12 months, so that the value of "x" could be above the value of 5 (e.g. 8 sales in the last 6 months).

That would be nice and useful Fernando.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Okay gloves on , lab lights on :

I'll take a baseline measurement for the following 100 downloads without changing anything for now

Downloads 16577 
connections 863
reviews 53
comments 210
channel members 3
 Video views  3750
 Video likes   19
 Video comments  13
 YT Subs  69

i'll assume the sum of downloads on the my products list is live and use that instead of month to month

Downloads 16684  +107  per download 
connections 872  +4 (5 from forum)  0.037
reviews 54  +1  0.0093
comments 212  +2  0.0186
channel members 8  +5  0.0467
 Video views  3861  +111  1.037
 Video likes   20  +1  0.0093
 Video comments  13  +0  0
 YT Subs 72  +3  0.0280

I have the baseline measurements then , now i'll add this line to the overview :  If you have time share your opinion about [utility name] by posting a review.Thank you

and measure how it affects the frequency of reviews

and also i'll be asking them to subscribe to the youtube channel as well . (i suspect mentioning youtube will damage the ranking , but i'll do the test anyway) 

i'd test a private group too but you cant massively invite people to private groups . So that plan will be revised.

Also the overall rank was dropped 16 positions 

(sidenote : when i select a piece of text in the product description editor and then click on remove formatting it removes formatting from the entire description and not just the selection)


This batch of downloads was very "inactive" , just a download . 

Downloads 16828  +144 per download 
connections 877  +1 0.007
reviews 55  +1 0.007
comments 214  +2 0.014
channel members 9  +1  0.007
 Video views  3971  +110 0.76
 Video likes   20  +0 0
 Video comments  13  +0  0
 YT Subs 71  -1 0
 #rank  957 -

a drop across the board for all stats per download .

I'll start tracking the #rank as well and its color. There was no drop for mentioning youtube (without a link)

There's little free time today so the next test will be to move the review and youtube prompt to the top under the channel , and change the styling of these prompts to stand out.

I'd like to test if they read the overview though before they download and to be frank i don't think them not subscribing to a channel means they did not read it .(you could theorize that the video views measure the "read" , sort of , because the user has to scroll all the way down for the video)

My thoughts on this : 

There is no delay between wanting to download the tool and seeing it on the terminal for the first time (which is good obviously) so any gain on the surrounding entities will be achieved from within the tool itself . For example if i place a little icon for the mql5 channel on the gui , this would solve the "did not read the overview-did not see the prompt" issue (which is an issue only regarding the experiment , and in your tools or eas its an issue if there is critical information about operations)

Another idea to test down the line is having a help section in the tool so , anything they skipped on the overview they may catch in the help paragraphs.

So , the experiment now is : moving the "call to review and call to subscribe" on top .

I'll "simplify" the message from : 

"Join the [pancakes] channel here : [link] (The link url is visible , i'll conceal it making them think its a telegram channel raising the intent to click)

If you have time share your opinion about [pancakes] by writing a review , subscribe to the Youtube channel and hit the like button."

To : 

Join the channel [link will be in the channel word]

Write a review , subscribe on YouTube , like the video . Thanks 

Less words and this will help the translator too 

Downloads 16928  +100 per download 
connections 885  +4(4 from forum) 0.04
reviews 56  +1 0.01
comments 216  +2 0.02
channel members 10  +1  0.01
 Video views 4063  +92 0.92
 Video likes   20  +0 0
 Video comments  13  +0  0
 YT Subs 72  +1 0.005
 #rank  976 -19

Not much change .

The placement of the youtube mention on top of the descriptions penalized the rank ~20 slots but its still green .

The per 100 more or less seems like a very small sampling step .

Nevertheless , placing the channel prompt at the top of the descriptions did nothing much , as i expected , the amount of users reading the description must be very low , pair that
with the fact the channel is empty so , there is nothing enticing there , and pair that with them having developed an aversion to what a seller is asking them to do -you won't like the following statement - expecially people who are after freebies mostly . Apologies 

I don't know what to test for next , i'll just plug the youtube link alongside the prompt for those that find the utility from the terminals (and cannot see the video).

What i'd really really really love to test is displaying a qr code of the mql5 channel inside the utility after the user clicked a channel icon of course. What i don't like about this is 
mq has not implemented the "intent capture" in their channels android app yet so even if someone scans a qr code of a channel it will not automagically open in the app (unlike telegram)
and all it will result in is the user having to log in the mobile browser site instead of the pc browser site . 


Downloads 17078  +150 per download 
connections 897  +6(6 from forum) 0.04
reviews 56  0 0.00
comments 216  0 0.00
channel members 10  0  0.00
 Video views 4200  +137 0.91
 Video likes   22  +2 0.013
 Video comments  16  +3  0.02
 YT Subs 73  +1 0.005
 #rank  981 -2

No change in the mql5 channel subs eventhough the prompt was on top . If they thought it was a telegram group they clicked through and they saw its not so the concealed link did not do much.

The youtube link on top had no effect on the views either whatever activity is registered (likes/ comments) is probably from the videos native youtube search reach and definately not coming from mql5 viewers. It had a penalization of almost 20 slots at first when i placed it but as downloads kept coming it recovered . This might be due to increased traffic too as more interesting freebies are coming up . So i'll sum it up here with the public tests , the best use of a freebie is the visibility it gets you if it goes up . Nothing else , and whatever use it is for the traders of course

The list of what failed :

  1. Politely asking for mql5 channel subscriptions : fail
  2. Straight up asking for mql5 channel subscriptions : fail
  3. Asking for video likes and comments : fail
  4. Politely asking them to provide their opinion in a review : fail
  5. Placement of mql5 channel on the most visible part of the overview : fail
  6. Placement of mql5 channel at the last page of the comments : interacted with when someone intends to comment
  7. Stealth link of mql5 channel with wording that could imply a telegram group to poke intereset : fail

Resulting hypotheseses 😊

  • The number of users that actually read the overview are insanely low (but you could argue i have nothing in the mql5 channel as well)
  • The users that actually watch the youtube video is somewhat normal ~40% more or less , but there is no gain by posting the link in the overview for those that find the products via the terminals ( but i suspect a paid product would be given more attention in general so they would seek the video or a video)
  • The mql5 channels service could step it up a bit . If there was a way to qr code straight into the mobile mql5 channels app that'd be amazing , but then again like in point #1 there is nothing in the channel so
  • All these must be viewed from the lens of these downloads might have been curiosity ones as they saw the utility on the top pages of its category

That was fun 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

"Join the [pancakes] channel here : [link] (The link url is visible , i'll conceal it making them think its a telegram channel raising the intent to click)

I may not be the only one who looks at the address of a link before clicking on it😄