Some real nifty ideas:

Some real nifty ideas:

I have some ideas that you might consider adding to the platform down the road, after 4.0 is ready. I do really like the new features you’ve added to 4.0 that 3.83 did not have. Nice work.

TERRIFIC IDEA FOR VERSION 4.1. (I realize it’s a little late in the design phase to add this new interface feature, but perhaps you could add it later on for version 4.1.)

I noticed the other day, while looking at another trading platform somewhere on the web, that at the bottom of their platform they had a set of “tabs” that accessed different “sheets.” The tabs were labeled, “sheet 1, sheet 2, sheet 3, sheet 4, sheet 5, etc” I didn’t download their platform demo, but I suspect that each sheet could display *multiple* chart windows along with their indicators.

And then the other day when I loaded your new version 4.0 platform for the first time, I noticed that you have added tabs at the bottom, to quickly activate different chart windows. This gave me an idea. But before I tell you my idea, I should first say that I was very impressed with your new chart tabs that you added for 4.0. Great!

The chart tabs are great for the following:
1- Quickly activating a new chart window, and
2- Quickly activating a *hidden* chart when you have so many charts open at once that you can’t see them all.

And now to tell you my new idea.


Underneath your row of chart tabs, you could have a row of “sheet tabs”.

Like so:


Or, the sheet tabs could be called “PAGE 1, PAGE 2, PAGE 3, etc.

Here’s how this would work:

Each *Sheet* tab or page would access its own multi-chart layout -- all the charts in that sheet, appearing all at once. In other words, a different set of chart tabs appear for each sheet tab you click on. The new chart tabs that appear when you click on a different sheet represent the charts that are included in that new sheet or page.

Hence, sheet tabs give you more than one *multi-chart* layout, quickly and conveniently accessible with a *single* click, in order to see a new grouping of *related* indicators and charts for each sheet. (If the user had not opened any charts in a separate sheet, then you wouldn’t see any.)

The sheet tab concept is similar to MS Excel spreadsheets. Take a look at an Excel spreadsheet. Go ahead and boot up Excel on your machine now, and notice at the bottom of the Excel screen you have several sheet tabs that give you quick access to different spread sheets all in one file. Each Excel sheet tab accesses a different spread sheet, and each spread sheet can have several different areas or groups of data laid out in different areas of the spread sheet.

This idea to could equate to a trading platform as follows: All of the sheets in the trading platform could be saved to one profile, in the same way that all of the sheets are saved in one Excel file. You also have different profiles that can be loaded, each with their own set of sheets.

“Sheets” are not the same as “profiles,” but are sub - parts, or different *pages,* of a single profile. In the same way that all the sheets in an Excel spreadsheet are saved in one file, all of the sheets in the trading platform are saved to one profile file.

A single sheet consists of its own layout of several individual chart windows that have charts and indicators that are related to a particular part of your analysis. Flipping to a different sheet of charts by clicking a different sheet tab, allows you to quickly view a different set of charts or different part of your analysis, without having to click on several different chart tabs.

The point of having individual sheets is *not* to replace profiles, but to simply allow for more than one multi-chart layout -- quickly accessible, in a single profile. Several sheet layouts are thus saved in a single profile -- each profile having multi-sheets, and with each sheet having its own set of *related* charts in it.

The main benefits of sheets are as follows:

1- You don’t have to keep clicking on so many different chart tabs in order to pull up the multi- chart layout view that you want. Instead, you just click on a single sheet tab and, voila!, you already have all your pre-selected charts for that sheet in view, instantly! Then just click on another sheet tab to view another grouping of *related* charts. Hence, you can more quickly see all the chart data to analyze your trade quicker.

2- As it is now, when you want to view a *different mix* of charts, you almost always need to *reposition* those charts in order to be able to see them all at once. But with “sheets,” you already have the charts grouped and pre-laid out.

Example: I could have a 5 minute EURUSD, 15 minute EURUSD, and a 1 hour EURUSD in one sheet, and on a separate sheet, a 5 minute USDJPY, 15 minute USDJPY, and a 1 hour USDJPY. This allows me to watch two different currency pairs in the same trade style more quickly, by clicking a single sheet button to flip between the pairs. There are many other practical examples that I could give that could be used with a sheet style interface.

And the charts in each sheet are already *positioned* in the way that the user previously placed them before the user switched to a different sheet. You wouldn’t need to collapse and expand each individual chart and have to reposition them.

Further: The profile could *remember* how and where you placed all your charts when you saved it, so that when you reload the profile, all the charts on each sheet are still where you placed them.

Having different sheets available does not reduce the need for profiles. “Profiles” are particularly useful when you want to quickly switch to a different trading style, which has a different set of sheets, charts, and indicators. Or each user of a system can have his own profile, or more than one profile.

Having several “sheet” layouts per profile, would make the platform more robust, and give it needed functionality and convenience.

It is true that your existing profiles in 4.0 have several individual chart windows, but they, effectively, are only in “one” sheet. But by having more than one sheet or multi-chart layout, you can quick change to different multi-chart layouts, that the user has pre-configured -- without the need to change profiles.

As it is now with versions 4.O or 3.83, you can already collapse and expand individual chart windows; that’s great, but you have to click on each chart window individually to collapse or expand it. Then you might have to reposition them.

And here is another great benefit of having multi-sheets. Many traders are only using *one* monitor: When you have *numerous* chart windows open, so many that you can’t see them all, its very tough to try to keep opening, closing, re-positioning charts, on a single monitor, in order to view the particular set you want. But if they different pages or sheets, they could *quick change* to a different layout of related charts and indicators, and not even interrupt their analysis.


IDEA: A Few New Charting Periods:

I noticed you added the “month” chart, which version 3.83 did not have. That’s really great!

But I also have need for other charts that are commonly used for trading: a 6 hour chart, a 3 hour chart, and a 2 or 3 minute chart. In many trading circles, these are considered a staple to their trading styles.

At any rate, adding these periods to your platform could be a benefit for *all* traders if your platform had them.

I don’t suppose “custom,” user specified periods could be added? That would require some extensive and elaborate programming, I know.



How about adding a quick way to switch an *existing* chart to a different currency pair. In other words, you wouldn’t need close a chart and reopen another chart, just to see a different pair. And the new pair selected for the chart could just have the same period as the pair that was in it before the switch. Perhaps “right” clicking on the title bar of the chart could pull up a menu of the different pairs from which to select a different pair for that chart.
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