

Can i create a paid product then write an article about it which is essentially the manual for that product and the idea ?

Will such an article be published ?

Aren't i selling the copyright of the idea to MQ when they publish the article ? and if i do , isn't the product their property essentially ? 

Thank you

I have encountered multiple articles doing exactly that. So i guess it is not a problem.
Enrique Dangeroux #:
I have encountered multiple articles doing exactly that. So i guess it is not a problem.

But the copyright on the bottom says Metaquotes if i'm not mistaken . 

Also , isn't mq violating its own rule 4 of the forum when that article is propagated in the articles section xD ?

4.Coarse language, advertising messages, spamming and flooding are forbidden.

Lorentzos Roussos: Can i create a paid product then write an article about it which is essentially the manual for that product and the idea? Will such an article be published? Aren't i selling the copyright of the idea to MQ when they publish the article? and if i do , isn't the product their property essentially? Thank you

I have seen a few such articles but the usually have some value on their own irrespective of the product, for MQL programming for example.

So, an article which is purely a manual, with no added benefit irrespective of the product, I don't think will be allowed.

Lorentzos Roussos #:

But the copyright on the bottom says Metaquotes if i'm not mistaken . 

Also , isn't mq violating its own rule 4 of the forum when that article is propagated in the articles section xD ?

I don't know about the rights but i guess MQ gets lifetime right to publish. Again not sure.

About violating, the rules at MQ are flexible. For example a signal provider can not be affiliated with a broker, yet the signal services is full of affiliate links. I guess it is the same with articles, if MQ benefits they turn a blind eye.

[edit] i dont think forum rules apply to articles.

[edit 2] Agree with Fernando. A manual is not an article fo. The ones i have seen are more tutorial like.
Fernando Carreiro #:

I have seen a few such articles but the usually have some value on their own irrespective of the product, for MQL programming for example.

So, an article which is purely a manual, with no added benefit irrespective of the product, I don't think will be allowed.

So it's been a common occurence i guess . It is an advertisement though no ? I mean of course i'm no where near the brain capacity of most of these authors but are there rules or not?

If i write a very insightful (to my abilities) post on the forum and slap an ex5 under it or link to a product it will be taken down.

Even if its more than a manual , with added benefit irrespective of the product.


Lorentzos RoussosAren't i selling the copyright of the idea to MQ when they publish the article ? and if i do , isn't the product their property essentially ?
No, they don't hold the copyright to the product or the ideia or even your original text or thoughts. They only hold the copying and distribution rights (not to be confused with "copyright") to the final presented article as it appears on their website.
Enrique Dangeroux #:

I don't know about the rights but i guess MQ gets lifetime right to publish. Again not sure.

About violating, the rules at MQ are flexible. For example a signal provider can not be affiliated with a broker, yet the signal services is full of affiliate links. I guess it is the same with articles, if MQ benefits they turn a blind eye.

[edit] i dont think forum rules apply to articles.

How about the articles rule that it must have code ?

I think the signals and products moderation is really hard with that volume , i understand that . 

For instance on the first page there are products with all caps in the description and videos promising profit. 

They are obviously not able to check everything i guess.

[on copyrights] So i guess the author is limited to distribute the article's advertised product solely on the MQL market because of the copyright.

Lorentzos Roussos #: So it's been a common occurence i guess . It is an advertisement though no ? I mean of course i'm no where near the brain capacity of most of these authors but are there rules or not? If i write a very insightful (to my abilities) post on the forum and slap an ex5 under it or link to a product it will be taken down. Even if its more than a manual , with added benefit irrespective of the product. :)
Yes, in my humble opinion there are Articles and Codebase publications that are clearly written to be indirect advertisements, but unfortunately MetaQuotes holds favouritism and bends the rules as it sees fit for its own benefit.
Fernando Carreiro #:
Yes, in my humble opinion there are Articles and Codebase publications that are clearly written to be indirect advertisements, but unfortunately MetaQuotes holds favouritism and bends the rules as it sees fit for its own benefit.

Yes from a certain perspective one could argue that "Isn't this person who understands this complex thing and explains it to us deserving of sales? of course he is"

But under the same scope what if you do it on a forum post , a non article ?

Fernando Carreiro #:
No, they don't hold the copyright to the product or the ideia or even your original text or thoughts. They only hold the copying and distribution rights (not to be confused with "copyright") to the final presented article as it appears on their website.

Aha so the product must be limited to this market as well since its part (obviously) of the article 

Lorentzos Roussos #: Yes from a certain perspective one could argue that "Isn't this person who understands this complex thing and explained it to us deserving of sales? of course he is"

But under the same scope what if you do it on a forum post , a non article ?

The difference is that the Forum is "moderated by the users" who are more strongly motivated to do what is right and just, preventing advertising as defined by the rules.

Articles and Products on the other hand, are handled by the "admin" who don't really pay that much attention or worry too much until some one complains about it.

I was once banned for life by the "admin" for having my own rates on my own bio/profile and for stating that I would not use freelance on my bio not on the forum. Luckily several moderators defended me and I got my account back.

So the rules are changed and adapted as they wish with no strict rule of conduct.