Do you have a problem with the calendar on the platform?


Do you have a problem with the calendar on the platform?

Filter events: 
- by priority
- by the currency of the country for which the indicator is published
- by country for which the indicator is published

does not remember its settings after platform restart.

It's a bit frustrating.

Grzegorz Brzegowy:

Do you have a problem with the calendar on the platform?

Filter events: 
- by priority
- by the currency of the country for which the indicator is published
- by country for which the indicator is published

does not remember its settings after platform restart.

It's a bit frustrating.

Relax :)

Right mouse click on the calendar tab and then select what you prefer - it's Sunday so the current week won't show anything, select orev week and your Christmas tree starts to shine :)

Was it that what you were looking for?

Carl Schreiber #:

Relax :)

Right mouse click on the calendar tab and then select what you prefer - it's Sunday so the current week won't show anything, select orev week and your Christmas tree starts to shine :)

Was it that what you were looking for?

No, it wasn't.


Calendar does not remember its settings after platform restart.

Set the templates of charts via right mouse click on the chart and the terminal  by the Files => Profiles.
Carl Schreiber #:
Set the templates of charts via right mouse click on the chart and the terminal  by the Files => Profiles.

After set my calendar and save profile

It doesn't work.

The calendar does not remember your settings.

Grzegorz Brzegowy #:

After set my calendar and save profile

It doesn't work.

The calendar does not remember your settings.

   Hi, has this issue been resolved? I have the same problem with Calendar not remembering settings.