The manner profiles are implemented

I respectfully disagree with one aspect of the way you have profiles implemented in 3.83 and 4. Reasons are below.

My concern with your manner of implementing profiles would not be a problem if we could save chart **layouts** for reloading.

Here is what I mean, in other words.

As it is now, profiles are saved *automatically* when exiting. This means that every change you made to the chart configurations, *not* intending your changes to be saved, are saved *automatically* to the profile when you exit or switch to a different profile. I don't want my saved chart layouts to be saved automatically or changed -- unless I specifically save them *manually* by my own intent.

The solution could be to give us the ability to save "chart layouts." You would still have your "profiles", but now you would also have a way to pull up your chart layouts *exactly* as you last *manually* saved them.

Hence, layouts would not change just because you exit. A layout of charts would be re-loaded and appear exactly as they were the last time you saved *manually.*

Being a programmer myself, I know that layouts could be easily implemented in your platform: Just use mostly the same code as for profiles -- but instead of saving layouts automatically when you exit -- layouts would only be saved manually by the user's explicit intent. That would be the main change in code. Of course you would need to add a minor change to the fle menu.


Windows uses "profiles." An operating system, like Windows, is a different *type* of program entity than a trading platform. In an *operating system*, it is a practical thing to have your changes saved *automanically* to a profle, but this standard is not necessarily practical with a trading platform -- two completely different types of software.

Traders, and myself, need to have our trading platform to be able to pull up multiple chart configurations, or chart layouts, exactly as I last saved them *manually* with my explicit intent to do so.

Thank you for reading this. Thank you for your great platform in many ways.

Please consider making this addition.

Trade Eagle8

I thought of a simple solution for this issue.

First let me restate the issue more plainly:

For myself and many other users, we do not always want our changes to our chart layouts to be saved automatically in the current profile, but we want to make *temporary* changes to our chart layouts that we do *not* want saved to the profile automatically when exiting the profile. Most often, we want to load one of our profiles as a *fixed* profile file that did not change on previous exit -- unless we desire to manually save changes to that profile.

As it is now with your platform, any time you exit the platform -- or any time you change to a different profile, any changes you made -- only intending them to be temporary, are saved against your will to the currently exiting profile. Users want to exit a profile, without having to delete all their tempory changes before they exit.

Simple solution:

How about an option in preferences, which is a check box: "Save profiles automatically on exiting profile." You place a check for "yes", and uncheck it for "no."

This option would accomodate both. This option would allow us to keep our profiles *fixed*, as that is how most often you want them to remain, and appear.


An important note on the concept of "profiles":

The Windows operating system uses "profiles." However, an operating system, like Windows, is a different *type* of program animal than a trading *platform*, and each of these software types have completely different purposes. Lets look at both:

1- Operating Systems:

In an *operating system*, it is a practical thing to have your changes saved *automanically* to a profle, but this standard is not necessarily practical with a trading platform -- two completely different types of software. With an operating system, it is a practical thing to save your customizations to the *user interface* automatically on exit. However, *charting* software is an "application" wherein specific work is done every day. Because *specific* work is done, the user needs to save and restore various chart layouts which do not change unless by his/her own desire and action, manually saves changes.

Word processing is an *application* you use to do specific work. When you load a word processing document, you want it loaded exactly is you left it. Your document is *specific* work that you didn't want changed unless you *manually* saved by your own choice and desire. Charting software is also an *application* you use to do specific *work.* Loading chart layouts should appear as you last saved them manually by your own specific desire to save your work.

2- Trading Platforms:

Trading Platforms, as opposed to operating systems, are a completely different software animal with entirely different purposes and functionality. Forcing the user to save profiles in trading platforms automatically *every* time is *not* practical. Saving them automatically *every* time tends to defeat part of the purpose of profiles. Why? Often times, the user wants to add new charts, make changes to charts, etc. -- but does not want these *temporary* changes to be saved to a profile that he/she wants to remain *fixed*.

The user wants his/her specific work changed and saved *only* when he/she desires their work to be changed and saved.

I am also aware that many users are frustrated with having their profiles messed up when they want them to make temporary changes, but want their profile to remain *fixed* -- without having to delete all their tempory changes before they exit.

Steve, profile is just subdirectory with wich you are currently working. profile subdirectory contains chart definition files (like as chart templates). we should consider how save changes manually or automatically. there is not first task