Proposition for reporting MEMORY LEAKS in strategy tester - page 2



I'm using the Include File shown above only during the development and testing stage of a new EA. I want to ensure, that I do not have any memory leaks.

Later during life operation I simply do not include the file.




just for clarity and better understanding.

In contribution #6 of this thread I presented my version of an include file for checking and identifying memory leaks. Let us name this file "check_for_memory_leaks.mqh".

The following little script with name "little_script.mq5" uses this header file:

#include "check_for_memory_leaks.mqh"
class CA {
void OnStart() {
   CA *a;
   a = new CA;
   if (a == NULL) {
     Print("NULL Pointer!");
   delete a;

Now I want to preprocess the source code by the following command:

cpp little_script.mq5 -E

The output is

$ cpp little_script.mq5 -E
# 0 "little_script.mq5"
# 0 "<built-in>"
# 0 "<command-line>"
# 1 "little_script.mq5"
# 1 "check_for_memory_leak.mqh" 1
# 9 "check_for_memory_leak.mqh"
class Cdbg_heap_obj_trace {

  CHashMap<string,string> m_map;
  int m_line;
  string m_filename;

  Cdbg_heap_obj_trace() {

  ~Cdbg_heap_obj_trace() {
    Print ("-- Resume Memory Leaks --");
    string desc[], infos[];
    ArrayFree (desc);
    ArrayFree (infos);
    m_map.CopyTo (desc,infos);
    int size=ArraySize(infos);
    if (size == 0) {
      Print ("  no memory leaks");
    } else {
      Print (StringFormat ("%d undeleted objects left", size));
      for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
 Print (StringFormat ("  - %s", infos[i]));
    Print ("-- End Resume --");

  Cdbg_heap_obj_trace* location_recorder(const int line, const string filename) {
    m_line = line;
    m_filename = filename;

  template <typename V>
  V* operator=(V* p_in) {
    string info = StringFormat ("File %s Line %d", m_filename, m_line);
    if (!m_map.Add (StringFormat("%x",p_in), info)) {
      Print (StringFormat ("%s ERROR m_map.Add", __FUNCTION__));
    return p_in;

  template <typename V>
  V* operator-(V* p_in) {
    string desc = StringFormat("%x",p_in);
    if (!m_map.ContainsKey(desc)) {
      Print (StringFormat ("ERROR at delete: Object %s not found!", desc));
      return p_in;
    m_map.Remove (desc);
    return p_in;

} dbg_heap_obj_trace;
# 2 "little_script.mq5" 2

class CA {
void OnStart() {
   CA *a;
   a = dbg_heap_obj_trace.location_recorder(6, "little_script.mq5") = new CA;
   if (a == NULL) {
     Print("NULL Pointer!");
   delete dbg_heap_obj_trace - a;

Please see the two bold marked lines

This is for clarity.


PS: cpp is part of the GNU compiler collection of cygwin

Dr Matthias Hammelsbeck #:


just for clarity and better understanding.

In contribution #6 of this thread I presented my version of an include file for checking and identifying memory leaks. Let us name this file "check_for_memory_leaks.mqh".

The following little script with name "little_script.mq5" uses this header file:

Now I want to preprocess the source code by the following command:

cpp little_script.mq5 -E

The output is

Please see the two bold marked lines

This is for clarity.


PS: cpp is part of the GNU compiler collection of cygwin

Nice displaying.

I was thinking to integrate a object search function for manual identification....

Also, I think it could be interesting to print out IDs for all objects that have not been deleted as a CSV line in the journal.

Then this line could be used as input to the mem leak finder to make it "DebugBreak" when this specific ID is being created, in a second run. - I think it could make debugging much easier, because the debugger would halt when this object is created and the surrounding circumstances could be analyzed.

I hope my explanation was understandable.

BTW, how did you make GCC interpret a .mq5 file as a c/c++ file? I haven't been able to make use of the preprocessor like you did. I tried with clang and GCC...
Dominik Egert #:

BTW, how did you make GCC interpret a .mq5 file as a c/c++ file? I haven't been able to make use of the preprocessor like you did. I tried with clang and GCC...

Neither gcc nor g++ work with extension .mq5; but cpp does! God knows why

Dr Matthias Hammelsbeck #:

Neither gcc nor g++ work with extension .mq5; but cpp does! God knows why

Its CPP... Oh, thank you for sharing.

You like that macro magic trick to substitute/inject code into given source files, don't you. But you are also already seeing the dangers/issues/hidden errors it can bring.

I had spent hours debugging code with a hidden and unconscious substitution to find a typo...

Dominik Egert #:
Its CPP... Oh, thank you for sharing.

You like that macro magic trick to substitute/inject code into given source files, don't you. But you are also already seeing the dangers/issues/hidden errors it can bring.

I had spent hours debugging code with a hidden and unconscious substitution to find a typo...

Thank for the tip. Yes I know about the dangers/issues you mentioned. That is why I use macros very seldom and preferentially only during the development and testing stage of a project.

And I'm using the statement   "cpp <file> -E"   for preprocessing the source code in order to see the real code.

I try to avoid these techniques during the life stage with real money...


BTW: In the header file   " check_for_memory_leaks.mqh"   I removed/outcommented the first line   "#include <Generic/HashMap>"   before calling  cpp...

Dr Matthias Hammelsbeck #:

Thank for the tip. Yes I know about the dangers/issues you mentioned. That is why I use macros very seldom and preferentially only during the development and testing stage of a project.

And I'm using the statement   "cpp <file> -E"   for preprocessing the source code in order to see the real code.

I try to avoid these techniques during the life stage with real money...


BTW: In the header file   " check_for_memory_leaks.mqh"   I removed/outcommented the first line   "#include <Generic/HashMap>"   before calling  cpp...

Yes. - Do you want to publish this in Code-Base maybe?? For me this is fine, you may go ahead, if you wish to do so.... - Maybe you would claim GPLv2 license on it. Thats what I do with my published code.
Dominik Egert #:
Yes. - Do you want to publish this in Code-Base maybe?? For me this is fine, you may go ahead, if you wish to do so.... - Maybe you would claim GPLv2 license on it. Thats what I do with my published code.

I think about it.

Dominik Egert #:
Yes. - Do you want to publish this in Code-Base maybe?? For me this is fine, you may go ahead, if you wish to do so.... - Maybe you would claim GPLv2 license on it. Thats what I do with my published code.

Please see

This is my first publication, may be clumsy 

Reporting Memory Leaks in Strategy Tester
Reporting Memory Leaks in Strategy Tester
Monitoring of memory leaks in the strategy tester
Dr Matthias Hammelsbeck #:

Please see

This is my first publication, may be clumsy 

You should post it as library. Aside of that, looks good.

What about author and license, don't you want to add that as header to the file?