Freelance Order Suggestion


Dear Moderator...

Couple of suggestions for the freelance section:

I have raised a freelance job and the developer said he would do the job in a day which was better than the other developers so I accepted the job and uploaded the spec. However he is now not confirming the requirements spec so my job is stuck in limbo and obviously the day has passed. The only way out of this is to delete the entire job and start again. If/when the developer accepts the job, the time to do the job starts then it strikes me as a good way for a developer to gather many jobs in his back pocket while leaving the customer hanging around for days on end, and, if deleted, there is no way for a customer to review that it happened

Might be wrong but I would guess that if you were to check in the database how many jobs are in a queue after the requirements spec has been uploaded, waiting for the developer to accept the spec, you would find a few developers who have clicked on to this the trick and have a few jobs just sitting there. Would it not be a good idea to set a time limit that the developer has to accept the requirements spec to stop this happening?

Second suggestion is to move the time when a review can be made from directly after the job has been completed to within a time limit of a couple of days of completing the job. What happened to me and I guess others, is that, after the developer completes the job, he hangs on the line pushing for a 5 star review. It is very difficult giving an honest appraisal of someones work when they are sitting on your shoulder and you know that if you are not going to give them a 5 star review they wont give you one back. Wouldn't it be a better idea to send the link for the review maybe an hours after the job is done to both developer and customer and give them say 5 days to complete before it times out and a review cant be done. Then both the reviews are released to the platform at the same time so one cant influence the other. That way you would get a far more honest appraisal of each side of the job

3rd suggestion if to allow the customers to read the previous reviews of the developer before selecting one. You could make the user anonymous, but it would give the customer a better viewpoint of whether the developer was the right one for the job

Just some ideas - hope they help


Dear Moderator...

Couple of suggestions for the freelance section:

I have raised a freelance job and the developer said he would do the job in a day which was better than the other developers so I accepted the job and uploaded the spec. However he is now not confirming the requirements spec so my job is stuck in limbo and obviously the day has passed. The only way out of this is to delete the entire job and start again. If/when the developer accepts the job, the time to do the job starts then it strikes me as a good way for a developer to gather many jobs in his back pocket while leaving the customer hanging around for days on end, and, if deleted, there is no way for a customer to review that it happened

Might be wrong but I would guess that if you were to check in the database how many jobs are in a queue after the requirements spec has been uploaded, waiting for the developer to accept the spec, you would find a few developers who have clicked on to this the trick and have a few jobs just sitting there. Would it not be a good idea to set a time limit that the developer has to accept the requirements spec to stop this happening?

Second suggestion is to move the time when a review can be made from directly after the job has been completed to within a time limit of a couple of days of completing the job. What happened to me and I guess others, is that, after the developer completes the job, he hangs on the line pushing for a 5 star review. It is very difficult giving an honest appraisal of someones work when they are sitting on your shoulder and you know that if you are not going to give them a 5 star review they wont give you one back. Wouldn't it be a better idea to send the link for the review maybe an hours after the job is done to both developer and customer and give them say 5 days to complete before it times out and a review cant be done. Then both the reviews are released to the platform at the same time so one cant influence the other. That way you would get a far more honest appraisal of each side of the job

3rd suggestion if to allow the customers to read the previous reviews of the developer before selecting one. You could make the user anonymous, but it would give the customer a better viewpoint of whether the developer was the right one for the job

Just some ideas - hope they help

I agree with 3rd one ( for both developers and customers ).


I have raised a freelance job and the developer said he would do the job in a day which was better than the other developers so I accepted the job and uploaded the spec. However he is now not confirming the requirements spec so my job is stuck in limbo and obviously the day has passed. The only way out of this is to delete the entire job and start again. If/when the developer accepts the job, the time to do the job starts then it strikes me as a good way for a developer to gather many jobs in his back pocket while leaving the customer hanging around for days on end, and, if deleted, there is no way for a customer to review that it happened

If the developer doesn't accept the job in a timely manner, you can de-select him and select another.

Keith Watford #:

If the developer doesn't accept the job in a timely manner, you can de-select him and select another.

Yes found that now thanks, I still think it might be a good idea to have a time limit on confirming the job as it would deter developers from doing this but it depends on how much its being done I guess