Expert Advisor failed validation process

Anyone to assist with rectification of this error.
Fudheni Petrus Nambambi:
Anyone to assist with rectification of this error.

Backup your original code first 

Then Replace all Print( with NonTesterPrint(


create this function :

void NonTesterPrint(string message){
I did so but the validation gave me this feedback now.
Fudheni Petrus Nambambi: Anyone to assist with rectification of this error.
Add a parameter to your EA to control when to Print() output, and have it disabled by default so as not to print at all.
Fudheni Petrus Nambambi #: I did so but the validation gave me this feedback now.

It seems that you have not read "The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market", nor applied it to your own EA's code.

Pay attention to the following:

The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
Before any product is published in the Market, it must undergo compulsory preliminary checks in order to ensure a uniform quality standard. This article considers the most frequent errors made by developers in their technical indicators and trading robots. An also shows how to self-test a product before sending it to the Market.
Fudheni Petrus Nambambi: Good morning all, I have several challenges with my EA uploading, it is failing to pass the validation process. Anyone to assist with share there free EA mql5 code file that has already passed the validation check (please share the uploaded mql5 code of the EA) so i may check were i had made mistakes in my EA. This will be of useful to me, I will learn from my mistakes and improve (how to code correctly).  

You have already been given a link, which includes example code, on how to correct and improve your EA. Have you read it and applied it to your EA?

If you take the easy way out, you will never learn or improve your own coding.

Moderator's note: This post moved from deleted double topic.
Fudheni Petrus Nambambi:
Anyone to assist with rectification of this error.

Do not double post!

I will delete your other topic and will move Fernando's reply to it here (above this post).

Fernando Carreiro #:

You have already been given a link, which includes example code, on how to correct and improve your EA. Have you read it and applied it to your EA?

If you take the easy way out, you will never learn or improve your own coding.

Moderator's note: This post moved from deleted double topic.