MT5 has no signal


I have a MT5 platform that seems to have no signal heading in the Navigator. This does not allow me to use MLQ5 signal provider. What are the suggestions.

Other broker MT5 platforms show signals under the Market heading. Is this broker specific?

Yes it is broker specific, you'll have to check with them. I can try help you if you have more details, if you haven't gotten assistance already
Nardus Van Staden #:
Yes it is broker specific, you'll have to check with them. I can try help you if you have more details, if you haven't gotten assistance already


Thank you for response. I have several Ospreyfx accounts of which I am trying to obtain a signal from FxPIG. FXPIG offers a signal on their MT5 Navigator, but OspreyFX does not offer a signal on the Navigator. Tools on MT5 has a signal location but on Osprey MT5 it is not activated.

Thanks for aid,



I have OspreyFX as a broker as well and noticed you can use MQL5 signals with MT4, but not MT5 as the option is greyed out and not selectable.

They claim nothing is disabled on their end, but this is something on the broker end, correct?