Create a rectangle with 2 clicks


Hello everyone!

I am trying to make an indicator that allows me to draw a rectangle with two clicks and later with this rectangle perform other functions with buttons; My problem is that when I use the CHARTEVENT_CLICK it only does the CHARTEVENT_CLICK thing and cancels the rest. In this code I have carried out a test with the CHARTEVENT_CLICK that when pressed gives me the coordinates of the Click with a "Comment" but when I press the Pink button that is to delete the "comment" it gives me the coordinate of the Click of the button. Can you help me?

//|                                            2_Buttons&rectangle.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright Enero, 2023, M. de los Heros |
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window

string Version = "2_Buttons&rectangle";
string Font    = "Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed";
string Font2   = "Bahnschrift";
string Font3   = "Marlett";
string Font4   = "Webdings";
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
   CrearBoton("Delete",1000, 2, 85, 16, clrBlack, clrPink, clrBlack,Font,11,"Delete Comment");
   CrearBoton("Close ZonasFunc", 1087, 2, 18, 16, clrBlack, clrWhite, clrBlack,Font2,11," X");

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   ObjectsDeleteAll(0,"Close ZonasFunc");
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
//|  Inicio Función Boton pruebas "Boton pruebas"                    |
   if(id == CHARTEVENT_CLICK) 
      //--- create a message box
      Comment("Presionó el mouse en las coordenadas: "+" X : " + lparam+ " Y : ");
//|  Inicio Función Boton pruebas "Boton pruebas"                    |
   if(id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK && sparam == "Delete") 
      //--- delete Comment
//|  Inicio Función Botón "Close"                                    |
   if(id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK && sparam == "Close ZonasFunc") //- Cerrar indicador.
//|  Creamos los botones                                             |
void CrearBoton(string BotonName,int Xdistance, int Ydistance, int Xsize, int Ysize, color TextColor, color ObjBGColor, color ObjBorderColor, string ObjFont,
                int ButtonFontSize, string ObjText)

So, store the value of the first click while waiting for the second click, when both points are available, draw your rectangle

mql4 dragging event on chart   

Try this  , its commented out , if you use a translator it may mess up the code so be careful . 

Cheers .

#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window

from what i understand you want the rectangle to be on the chart . where else would it be though so 
you need :
a.a trigger to let the system know the next click is the drawing start
bool drawArmed=false;
/* indication that you are drawing which means you have the first point and you are 
  moving around to find the next point
bool drawingNow=false;
the datetime and price of the first point 
datetime time1=0;
double   price1=0;
and right about now we start considering what its like for the user.
They click the button to "arm" the drawer . okay
but then they click . That click the chart will translate it to a drag of the 
x axis.
So , we need an additional indication for whether or not the mouse scroll was on
because we will turn it off when the user draws .
bool drawerMemoryMouseScroll=false;//this will become true if its on before we draw
and then what else might happen while we draw ? a new bar may form 
so we also need to cancel autoscroll while we are at it
bool drawerMemoryAutoScroll=false;//this will become true if its on before we draw
and we could go deeper and have the chart autonavigate gradually to the right if we hit the right edge 
and the opposite , but let's leave that ninja stuff for later.
What did we forget ? time 2 and price 2 of course
datetime time2=0;
double   price2=0;
ready to start . 
But could we store it in a better way blabla bla and would this crash the apollo 1 cpu if it was under space radiation?
we don't care . We just want to draw a rectangle in a civilized beautiful tasty easy flowing way.
Sco (let's go) 
string SystemTag="TEST_";//our objects will have this name prefix
int OnInit()
  //we pull a reset of everything - could it be done better ? always 
  //we delete all objects of this system because this is a test 
  //and we create a button to press which arms the drawer
  again we are sloppy because we are testing out a recipe right ? we are not inviting the prince of england for 
  dinner .When we have all working components then we'll clean up , but above all we enjoy it.
  So all is ready , now , let's start the tricks .
  We will be using the mouse move to track down clicks and mouse location
  So , we reset the previous mouse values and these are explained in chart event function.
  //and we light up the mouse move tracker , almost forgot
  //We create a "memory" of the previous x y and click states for the mouse 
    int prex,prey,prec;
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
  now let's remember what we want to do . 
  There are 3 states in our program :
  1.drawer inactive drawing inactive
  2.drawer armed    drawing inactive
  3.drawer armed    and drawing
  in 1 we have the button visible
  in 2 we hide the button and tell the user to place the first point
  in 3 we have deployed the rectangle which the user is stretching around 
  So , let's follow these states 
  Simple , is the drawer active or not ?(armed)
  let's start from not active (not armed) because its easier
  only one thing can happen here that we are interested in  
  a click on the button !
    //self explanatory , if user clicks our button 
      //a.hide the button
      // a message on the chart 
        Comment("Click+HOLD to start drawing box");
      //c.arm the drawer
      //d.delete the previous rectangle because this is a test
   this block , if the drawer is armed 
   only 2 cases we are drawing or we are not 
   so , again the easy first , if we are not drawing 
     /* what are we interested in here ? 
        a new click and its location so
       //we grab x , y and click states 
         int x=(int)lparam;
         int y=(int)dparam;
         int c=(int)StringToInteger(sparam);
       //so , if the mouse click was 0 (no clicks) and its now 1 (left click) 
       //we can start drawing
         //so if the previous state of click , the prec , was 0 and the current (c) is 1 
         //remember we must first deactivate 2 switches and grab them as well 
           //grab mouse scroll 
           //deactivate mouse scroll 
           //grab auto scroll
           //deactivate auto scroll
           //then get price 1 and time 1 
             int sub=0;
             //we ask the chart to turn the x and y of the mouse to time and price for our first point !
           //create the rectangle 
           //and activate the drawing indication
           //and update our message on the top left
             Comment("Drag to point 2 and release the mouse when done");
       //we also pass the x ,y and c of the mouse to the previous holders 
       }//mouse move for if not drawing ends here
     }//if not drawing ends here
     else{//if we are drawing 
     if we are drawing we still need the mouse move event 
     so if mouse move
     //and we get x,y, and c again
         int x=(int)lparam;
         int y=(int)dparam;
         int c=(int)StringToInteger(sparam);
         //and if anything has changed since the previous event we care
         //what do we need ? 
           //price 2 time 2 
             int sub=0;//the sub is a result too if you are wondering not an instruction
             //and we update our rectangle
           //that is done now we need to know when this stops and that moment 
           //will be when the mouse click becomes 0 again 
             //first we bring back mouse scroll if it was on !
             //and auto scroll
             //and we kill the drawing switch and the draw arm
             //we remove the user message 
             //we show the button again 
             }//cancel drawing ends here
         //we pass the mouse parameters to the previous holders 
           //and we are done
         }//if anything changed in mouse ends here       
     }//mouse move for if drawing ends here
     }//if we are drawing ends here 
  }//if drawer is armed ends here
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

It's been a while but I think you can check if the sparam of the on chart event is equal to the delete buttons name. If yes then delete, else the recrangle processing can continue.
Lorentzos Roussos #:

mql4 dragging event on chart   

Try this  , its commented out , if you use a translator it may mess up the code so be careful . 

Cheers .

Hello Lorentzos!
                    Thanks a lot. I am going to study your code, I also thank you for the comments since they will help me a lot to understand the code more. This idea of the box is to implement it to the code of the Indicator that you had already helped me with before, thank you very much again.

When I go to your land, if possible this summer, you have a couple of paid Mythos. ;-)

All the best

Manuel De Los Heros Soler #:

Hello Lorentzos!
                    Thanks a lot. I am going to study your code, I also thank you for the comments since they will help me a lot to understand the code more. This idea of the box is to implement it to the code of the Indicator that you had already helped me with before, thank you very much again.

When I go to your land, if possible this summer, you have a couple of paid Mythos. ;-)

All the best

Anytime ,cheers 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Anytime ,cheers 

Hello Lorentzos!

                      A question?. The button, once the rectangle is made and finished, remains pressed, it is possible to leave it as it was at the beginning without pressing it and for them to change color when pressed and without pressing.

Regards, and thank you very much.

Manuel De Los Heros Soler #:

Hello Lorentzos!

                      A question?. The button, once the rectangle is made and finished, remains pressed, it is possible to leave it as it was at the beginning without pressing it and for them to change color when pressed and without pressing.

Regards, and thank you very much.

Yes , instead of hiding and showing you can alter the color and state .

I marked where it changes .

#property version   "1.00"
#property strict
#property indicator_chart_window

from what i understand you want the rectangle to be on the chart . where else would it be though so 
you need :
a.a trigger to let the system know the next click is the drawing start
bool drawArmed=false;
/* indication that you are drawing which means you have the first point and you are 
  moving around to find the next point
bool drawingNow=false;
the datetime and price of the first point 
datetime time1=0;
double   price1=0;
and right about now we start considering what its like for the user.
They click the button to "arm" the drawer . okay
but then they click . That click the chart will translate it to a drag of the 
x axis.
So , we need an additional indication for whether or not the mouse scroll was on
because we will turn it off when the user draws .
bool drawerMemoryMouseScroll=false;//this will become true if its on before we draw
and then what else might happen while we draw ? a new bar may form 
so we also need to cancel autoscroll while we are at it
bool drawerMemoryAutoScroll=false;//this will become true if its on before we draw
and we could go deeper and have the chart autonavigate gradually to the right if we hit the right edge 
and the opposite , but let's leave that ninja stuff for later.
What did we forget ? time 2 and price 2 of course
datetime time2=0;
double   price2=0;
ready to start . 
But could we store it in a better way blabla bla and would this crash the apollo 1 cpu if it was under space radiation?
we don't care . We just want to draw a rectangle in a civilized beautiful tasty easy flowing way.
Sco (let's go) 
string SystemTag="TEST_";//our objects will have this name prefix
int OnInit()
  //we pull a reset of everything - could it be done better ? always 
  //we delete all objects of this system because this is a test 
  //and we create a button to press which arms the drawer
    //first state of button - color - text color - border color 
  again we are sloppy because we are testing out a recipe right ? we are not inviting the prince of england for 
  dinner .When we have all working components then we'll clean up , but above all we enjoy it.
  So all is ready , now , let's start the tricks .
  We will be using the mouse move to track down clicks and mouse location
  So , we reset the previous mouse values and these are explained in chart event function.
  //and we light up the mouse move tracker , almost forgot
  //set a button to the active style
  void set_active_style(string name){
  //set a button to the inactive style
  void set_inactive_style(string name){
  //We create a "memory" of the previous x y and click states for the mouse 
    int prex,prey,prec;
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)
  now let's remember what we want to do . 
  There are 3 states in our program :
  1.drawer inactive drawing inactive
  2.drawer armed    drawing inactive
  3.drawer armed    and drawing
  in 1 we have the button visible
  in 2 we hide the button and tell the user to place the first point
  in 3 we have deployed the rectangle which the user is stretching around 
  So , let's follow these states 
  Simple , is the drawer active or not ?(armed)
  let's start from not active (not armed) because its easier
  only one thing can happen here that we are interested in  
  a click on the button !
    //self explanatory , if user clicks our button 
      //a.hide the button
        //second state of button - color - text color - border color 
      // a message on the chart 
        Comment("Click+HOLD to start drawing box");
      //c.arm the drawer
      //d.delete the previous rectangle because this is a test
   this block , if the drawer is armed 
   only 2 cases we are drawing or we are not 
   so , again the easy first , if we are not drawing 
     /* what are we interested in here ? 
        a new click and its location so
       //we grab x , y and click states 
         int x=(int)lparam;
         int y=(int)dparam;
         int c=(int)StringToInteger(sparam);
       //so , if the mouse click was 0 (no clicks) and its now 1 (left click) 
       //we can start drawing
         //so if the previous state of click , the prec , was 0 and the current (c) is 1 
         //remember we must first deactivate 2 switches and grab them as well 
           //grab mouse scroll 
           //deactivate mouse scroll 
           //grab auto scroll
           //deactivate auto scroll
           //then get price 1 and time 1 
             int sub=0;
             //we ask the chart to turn the x and y of the mouse to time and price for our first point !
           //create the rectangle 
           //and activate the drawing indication
           //and update our message on the top left
             Comment("Drag to point 2 and release the mouse when done");
       //we also pass the x ,y and c of the mouse to the previous holders 
       }//mouse move for if not drawing ends here
     }//if not drawing ends here
     else{//if we are drawing 
     if we are drawing we still need the mouse move event 
     so if mouse move
     //and we get x,y, and c again
         int x=(int)lparam;
         int y=(int)dparam;
         int c=(int)StringToInteger(sparam);
         //and if anything has changed since the previous event we care
         //what do we need ? 
           //price 2 time 2 
             int sub=0;//the sub is a result too if you are wondering not an instruction
             //and we update our rectangle
           //that is done now we need to know when this stops and that moment 
           //will be when the mouse click becomes 0 again 
             //first we bring back mouse scroll if it was on !
             //and auto scroll
             //and we kill the drawing switch and the draw arm
             //we remove the user message 
             //we show the button again 
             }//cancel drawing ends here
         //we pass the mouse parameters to the previous holders 
           //and we are done
         }//if anything changed in mouse ends here       
     }//mouse move for if drawing ends here
     }//if we are drawing ends here 
  }//if drawer is armed ends here
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])

Manuel De Los Heros Soler #:

Topics concerning MT4 and MQL4 have their own section.

In future please post in the correct section.

I have moved your topic to the MQL4 and Metatrader 4 section.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Yes , instead of hiding and showing you can alter the color and state .

I marked where it changes .

But this is exactly like the one already provided on the platform … same … click, drag, let go… I am working on something that will draw the rectangle with 2 clicks … no dragging… like…
For example you want to draw a rectangle on a candle … from open to close on that candle, and from that candle to the current time… so I click on the open and close on that candle and the rectangle will be set from that candle to the current time… so I am using a button to start this process, and then first click will be time1 and price1, and second click will be price2. Time2 will be current time … so to count the clicks I am using a variable which I increment after each click of the mouse… and then at click 1 I get mouse position, time price etc, and click 2 I get again position time price etc… and after the object is getting drawn on the chart, that variable is getting reseted to 0. My question… is there any other better /safer way to differentiate between mouse clicks? I mean instead of counting chart events chart clicks, maybe is any other way? Thanks 
Daniel Cioca #:
But this is exactly like the one already provided on the platform … same … click, drag, let go… I am working on something that will draw the rectangle with 2 clicks … no dragging… like…
For example you want to draw a rectangle on a candle … from open to close on that candle, and from that candle to the current time… so I click on the open and close on that candle and the rectangle will be set from that candle to the current time… so I am using a button to start this process, and then first click will be time1 and price1, and second click will be price2. Time2 will be current time … so to count the clicks I am using a variable which I increment after each click of the mouse… and then at click 1 I get mouse position, time price etc, and click 2 I get again position time price etc… and after the object is getting drawn on the chart, that variable is getting reseted to 0. My question… is there any other better /safer way to differentiate between mouse clicks? I mean instead of counting chart events chart clicks, maybe is any other way? Thanks 

It is , but , he controls the process :) 

You mean what is the purpose since the x axis is only per bar and not "flexible" ?