Code Examples

It would be nice if we could get some MORE code examples and a more detailed user guide, in any language..

New product looks great and am looking forward to using it live..
we`ll do it after beta testing.

By the way, did you read the articles section? (
Yes, I did read those and they are great.. however I still need more help. For some reason, programming only makes sense to me if I can SEE an example first....:)

keep up the good work..

i want to ask you to post here or to e-mail us questions you want to have answers - except it`ll help you, it`ll help us to do exhaustive help on it.

Having been in IT for over 10 years, I understand how important it is to "exhaust search efforts" before asking questions. This is why I was hoping you'd have LOTS of code examples for MT4 so all of use end users could see the ALL the new code, functions and features in action thereby avoiding posting many many questions here. I'm sure you will get around to it when you can. I've been involved with a few Beta roll outs and they are exciting and exhastive..:)

Good luck..

Having been in IT for over 10 years, I understand how important it is to "exhaust search efforts" before asking questions.

D, its beta. Of course you`ll get a lots of examples, but a bit later.

PS: we glad that you like MetaTrader 4.