Please consider


Hello Mq . 

I know its the n'th time i'm saying this but please allow social media on products (and in products) . 


Thank you 

Here is a very professional schematic for it :


Your "very professional schematic" is a nice idea, but you have to show and prove as well how a program or a script can detect a fraudulent abuse. To pay people for that is not realistic!

To get attention for your own products help people here with your expertise regarding the market, trading and programming.

Carl Schreiber #:

Your "very professional schematic" is a nice idea, but you have to show and prove as well how a program or a script can detect a fraudulent abuse. To pay people for that is not realistic!

To get attention for your own products help people here with your expertise regarding the market, trading and programming.

I'm not talking about product ranking but how a product the users find interesting (proven by its sales) could seed more traffic to the community as a whole.

They have a well oiled seo engine , which i -again assume- is the biggest source of traffic but this schematic follows the ripples after a user "connects" with the provider further creating more than one way to get the users eyes back on this website . -a very hard to use one way that is (excluding the apps)-

I agree with you on the helping part obviously , helping is good and i assume as moderators you take action toward this being a community of helping and not one of driving users away ,right ?

Can you give me an example of abuse ? I understand their wanting to keep instructions in one place , that i get .

I'm not implying traffic from social media should increase the score of products , but , exponent the inbound traffic to the website . 


Edit : 

Allow me to give a specific example 

There is no way , none , for a user who bought something (or downloaded something or subscribed to something )

to be informed about a new offering of that seller in the future apart from this : 

  • Adding them as friends 
  • Frequently visiting mql5
  • Going to the news page
  • That seller happens to post -or the system posts the new signal/product- and the user happens to be in the news page that day

Social media is established though , and its a fact a user will spend waaayyyy more time with their eyes locked on their favorite social media platform.

Where is it easier to grab the users attention ?

So if that little tool the user got on their platform , if it had a little linkout to one of these platforms , on a visible place not in the first tab (or the tabyss)

it would indirectly lead more traffic to social media of vendors that sell ,raising more traffic to more or less "good products" at that time, which implies 

there is "trading interest" in these, hence more traffic and what that means for the community (and mq).